Submitted By: Shiver Metimbers
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 04:54:30 +0100 (BST)
From: <[email protected]>
Dearest one, [Rather too familiar for my liking!]
How are you and your family today? I hope that you are all okay?
I found information about you and decided to contact you for an
important assistance. I am Michael Nkomo a citizen of Zimbabwe,
but I am writing from Canada.
I am the only son of Kenneth Nkomo, a wealthy farmer and senior
politician with the opposition political party in my country, Movement
for Democratic Change [MDC]. My father was murdered by our wicked
President, Robert Mugabe and I fled my country because I have become
his next target to eliminate.
My father was a fighter for Justice and a moving force in the
MDC, a part wanting to end the several years of brutal dictatorship
government of President Robert Mugabe. You will read more stories
about President Mugabe's brutal acts by visiting this web sites;
My father was accused of Treason and also assisting the White
farmers in fighting the government. Few weeks after his arrest,
he was reported dead. The government claimed he died of heart attack
and his body was never seen for proper autopsy, they buried him
in the government cemetery. My father's associate Mr. Martin Olds
a White farmer from
Britain assisted me in fighting my father's death through the Court
and media; he government saw us as a big treat to them and decided
to eliminate us. Mr. Olds was attacked and murdered in his house,
but fortunately, before they came looking for me, I received the
news and I had to flee through the border to South Africa to save
my life. My arrival here in Canada still remains like a miracle
to me.
Here, is my reasons for contacting you, I need to bring my family
and that of Mr. Olds out of Zimbabwe as soon as possible before
any more harm is done on them. I am having a huge sum of money in
the total sum of $18.6Million presently hidden in a safe place.
My father kept this money in in two trunk boxes in disguise
as family treasures and could not bank them, because of the situation
in my country. My father's business, farms and banks account were
seized by the government before his arrest and murder.
He told me everything concerning the funds while he was still
in detention and I have made several arrangements concerning the
shipment of the boxes out of my country because we cannot invest
it there. I was on the process when I fled the country. I need your
assistance in securing the funds here in Canada or in your country,
so that I can arrange for my family and that of the Olds to join
me here in Canada. I am willing to offer you 20% of the $18.6Million
for your assistance. Please, let me know if you can assist me, so
that I can give you more details on how we shall proceed. As I wait
for your urgent response, please treat this information as top secret
and send your phone number so that I can speak with you. Thank you
and God bless. My mother is aware of my plans, as I am sending her
copy of this letter.
Michael Nkomo.
CC: [email protected]

From: Mi Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael,
I do not know how you got my private email address, but I may be
interested in your offer, providing you are able to prove you identity
to me (perhaps with a recent photograph?).
Please explain what you may require of me.
Mr. MI S. Stains.
Stains Plunder & Flee Computing

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 09:04:12 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Mr. Semen Stains,
Thanks for your prompt response to my proposal. I appreciate
your concern over my case and I promise you that you shall not regret
this decision you have taken and I am assuring you that this will
bring abondance of happiness to you and your family. I am yet to
conclude arrangement with my contact in Africa who is assisting
me concerning the details of the operation.
In the attachment, you shall find picture of the funds taken
before it was kept. This is just to proof to you that I have not
come to waste your time. Also, I wish to inform you that there is
no risk involved in this operation, it is risk free
as far as I am concerned and involved in it. You shall hear from
me soon, once I conclude on the details with my contact in Africa.
On the picture issue, I shall take a picture and then send copy
to you.
[Michael attaches a picture of the loot!]

From: Mi Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael,
Bless you for getting back to me, and I have to say
that I *may* be able to help you. Thank you for the attached image
and your offer is very tempting to me.
Please note that I will require more than just a standard
photograph from you as proof of your identity if this transaction
is to go ahead swiftly. You see, it is possible that you could send
my any persons photograph and I would not know it is you. Please,
I want to make sure you will be a honourable and reliable person
in this transaction. I will be happy to send you my passport image
and personal details, but FIRST you must satisfy me that you are
a honest man. If I send you an attachment with my full name and
town of birth, will you arrange to have it printed out and then
have your photograph taken holding it? This will prove to me 100%
I am dealing with a true man as only the person I am dealing with
will be able to send me this picture.
I ask this because I do not want to undertake any
business deal witch may bring my company's name into disrepute.
As the owner of my company, I value its reputation very highly,
and I would not do anything that may cause the company any embarrassment.
If you are able to satisfy my request then I will
be happy to facilitate the completion of this deal ASAP. Let me
know if you are agreeable and I will forward the relevant image
for you to print.
I await your reply ASAP.
Mr. MI S. Stains.

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 06:29:43 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: DETAILS..
Dear Mr. Stains,
How are you today? I hope that you are fine? Thanks for your
mail. I really understood your plight concerning the picture demostration
you requested for, but on the other hand you have to put my security
in mind. How I am sure that you won't hurt me, if I accept what
you are demanding? You know quite well my situation and that our
wicked President is after my life. If you can assure me that you
do not mean any harm, then i will accept to do what you requested
just to satisfy your curiousity. Meanwhile, I am a young man of
honour and I up hold honesty in all my day to day dealings. That
is one of the things I learnt from my late father.
I have concluded with the diplomat who is willing to assist
us in bringing the boxes out of my country without any problem.
I got his contact through my father and he has arranged for a Finance
agent who is working together with him for the smooth conclusion
of the operation. The Finance agent is highly experience in international
banking and presently they can conveniently bring the boxes to these
countries and assist us with the banking process there. The countries
are, Ghana and Amsterdam.
The diplomat has assured me that he will use his position and
influence to see that the consignment were easily and successfully
moved out of Zimbabwe without any immigration disturbances, as the
boxes will be carried as family treasures and it will be shipped
in your name as the owner.
Now, this is what is required of you in order to conclude the
transaction as soon as possible. You will be required to come to
any of the mentioned country that is more convenient to you, for
claim and onward transfer of the funds to your safe bank account.
Every arrangement for a smooth and a successful transfer of the
fund to your account is already in place but my only worry is the
safety and security of the fund when it enters your account; and
your capability of handling this business of great magnitude. I
cannot be present in any of the mentioned countries during the transaction,
because I do not have traveling document at the moment. Like I told
you earlier, I am presently in this country as a refugee.
It is important for you to know that there is need for us to
move the funds out of my country immediately and it is only you
that can make that possible now. By this, I mean how soon you can
be in any of the mentioned countries for the conclusion of the transaction.
Before we proceed further, I will like you to tell me more about
yourself, your family, contact address and telephone numbers, so
that I will know more about who I am entrusting my family funds
I am waiting for your urgent response and if you have any question
concerning the process, please due ask me so that I can clear you.
Thank you and God bless.

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Mr. Nkomo,
Thank you for your prompt reply and explanation, but I am afraid
until my terms are satisfied I am not prepared to continue. I think
I will be able to help you, however until such time are you are
able to prove yourself to me in the matter I require I will go no
If you are unwilling to fulfil my request then I advise you to
seek another person to help you and I would wish you well in your
My kindest regards,
Mr. MI S. Stains.

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 06:44:09 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Mr. Stains,
Thanks for your prompt response also. It seems that you are
on the Internet as I am now. You misunderstood my last mail, I do
not say that I don't accept your request, but I need you to assure
me that you won't do me any harm. Go ahead and send the passport
and I will do as you say.
Waiting to hear from you. Thank you and God bless.

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael,
I will have to wait until I return home and get a suitable image
ready to email to you later today. I have decided that all I would
need would be a photograph of yourself of a representative holding
my name. As I originally come from a small set of islands in Orkney
(a small set of islands to the North of Scotland, UK) I may include
an image of my Island home. Receiving such an image would of course
mean that you are who you say you are as I am certain that there
is no other image available anywhere else with my name or location
on it!
You of course have my assurance that your details will not be seen
by anyone else but myself. [Until I get them uploaded onto my
Kindest regards,
Mr. MI S. Stains.

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 05:11:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: VERY URGENT.
Dear Mr. Stains,
Thanks for your mail. I am glad to have the assurance from you
that my details and everything story I have revealed to you so far
will be kept confidential.
I will be waiting to receive the material so that we can proceed
immediately. Thank you and God bless.

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
My dear Michael,
Thank you for your email, and my apologies for not contacting you
earlier. I was trying to find a suitable map of the small islands
where I live to put on the sign but it proved harder than I thought.
Anyway, I decided to get one of my technicians to draw a small map
for me. It is very plain and simple, but this is even better as
it's now impossible that someone else could find the same image
to forge.
Please find the image attached to this email, and also I have attached
my passport.
Sincerest regards,
Mr. MI S. Stains

[My passport, which of course features Tim Allen of Buzz Lightyear/Home
Improvement fame]

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 13:28:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: VERY URGENT.
Dear Mr. Stains,
Thankyou for the passport picture I am able to print the sign
and I am making arrangement for the picture. I will get back to
you soon.
Thank you and God bless.

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael,
Many blessings for your reply, and I look forward to receiving
your photograph. I am certain that we are to have a very productive
partnership in the very near future.
Kindest regards,
Mr. MI S. Stains.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 06:36:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: THE PICTURE..
Dear Mr. Stains,
How are you today? I hope that you are fine? Please, find in
the attachment, the picture you required. The ball is now in your
court to decide on the venue you can come for the conclusion of
the transaction.
I will be waiting for your response. Thank you and God bless.

[I love it when a plan comes together]

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael,
Many thank for your email and picture which has been received safely,
thank you. Know I have seen it I will of course destroy the image
for extra security.
You have proven to me your 100% honesty [Okay, so I'm gullible!]
and now I will be happy to proceed with your proposition. Please
instruct me how to proceed from here.
One thing you need to know Michael; my hearing was damaged as a
child and I now have impaired hearing. I will be unable to use a
normal telephone. I am able to speak via a TextPhone which converts
your words, to text so that I can read it. If you have a TextPhone
then I will be happy to communicate via that. If you do not have
a TextPhone then all communications will have to be by email. I
hope this is not a problem.
My best regards,
MI S. Stains.

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 19:03:51 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Mr. Stains,
Thanks for your mail and I am happy to know that we can now
trust each other. I have also destroyed copy of your passport you
sent me, for security reasons also. I am late in responding back
to you, because I have to conclude with the diplomat and my mother
before I can have information to pass to you.
Like I informed you in one of my mails to you, the two countries
the transaction can hold is Ghana and Holland. The diplomats are
waiting to know which country you have choosen for the transaction
to hold place, so that arrangements can be concluded for immediate
take off. My mother will release the boxes to the diplomats once
she receives signal from me to do so.
More on the details, once you arrive the venue, your duty is
to claim the box from the diplomat after they have identified you
as the rightful beneficiary with your International passport. You
have to inspect the box to confirm the content is in tact, before
you proceed to the bank with the Finance agent.
It is their duty to put the funds in a bank account in your
name for onward transfer to your account in Scotland or anywhere
you seems the funds will be safe. Once the funds arrives your account,
we shall then discuss on how to arrange for my traveling documents
so that I can come over to meet with you for the disbursment and
future business investment discussion.
The diplomat and the finance agent shall commence communication
with you once they arrive the venue and you shall be speaking with
them until you arrive. Both your flight schedule, date and time
of flight arrival should be given to them so that they can meet
you at the airport.
Everything arrangement is in place, and the diplomats will prepare
for departure once I know the venue you shall come to. Also, if
there is any area you seems to be confused, let me know so that
you can be clarified?
Thank you and God bless. I wait to hear from you. Extend my
greetings to your family.

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael,
Thank you for your email. Your proposal meets with
my agreement. I have decided that Amsterdam would suit my purposes
perfectly, as I have a 'Adult' shop there and I need to check up
on the business. Please signal your agreement to this meeting location
and I will forward you my flight itinerary.
MI S. Stains.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2003 06:58:56 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Mr. Stains,
How are you today and your family? I hope that you are all okay?
I have received your last email and your proposal of Amsterdam is
ok and have also noted your traveling date. I have concluded with
the diplomats and they will be leaving for Amsterdam tonight. I
have also finalise with my mother concerning the release of the
box to them for the shipment. The name of the Diplomat is MR. AKEM
I was informed that the process will take about two days, because
of the counting of the funds. It is in $100 dollar bills and might
take long to count. [Ooo.. Lotsa cash!]
Once you arrive Amsterdam and meet with them, they shall demand
for your identification and after that, the box will be brought
to you for inspection, before you proceed to the bank for the depositing
of the funds and onward transfers to your bank account. Please,
note that they have no right to open the box in your abscence. The
box must be inspected in your presence.
Here is a secret you will use to know if the box in tampered
with. My father arranged, protected and packed the funds in a way
that, it will be obvious if tampered with. The funds is highly secured
in the box, it was done by professionals [Bodie & Doyle
strike again]. The keys to the box is in a sealed envelope
addressed to you. My mother will released the envelope to the agents
so that it will be handed over to you once you arrive Amsterdam.
The diplomat shall contact you once they arrive Amsterdam and
will inform you on how you shall meet with them for the commencement
of the process. He shall contact you through email and you can ask
him any question on areas you still need explainations concerning
the process.
Thank you and God bless.

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael,
Thank you for your email.
Identification will be provided. Please, I ask once more that you
ask the person who is meeting me to email me ASAP with their identification.
I cannot make the flight until it is received and I am still waiting.
MI S. Stains.

Subject: FROM. MRS. NKOMO.
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2003 21:56:56 +0200 (CEST)
From: [email protected]
Dear Mr. MI Semen Stains,
I am Mrs. Lisa Nkomo, the mother to Michael Nkomo, who have
been communicating with you for some days now. I wish to contact
and express my gratitude and appreciation towards your assistance
to my family. God will surely reward you abundantly.
Michael informed me that you will be traveling to Amsterdam
soon to take care of the funds. He also assured me that you can
be trusted with the funds, but I am begging you with the name of
God, to keep to your promises, because that money is all we hoped
I have released the box to the diplomat today and by now they
must have gone to the airport to check in the merchandise. The key
to the box is inside a seal envelope and the agent Mr. Akem Yakubu
shall hand over the envelope to you once you meet with him. The
box is well sealed as my husband kept them and has not been tampered
with, so you can easily find out if it is tampered with before they
bring the box to you.
Please, try your possible best to give them all your unreserved
cooperation in order to ensure a smooth transaction in Amsterdam.
Mr. Akem Yakubu is a gentleman and friendly. We introduced you to
him as my husband's business associate and that is how you will
introduce yourself to them. They have the belief that the funds
belongs to you, so please do not let them know the funds are ours.
This is for security reasons.
This is all I have to say to you now. I will be waiting to hear
that you have secured the funds properly in your account as you
have discussed with Michael. I shall later contact you on the issue
of investing the funds after taking out your share as we agreed.
Have a pleasant trip to and fro and may God be with you all
the way.
Sincerely Yours,
Mrs. Nkomo.

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Mrs. Nkomo,
Thank you for your email, it is nice to hear from you. Your email
is understood, and you can be assured of my confidentiality.
This is now my third time of asking, but please can you inform
the person that is meeting me that I MUST received by email, confirmation
of identity. Please inform him that I will NOT take the flight until
I have received his identity via email THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. I
am still waiting to receive it.
MI S. Stains.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 14:25:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: GOD BLESS.
Dear Mr. Stains,
Thanks for your mail. I have passed your information to the
agent Akem Yakubu and he will contact you as they have arrived Amsterdam
I wait to know when you will be traveling. Thank you and God

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael,
Flight details attached. As I have already stated,
I will be arriving in Amsterdam on the 15th of September.
By the way, do you know a man by the name of D'arth
Vader? [I mention this because I have another anti-scam running
under the name of 'D'arth Vader' and he is meeting me in Amsterdam
on the 15th!]
MI S. Stains.

[My non-existent flight booking receipt]

From: "Akem Yakubu" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 08:47:34 +0000
Subject: Michael Nkomo
Dear Semen Stains,
This is to inform you that I have arrived in Amsterdam yesterday
night with the consignment, but I'm having a problem with the customs
here in Amsterdam because of a special clearance documents that
they needed from me of which I could not produce as of this moment.
However, they gave me two options (1). To bring the Clearance
documents within 10 days (2). To pay the fine of 8,600.00 Euro within
the time frame or the consignment will be return back to Zimbabwe.
Meanwhile, I don't have enough money to pay this fee required
from the customs and I have called Madam Lisa Nkomo also send e-mail
to Michael as regards to this urgent matter, but they are not in
a position to send any money as I understand there situation. Well,
you have to come to Amsterdam within the above mandate given to
us for clearance of your consignment as they the customs don't know
the content of the consignment by now or else the consignment will
be return back.
I'm staying at Botel Hotel Amsterdam and you can reach me with
this number +31-630091012 Please, I don't want to be stranded here
in Amsterdam, your urgent comply to this matter is needed.
Mr. Akem Yakubu

[Only 8,600 Euros? Not a problem Akem...]
From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Akem,
Thank you for your email. The contents of which have been read
and are fully understood.
Inform your contact that I will bring the 8,600 Euros with me when
I arrive in Amsterdam. If there is a problem with this, please call
me on my forwarding telephone number of +001 206 350 4055. Please
note that I will be unavailable to answer emails for the next 24
hours. If I am not at home to answer your call, please leave a message
with your contact details and an explanation of your needs on my
answer service.
Mr. Semen Stains.

From: "Akem Yakubu" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 18:13:53 +0000
Subject: Re: Michael Nkomo
Dear Stains,
I have tried several times to reach you on the number that you
gave me but it was only on answering machine, Please, do call me
as soon as possible to enable us conclude this matter immediately.
Mr. Akem Yakubu

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Mr. Yakubu,
Thank you for your email. Sorry, but I am very busy and it is sometime
quite hard to find me at home as I am travelling around quite a
lot. If I have time I will try to contact you before my arrival
in Amsterdam on Monday. I am currently in Berlin, but will be back
in the UK on Saturday.
I am very familiar with the Botel Hotel and I have stayed there
several times (I love to be near the water!), so meeting with you
there is no problem. Please forward me your room details and I shall
arrive at central station then call to meet you. Please find attached
a copy of my flight schedule. [You all seen the flight schedule,
so no need to repeat it!]
MI Stains.

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael Nkomo,
No. I have STILL to get identification from the agent. I urge you
to contact the agent as Monday is fast looming, and I will not board
the flight until identification is received.
MI Stains.

[Nkomo ignores my request for identification. I'll
let it ride for now and use this lack of identification as a last
minute hitch]
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 12:43:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: GOD BLESS
Dear Mr. Stains,
How are you today? I hope that you are fine? I am writing to
know if your scheduled trip to Amsterdam tomorrow is still as planned?
Please, write me before you leave. Thank you and God bless. I wish
you safe journey.

From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael,
Yes, everything is ready, and I have got the money with me now.
I shall be leaving my hotel to get to Gatwick airport tomorrow morning.
As soon as I arrive in Amsterdam (around 1.30pm) I will contact
Mr. Akem Yakubu on my mobile phone (+44 7870 499XXX ).
Mr. MI S. Stains.

[The morning of my flight arrives. Time to let
me contact know I'm good to go. I CC this email to Mike Nkomo as
From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Mr. Yakubu,
Just to let you know that I am now on my way to Gatwick airport
to fly out to Amsterdam. The flight leaves just after 11am and will
arrive at approximately 1.30pm this afternoon. I will have my laptop
with me, so I will be able to keep in contact with both yourself
and others. I also have my new mobile phone with me which I will
switch on as soon as I reach the arrivals lounge in Amsterdam. The
number is +44 7752775XXX, but please do not ring it until after
I arrive as it will not be turned on until I get to Amsterdam.
I look forward to meeting with you.
Mr. MI S. Stains.

[Spanner in the works time....]
From: MI Semen Stains
To: [email protected]
Dear Mr. Nkomo,
My flight has been delayed for 50 minutes, so I am taking time
to quickly send you this message via my laptop.
Despite many repeated requests I STILL have not received any identification
from the person who is to meet me in Amsterdam. Please note that
from that airport in Amsterdam I will be going straight to my hotel
room, where I expect to receive by email some identification. If
it is not received I will not meet with Mr. Yakubu.
Please act quickly as I am booked to return to London tomorrow.
MI S. Stains.

Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 07:19:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: GOD BLESS
Dear Mr. Stains,
Thanks for your mails and I am sorry for my late
response. I have told Mr. Yakubu about the identification issue
and he will send it to you. You can as well discuss this with him
when he calls your phone. I would have called the number you gave
me, but remembered that you once told me that due to your illness,
we cannot communicate through phone. Can I speak with you now on
the phone? I wait for your email.
[Oh dear. Looks like the meeting won't be going
ahead just yet. As I type it's 00:20am on the 16th, the day after
the agreed meeting date. I suppose I won't hear from Michael until
the Internet Cafe' opens up later today!]

Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 02:44:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: [email protected]
Dear Mr. Stains,
How are you today? I hope that you are fine? I am surprise that
by now, I have not been able to reach the number you gave me , nor
the agent in Amsterdam. Where are you now? in Amsterdam or in London?
Please, get back to me as soon as possible.
Thank you and God bless.

[Time to throw some crap at the fan]
From: Shiver Metimbers
To: [email protected]
Dear Mr. Nkomo,
By now your will probably have guessed that you have been fooled
into believing that I was coming to meet your mugu friend in Amsterdam.
In fact, as I write I am many thousands of miles away in Los Angeles.
That's AMERICA, in case you are too dumb to realise. [Well, not
really, but it helps to be as far away as I can be!] I never
set foot out of my country.
Do you have any idea what Semen Stains refers to? I recommend you
get yourself an English to Nigerian dictionary and look those two
words up.
Michael (or whatever your real name is) from your very first email
I realised you were a 4-1-9 scammer, and a very bad one at that.
I know you have been using false names and details, and so have
your contacts. You sir are a THIEF, and not a very good one.
Have a good day, and beware when you send out more scam letters;
there are plenty of people out there ready to make you look like
a fool again.

Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 07:35:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: [email protected]

From: Shiver Metimbers
To: [email protected]
Dear Michael (or whatever your name is).
Why do you keep lying? I know that you are not in Canada. Just
because your email address is canada.com does not fool me! I know
for a fact that you are in Nigeria. I know this because I have traced
your email address. I will respect you a lot more if you tell the
truth! It does not matter to me if the picture is you. The fact
is, you have had to go to all the trouble to get it taken for me,
do you understand?
Michael, do not call me a fool. As you well know, I am not a fool,
because it was I that fooled you.
I'll tell you what I will do for you Michael. You send to me US
$8,000 by Western Union Money Transfer, and I will show you how
to create REAL looking documents and letters.
[To date there has been no reply!]
A note from the webmaster