Samull Falls in Love With Steffy

I received this e-mail from an old pet, Samull Bayo of Benin, that I had baited before as Steve Trafalgar. He sent this e-mail to a new baiter e-mail account that I had set up. So, I set out to bait him once again. I created the new personna of Steffy Cox, a sexy single lady from Nevada, U.S.A. who is a prostitute working in a brothel in Nevada. Let's see if we can get poor Mr Bayo worked up with the lovely charms of my new personna. There will be all sorts of references to her work, it might sound as if she works at a normal cattle ranch or as an entertainer but those of us who know will realise that these also refer to Steffy's activities as a prostitute. Samull does fall for the charms of Steffy and starts talking about a life together and a family. It is revealed that steffy is a very wealthy woman. Steffy finds out that he is an e-mail scammer, and she tries to get him to acknowledge this. However Samull absolutely refuses to acknowledge his misdeeds. But I do get him to travel from Benin to Nigeria to meet Steffy, although she fails to turn up at the airport. Then there is an attempt to get a special visa to allow Samull to go to the USA to marry Steffy, Samull makes several visits to MoneyGram and Western Union agencies to collect non-existant money transfers, Steffy admits a romantic indiscretion with her lawyer to Samull's sister, and then finally tells Samull the truth about herself. So this story has just about everything, fraud, deceit, love and lust, travel to another country and death threats.

Cast of characters:
Samull Bayo                 Bank Director from Contonou, Benin
Samull Ubani                Samull Bayo's real name?
Steffy Cox                    The sexy lady from Nevada
Diamond Bank             Diamond Bank, Cotonou, Benin
Alfal Chambers            Solicitors, Cotonou, Benin
John Birch                    Steffy's friend who works at the CIA
Robyn Blynde              Steffy's sister
Robert Zimmerman     Friend of Steffy's who works at the US Embassy in Ghana.
Joy Ubani                     Samull Ubani's eldest sister
John Wesley Hardin    Steffy's lawyer in Carson City, Nevada
Steve Trafalgar            A previous "victim" of Samull's

Samull's first e-mail.

To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004
Subject: GOOD DAY,



I am Mr samull bayo Foreign Remmitance Director of DIAMOND BANK of Africa. in the capital city of cotonou de Benin republic. This is a very confidential proposition for you. On November 21st 2002, a Brazilian Oil consultant/contractor with the Benenoise Solid Minerals Corporation, Mr.Mauricio Jose De Matos made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at US$8,000,000.00 (Eight Million Dollars only) in my branch.

Upon maturity on November 20th 2003 as his Credit Officer, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally i discovered from his contract employers, the Benenoise Solid Minerals Corporation that Mr.Mauricio Jose De Matos died on an Air Crash.

Further investigations,and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless. Again,I made further investigation and discovered that Mr.Matos did not declare any kin or relations in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank.

This sum of US$8,000,000.00 is still sitting in my Bank No one will ever come forward to claim it. According to the International Banking ethics,codes and Laws, at the expiration of 2(Two) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the Benin Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.

Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in as the next of kin to Mr.Mauricio Jose De Matos. This is simple, I will like you to respond immediately with your full names and address so that we will prepare the necessary documents and affidavits that will put you in place as the next of kin. A bank account in any part of the world that you will provide will then facilitate the transfer of this money to you as the beneficiary/next of kin. The money will be paid into your account for us to share in the ratio of 70% for me and some of my colleagues who are aware of this transaction and 25% for you and 5% for Expenses Incurred in the course of the transaction .

There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be done by my colleagues and with my position as the Foreign Remmitance Director guarantees the successful execution of this transaction.

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand the transaction. Please send me your confidential telephone and fax numbers for easy communication. You should observe utmost confidentiality, and be rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us because I shall require your assistance to invest my share in your country.

Awaiting your urgent reply.
Thanks and regards.
Mr samull bayo

I create the character of Steffy Cox, and respond to Samull.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004
Subject: Re: GOOD DAY,

Dearest Mr Bayo,

Your proposal sounds interesting.

I hope it breaks none of the laws of the United States of America.
I would be very interested in helping you. You can be assured of my utmost confidentiality.

Fondest regards,
Steffy (Stephanie) Cox

Yes, Samull is hooked and just waiting to be reeled in.

To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004

Dear Stephanie,

How are you today,hope you are fine and yours family.
I just read through your response.
However,i am going to make you the general overssease in this transcation before the transfer of this fund into your accounts,for your qestion in this transcation have no contact with the laws of the United States of America.i hope you will understand me.rather it would just involve you sending the application directely and officially to the Bank which would respond normally to your application,then you would get back to me for further advices and guildance. All modalities as regards to the smooth transfer of this funds into your accounts have been put in place to ensure a hitch free transfer as i and my two colleagues are still in active service at the Bank. As soon as you send the Application to the Bank urgently ,please let me know.

Regards and expecting your urgent response.,

I start to build my baiting character, but later "Mother" is forgotten and Steffy becomes a successful business woman as well as a prostitute and exotic actress.

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004

Dear Mr Bayo,

Or may I call you Samull?

Thank you for your assurances.

While I am a successful exotic model here in the States, I do have an elderly mother who I care for. I have to pay to keep her in the special care section of a retirement home, so a sum of money such as you describe would certainly be welcome. I am also aware that time is passing and that I will not be able to follow my modelling career forever. Please advise how I can get Mr Matos's funds transferred to my bank account. I will be travelling over the next few days, so may not be able to answer any e-mails as quickly as I would like.

Lots of love,

Samull sends Steffy a copy of the bank's letter of application. Now where have I seen this before? Oh, in the other bait I had going with this Lad!

To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004
Subject: Dear steffy rewrite and send driect ly to the bank then you get back to me

Dear Steffy Stephanie cox,

How are you today? I and my colleagues have finally been able to get our bank's standard text of application(find below)so please just copy as underwritten fill in those accounts details and send directely to the F.R. Department's Manager through the department's email; [email protected] to urgently go through and approve.

The Bank shall immediately send an Acknowledgement Letter to you as soon as your application is recieved,Then inform us so we would get the next line of action to take,please dear,just follow our instructions and this fund would be in the account within the next 14 working days.

Remember the Bank must not know we are aware of this as one of us would definitely be in the FUND RELEASE PANEL that would approve your payments.

Samull Bayo.

NB;Please send the application immediately.


E-MAIL ADDRESS ; [email protected]
FAX- 00229-32-35-39
TEL -00229-40-50-17



I , _____________________, humbly apply to this Bank today the
_______________________, as next of kin to your Deceased customer Mr.Mauricio
Jose De Matos who Died in the year 2002 in a plane crash. I apply putting claim
over his balance with this Bank v
alue at Eight Million, US Dollars
($8 million) left in account number DBA/004/952/23/0/00/2002

I also wish my application will be given urgent attention as I wish this balance
be released and re-transferred into my account as stated below:-

Bank Name: ______________________________.
Bank Address:_____________________________.
Account Number:___________________________.

Telephone and Fax of Bank: _________________________.

Accept my apology for the late application; it was due to some
family logistics, which have just been sorted. Thank you in
anticipation of your co-operation.

Yours Sincerely,

Your Names;_________________



Steffy of course quickly sends this application back, but she will warn against them using the phone number she quotes - the Moonlight Bunny Ranch brothel in Nevada wouldn't want private calls for their working girls would they?

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004

E-MAIL ADDRESS ; [email protected]
FAX- 00229-32-35-39
TEL -00229-40-50-17



I , Stephanie Michelle Cox humbly apply to this Bank today the 1st September, 
2004, as next of kin to your Deceased customer Mr.Mauricio Jose De Matos who 
Died in the year 2002 in a plane crash. I apply putting claim over his balance 
with this Bank value at Eight Million, US Dollars ($8 million) left in account 
number DBA/004/952/23/0/00/2002

I also wish my application will be given urgent attention as I wish this balance 
be released and re-transferred into my account as stated below:-

Bank Name: Bank of America
Bank Address: 600 E William St, Carson City, Nevada, 89701

Account Name: Stephanie Cox Investments
Account Number: 469-0410-00914-00

Telephone and Fax of Bank: (775) 687-7003

Accept my apology for the late application; it was due to some family logistics, 
which have just been sorted. Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.

Yours Sincerely,

Stephanie Cox

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel/Fax: (775)-246-3825  (Please do not contact me on this phone number, this is 
my work number and management do not allow personal calls to be accepted)

And the bank comes back immediately with an attachment advising a panel 
meeting on Friday 3rd September.  Steffy might just have to lose her temper with 
the bank.  However she also drops a couple of hints about her real job, she's "a 
working girl here at the Moonlight Ranch", she works as a prostitute so she is 
likely to be "sort of tied up and won't be able to get away".  She sends a copy 
of the banks e-mail to Samull.

From: Foreign Remmittance Department Diamond Bank 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004
Subject: Attention;Stephanie Michelle Cox

Attention;Stephanie Michelle Cox,
Attached is for your urgent attention.
Sincerly Yours,

Steffy lets Samull know what she thinks of the bank.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004
Subject: RE: E-mail from bank

Dearest Samull,

I just cannot believe that the bank expects me to be there in Cotonou, Benin by 
Friday 3rd September!  I received the attached e-mail and letter from the bank 
today.  Like many Americans I do not have a passport, and I have work commitments 
here at the ranch for the next 7 days.  I work 10 days on, 10 days off, and 
sometimes those work commitments are an inconvenience.

I'm going to give the bank a piece of my mind about their inconsiderate scheduling.

Lots of love

Steffy starts to use some made up phrases which I thought would give her 
e-mails a little touch of "country girl".  I also tell the bank that Steffy is a 
"working girl" and will "tied up" at work, maybe she speciallises in bondage?

From: [email protected]
To: Foreign Remmittance Department Diamond Bank 
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004
Subject: RE: Attention;Stephanie Michelle Cox

Attention:  Ms Cinia Renou

You people must be out of your cotton picking minds!!!!!  Its late Wednesday 
night here in Carson City, Nevada, and you expect me to be at a meeting in 

If you had any common sense you'd know that ordinary people just can't get to 
meetings on the other side of the world in a day or so.  And those documents you 
need, I'll have to find some way of locating those too.

I'm a working girl, and I work 10 days on and 10 days off here at the Moonlight 
Ranch.  I'm just starting a work period and I'll be committed to working for the 
next 10 days, I'll be sort of tied up and won't be able to get away.  As well, 
like most Americans, I do not even have a passport, so I can't just fly around 
the world at the sound of an armadillo farting.

First, I need for you to reschedule the Funds Release Panel meeting way back in 
late September to allow me to make arrangements.

Then I need you to locate a reputable attorney - now ain't that a contradiction 
folks - to handle my affairs in Benin.  If you appoint a lawyer, then would I 
have to in fact travel to Benin and appear at the Funds release Panel meeting 

Finally, would the lawyer you appoint be able to locate and supply the documents 
you require?

Now, there is just one small matter which I'd better bring up now.  Following 
September 11, the US Government has introduced a number of measures to fight 
terrorism.  You're probably aware of the Patriot Act.  Well there is a 
requirement, under the Control of Terrorist Funds Ammendment Bill for all banks 
to advise the US Treasury of the transfer of sums larger than $10,000 into any 
American bank account from an overseas bank.  I had some money sent to me from a 
client in Arabia, and I had all sorts of trouble clearing the money because the 
Government thought I was funding terrorists.

If I'm able to declare all the details of the money transfer before it happens, 
then my bank has told me that they can quite easily meet the requirements of the 
Control of Terrorist Funds Ammendment Bill and there'd be no delay in clearing 
any money transferred into my account from overseas.  So I'd better ask you now 
to please e-mail me with all details before you go ahead with the transfer of 
any money into my bank account.

Steffy Cox

Samull responds to Steffy's outburst.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004
Subject: Thanks

Dear Steffy,

Good day, and how about yours family hope all is fine.
I received the mail you sent to me however i will adivce you to contact to the
bank so that they will tell you on what to do.since you said you cannot come to
cotonou Benin Republic because of you do not have time.
Thanks till i hear from again.
Mr samull bayo

Steffy acknowledges Samull's e-mail, and sends him a couple of photo's 
of a real prostitute from Nevada.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004
Subject: RE: E-mail from bank

Dearest Samull,

I have managed to get onto the internet and it was a pleasant surprise to get 
your e-mail.

I have contacted the bank asking them to appoint a lawyer for me, and to delay 
the funds release panel meeting.  I am working a ten day shift here at the 
ranch, and probably won't be able to be in contact often until the 11th.

By the way, what is a panel?

I've just had some modelling photos taken, and I'm sending you two which I 
particularly like so you will know who you are dealing with.  I'm a vain woman, 
aren't I?  Do you have a photo of yourself you can send me?

Fondest regards

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004
Subject: Thanks

Dear steffy,

Thanks agian for your mail.
How are you today hope all is fine to you and yours family.
Thanks for sweat photo you send to me.about the panel you ask me please try to
ask the bank they will tell you.Dear steffy i will like you to sent me your
direct phone line so that we will be haveing communcation.
Thanks and best Regards
mr samull

Samull e-mails and advises that he is "going to devlope a deep realtionship with you". Of course he is, that's what I intend him to do!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2004

Dearest Stephanie,

Good Day, and how is your health which is very important to me and your family,
job hope all is well? I want to know how far you have been gone with bank.
Dearest Stephanie i sure you that iam going to devlope a deep realtionship with
you after this transcation. iam promising you that we will live forever,when i
saw your picture i was very happy and so because of the picture i devloped in my
love to you.i would like you to cell me with this phone line 00229-079759.
promising long life.
Best Regards.
Mrsamull bayo  

Steffy gets in touch with Samull to massage his ego and make an excuse for not being able to make phone calls.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2004
Subject: Thanks for your messages

Dearest Samull,

I'm glad that you liked my pictures.  As an exotic model, I am having photos 
taken quite often and I have a large gallery of pictures just of me.

Do you have a photo of yourself you could send me, dear Samull.  I do so love 
your name, strong and biblical.  I imagine you slaying the Philistines with 
mighty sweeps of your sword.

As I said in an earlier e-mail, I am working at the ranch for a 10 day period.  
I didn't think I would be able to e-mail you before the 11th, but I have had the 
chance to send this e-mail while things are quiet.

Unfortunately I won't be able to phone you, nor will I be able to receive a call 
from you.  The ranch is quite strict about us not making or receiving personal 
phone calls while we are here at work.  They say it's distracting.  They worry 
about our safety, and don't want us not concentrating on our jobs.

I have sent an e-mail to the bank asking them to appoint a lawyer for me, and to 
delay the funds release panel meeting.  I haven't heard back from them however.

Love for now,

Unfortunate news from Samull, his father is ill and in hospital. However he sends a photo, he's young, but is he unmarried, if so he might be a good catch!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004

Dear Steffy,

How are you today? Ihope you are fine i am sorry for my late reply to your mail
my father got an accident that is why you never hear from me. However i wan't
know if you have get any information from the bank. if so try to late me know so
that we will finalise this transcation in time because of the gorverment
recovers.Dearest Steffy
my father is in the hospital for now and i was discusing about you and me at the
hospital with my father.and i pray we shall be forver in our try as
mouch as possible to see that this fund will be release and transfer in to your
account.i am happy to send one of my photo copy to you. have a good day with
you.i will be on my live by next week. very Godlovely to all your families.

Thanks and best Regard.

Mr samull bayo.

And a follow up from Samull, and "Dearest Stephani" too, this guy is hooked.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004

Dearest Stephani,

How are you today? i hope you are fine do you receive the mail i sent to
you.plesae i wan't to hear from you.
Mr samull

Well, we'd better reply hadn't we.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004
Subject: Thanks for the photo

My dearest Samull,

WOW, what a lovely photo!  You're a real cool guy.  Tell me, are you married, 
do you have a girlfriend?

Sorry this is just a short e-mail, but I'm working here at the ranch until 
Friday so I can't sit down and write great long e-mails as I'd like to until 

Gee, thanks again for the photo.  I feel like I really know you.  What a pity 
you're down there in west Africa and I'm up here working at the ranch in Nevada.

Love for now

Mmmm, Samull replies. He's not married nor does he have a girlfriend. Well, we can play on that can't we?

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004
Subject: Thank you my Dearest Steffy

Dearest Steffy,

Good day? and how are you i hope all is well to you over is your work
and your family i hope they are very fine.
Dearest steffy many thanks for the mail you sent to me for the qestion you ask
me if i am married or do i have girlfriend i do not have any around me as of
now.and as our god say in my dreem i belive i will live with you forever in my daling remember what i tould you try late this transcation will not be
delay.i hope you will understand me very well.and too let me ask you one qestion
are you married or not. remember i gave you my phone number to cell me please i
want to hear your voice.then cell me with this number 00229-07-97-59.i am stell
in the hospital with my father.i will hope to hear from you soonest.
Thanks and best Regard.
Mr samull

Well, let's wind Samull up a little.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004
Subject: Fondest regards

My dearest Samull,

I hope your father is well.  We often take our parents for granted, and don't 
tell them just how we feel about them.  Promise me, Samull, that you will tell 
your father that you love him.  I was lucky that I had the chance to tell my 
father this before he died, and I am relieved that I was able to do this.  I 
know that I felt that nothing would ever happen to my parents, until my father 
took ill and passed away.  It is a shock to realize that our parents are not 
immortal, and that one day we will lose them.

Thanks for your lovely e-mail, and I think I should tell you something about 
myself.  I am 30 years old, and I don't have a boyfriend.  There are no men 
romantically in my life at the moment.  I would love to find the man of my 
dreams, marry and have a family.  In fact, I find myself thinking more about 
finding my future husband and having babies these days than I do spend 
concentrating on my career.

It is Thursday evening here in Nevada and though I would normally end my ten day 
work period tomorrow, one of the ranch hands who would have replaced me has 
taken ill.  The ranch management has asked me if I can work another ten day 
shift and offered me a very good bonus for working the extra time.  So I will be 
working through until Monday 20th September.  The living conditions here at the 
ranch are fantastic, we all have our own quarters in a separate accommodation 
wing, so I'll be comfortable and safe.

However the ranch management does not let us receive or make personal phone 
calls from the ranch while we're working, they say these distract us and could 
lead to unsafe working practices.  So I won't be able to phone you and hear your 
voice.  They have agreed to let me use the internet, so I should be able to 
e-mail you a couple of times over the next week or so.

As a treat for you, I am attaching another couple of photos from my album.  
I hope you like them.  The one with the pirate was taken at Disneyland by a 
friend of mine when we went to California on holiday.  The other photo is of the 
manager of an apartment block I have a share in, his wife Crystal and I at a 
restaurant.  One of my girlfriends is bringing her digital camera around next 
week, and I might get her to take a special photo just for you.

Lots of love

GOT HIM!!!!!! Notice how his English has slipped once he's off his script, I wonder if his oga knows he's sidelining.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004

Dearest Steffy,

Good day, i hope you are very fine and all your friends thanks for the sweet
photo copys you for me.i have hear all you said to me about your age that is
noting to me all i know is that i i love you from all hart .and also i am sorry
about what happen to you in your family your father who died darling i am so
sorry.dearest in me try all your best to make sure that this fun  are transferd 
to your account. why because i am so worred because of the the gorvment

About my father as of now darling i am not happy is like i will lose him.he is
not eating any just put me in prayer. why i am writting to like this is because
you are all i have as of now in my life.i know that god gives every one his
blood to hold you are my own blood in jesus name.i promise you that we will live
forever in our life time. try to call me on phone.

Thanks and best regards to your family.


Alas, sad news from Samull.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2004
Subject: from samull

Dearest steffy,
How are you today i hope you are fine.
daling my father have died.

I must get back to Samull and express my sympathy. I want to bind Samull with love and lust for Steffy, so I will be very sympathetic and consoling over his loss. But first some important business to keep the bank busy.

From: [email protected]
To: Foreign Remmittance Department Diamond Bank 
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004
Subject:  Attention: Ms Cinia Renou

Dear Ms Renou,

I haven't received any response to my e-mail of 2nd September.

Can you answer the queries I raised in that e-mail?

1.  Have you been able to reschedule the Funds Release Panel meeting to allow me 
to make arrangements for a representative to attend.

2.  Have you located a reputable attorney to represent me?

3.  Could this lawyer represent me at the Funds release Panel meeting?

4.  Can that lawyer locate and supply the documents that you require?


Steffy Cox
(Stephanie Michelle Cox)

I have trouble with mail to Samull being returned undelivered, so I send this to his other account at zwallet.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004
Subject: My darling Samull

My darling Samull,

I have had e-mails returned as undeliverable to your [email protected] e-mail 
address, so I am sending this one to you at [email protected].  Thankfully 
you used more than one address.

I am so sorry to hear the news about your father.  I do so hope that you took my 
advice and were able to tell him how much you loved him.  I'm sure he was very 
proud of you, to know he has a son who is a Director of a major bank.  Just 
remember that I am thinking about you all the time.

I wish I was there to be with you and to hold your hand through the next few 
days.  However, I am stuck here working for another eight days with only your 
photo to remind me of you.

It is late afternoon on Sunday here in Nevada, and my shift at work starts at 8 
o'clock.  I'll be working right through the night until 8 o'clock tomorrow 
morning.  I have to tidy up my room, get dressed in my working clothes, and have 
dinner before I start work.  One of the girls who also works here is coming 
around to my room soon to take some photos, I will send you one.

Please remember that my thoughts are with you over the next few days.  Please 
spend all the time with your family that you have to.  I will wait and look 
forward to your next e-mail, however long it takes to come.

With you in spirit, I wish I could be there in person,
All my love

I send Samull an excuse why Steffy won't be able to talk on the phone for another 10 days. I suggest that he might be able to chat with Steffy on Windows Messenger, that should get him hooked.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004
Subject: Thinking of you

My dearest Samull,

I have checked my e-mail a couple of times each day hoping for a message from 
you.  However, I suppose that you have much more important things to do.

This is just a short note to let you know that I am thinking of you and your 
family at this time.

I do have some bad news.  The manager here at the ranch has just told me that he 
expects me to work my usual 10 day shift immediately after I finish working the 
shift that I'm working now.  He said that is why he paid me the bonus for 
working this shift, because I would be working three shifts in a row.  I didn't 
realise that he would expect me to work my next shift as well.

However I do have some good news too.  He has told me that he can arrange for me 
to have internet access in my apartment, so I should be able to keep in touch 
with you Samull.  I wonder, do you use Windows on your PC?  Do you have access 
to Windows Messenger?  Because if you do, then we might be able to chat - 
depending on when I am working and the different times between the U.S.A. and 

Well, I must go now.  I am working the night shift and I'm already late.

All my love, thinking of you always,

And Samull gets back to Steffy with two e-mails.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004
Subject: Fondest regards

Dearest Steffy,

How are you today? I hope all is well to you and your job over there.i wan't to
know why i never hear from you for some days.Dearest steffy why i am writting to
you now is late know why you never hear from me i am runing how to buried my
father that is why. please i wan't to hear from as soon as you receive my mail.

Thanks and best Regard.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004
Subject: Thinking of you too

Dearest Steffy,

Many thanks for the mail you sent to me. i hope your wish is my command may good 
love be with me and you forever. i will do as you said. darliny the problem i
have now is my mother is crying everyday. i was trying to hold her peace. thank
you for the prayers you are giveing to my family. God will bless you and your
family. darling i am in a big problem as of now please please i will need your
help because the burial of my father is at hand.try to call me on my phone line
00229 07-97-59 please i want to hear from you.after all i hope to make my chance
to chat with you as of now i have no know all my problems. 
Thanks and God bless you.
love you forever

Of course Steffy gets back to Samull immediately, and suggest that they chat on Messenger. How am I going to arrange a time which makes him believe that I am in the U.S.A.? Nevada is about 18 hours behind New Zealand. So 1 pm here in New Zealand is 7 pm in Nevada, but is 2 am in Lagos. Fantastic, maximum discomfort for him.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004
Subject: All my love

My darling Samull,

I was so worried that I hadn't heard from you for so long.  But I should have 
known that you have been busy as a dutiful son arranging everything.  Yes, I 
have just got your e-mails - both of them.  You must think I am a silly, 
frightened girl the way I sent you e-mail after e-mail.

You know Samull, everything I told you to say to your father, you should also 
tell to your mother too.  In today's world men often concentrate on their 
relationship with their fathers, all that male bonding stuff.  They tend to 
forget the important women in their lives, their mothers and wives especially.  
I know you aren't married.  But one day you will be, so you should remember what 
I am saying now.  Tell your mother, and your brothers and sisters if you have 
any, that you love them too.  Now is a time when your family should remember 
each other as well as remembering your father.

My darling Samull, I won't be able to ring you, as much as I desperately would 
love to hear your voice.  At the moment I am working and living here at the 
ranch.  The ranch's owners will not let us use a phone for personal calls while 
we are working.  They say that this is for our safety, that personal calls 
distract us from our work, and if we are distracted then we it might not be 
safe.  As well, I do not have a phone at my apartment nor do I have a cell 
phone.  As I have told you, I am also an exotic model and my pictures and my 
name does get distributed far and wide.  My business agents have warned me 
against having a phone on which crank callers could contact me.  All of my 
business contacts and contact with all of my friends are by e-mail.

But I would love to chat to you, my sweet sexy man.  Do you have Yahoo Messenger 
on your PC, or Windows Messenger?  If so, we could chat on line some time.  
Have you ever used on line chat?  Once you have completed all your family 
duties, please let me arrange a time and maybe we could chat by Messenger.

Thinking of you and missing you too,
All my love

The bank sends the name of a reputable lawyer, and suprise, surprise, it's the same firm of solicitors that I had been dealing with in my other bait with Samull. Well hello again Sanni Adebayo and Alfal Chambers.

From: Foreign Remmittance Department Diamond Bank 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004

TEL:+229 405017 (MANAGER)
FAX:+229 323474
TO:Ms Stephanie Michelle Cox,
This is to confirm the receipt of your message to this bank with all the content 
duly noted, as per your request please be informed  that the panel meeting is 
still on and we are still waiting for your attorney to represent you in the 
panel meeting to enable this bank release your fund to your nominated account.
We have given you the contact of our accredited attorney for your to contact him 
for his services we don't know if your have done that?
Your are hereby advise to make contact with the lawyer and finalise arragement 
with him to represent you in the meeting and also procure the required documents 
on your behalf for the release of your fund.
Once again we wish to remind you of the lawyer contact for immidiate action.
TEL +229 088982
EMAIL:[email protected]

And Samull sends back an expression of honest love. But, and ain't it a big but, he also tells Steffy not to make the same mistake again. He is unaware of Steffy's temper, well he won't be for long. I'll also throw in some more homely, made up, Nevada expressions just to give a cowgirl touch to the e-mail. After all, Samull still doesn't know that Steffy works in a brothel called the Moonlight Ranch. He probably still thinks she works on a cattle ranch.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004
Subject: honest love

Dearest Steffy,

Good day? I hope all is fine. i am with you the email you ask for it
[email protected] and [email protected] so daling too emails is ok for you
to use them do not make mistake again. remember what i tould you my 
last mail i hope you are with in my life i am also with you.please daling i need 
your help for now.
Thanks and God bless you.
honest love.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004
Subject: Re:  honest love

Samull Bayo,

What do you mean by, "do not make mistake again"??????

I am perfectly aware what your e-mail addresses are, they are entered in the 
contacts section of my hotmail account!!!!!!  I never made any mistake.

If anything got as twisted as a rattlesnake with the stomach ache, it was those 
damnation Zed Wallet accounts of yours!!!!!

Get a proper e-mail account!!!!!!  I'm looking at changing to an e-mail account 
a friend of mine has recommended.  Apparently it is really secure, so secure 
that you can only join it with the recommendation of a current user.  I'll let 
you know about it once I've looked into it.

But, and hear this as clear as a dinner bell ringing across the desert Samull 
Bayo, never speak to me like that again!!!!!


And Samull comes back with an apology. Now, should I tempt him while he has his mind on his father's funeral? Oh yeah, why not. I know just the photo that I'll send him, a lovely shot of Steffy in nothing but bra and panties. I'll give him just a hint of what I'm going to send him though.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004
Subject: honest love

Dearest Steffy,

Thanks for your mail. what i mean is not a bad word to the mail i sent to you 
today.i hope you will understand me very well.i hope you are fine.
my father berial will be on next week friday.
Good love

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004
Subject: Pleased to hear from you

My dearest Samull,

I am pleased to hear from you.  It is late afternoon here now and I have put my 
work clothes on and am ready to go to work for the night.

Mandy, a girl friend of mine who also works here at the ranch, came around to my 
apartment the other night with her digital camera.  She had a laugh taking 
photos of me in all sorts of different poses, and I thought that I would send 
one to you.  However, it is just a little bit revealing and it might not be the 
most appropriate photo to send to you at this time.  I'll wait until after next 
week, and send it to you when you get back to Cotonou.

I have looked the Republic of Benin up on the internet.  Do you speak French at 
work and at home, or is there a local language that you speak.  I am terribly 
impressed by anyone who can speak another language.  We English speakers have it 
so lucky, nearly everybody speaks English as a second language, so we tend to be 
lazy about learning other languages.

Do look after yourself, and your family too.  I am thinking of you.

Love and kisses

Samull comes back, and in the midst of arranging his Father's burial he still remembers to ask how the transaction is going with the bank. And for the first time he asks for money, "i need a gift from your hand for the berial of my great father.whom i lost".

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004
Subject: may god will be with you

Dearest steffy,
How are you ? I hope you are fine.
I am happy to hear from you again to today how is your work over there i hope 
there is no problem with you i pray for you allways in my life. .on what you ask 
me about french speaking.
 i do not speak french very well .why because i do not grow up in my country i 
 grow up in ghana in west africa as for me now i like to speak English i hope 
 you will love tha in me.however i like ask you how far you have been incontact 
 with the bank about the transcation
we have at hand.
so darling try all your best to see tha this fund is inside your account. and 
the email you mention i do it for you. so please try and see how you will do me
i need a gift from your hand for the berial of my great father.whom i lost.
thanks angod bless you i hope to live with after all.
Best love kisssssssssss.

Oh no Samull, sending you money would be against Steffy's religious beliefs. And I must contact the lawyers too, oh hell they can wait until Monday. I make up some mumbo jumbo about the beliefs of the Lutherism-Episcopalian Christian Church which Steffy belongs to

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004
Subject: Sunday night and thinking of you

Dear Samull,

I have been so remiss, I haven't contacted the lawyers yet.  I have been so busy 
lately, and of course Saturdays and Sundays are always busy here at the ranch.  
We have lots of visitors over the weekend and some of them stay all night so we 
are very busy looking after their every need.  I will contact the lawyers on 

Now, isn't it strange how our cultures differ, my darling Samull.

My family came to America from County Cork in Ireland many years ago.  My great, 
great, grandfather was a cabin boy on one of the immigrant ships coming here to 
the U.S.A. in the mid 1880s.  I was brought up in the family faith, a branch of 
Lutherism-Episcopalian Christianity.  One of our beliefs is that we take from 
this world only what we are born into it with.  In our church, burials have the 
body anointed with oils and clothed only in a simple white cloth.  We believe 
that as we are bound in a swaddling cloth at birth so are we bound in just a 
simple cloth when we die and are buried.  And as the body has no adornments, so 
too the family receive no gifts or flowers at this time of mourning, the family 
receives only the support and prayers of their family, friends and neighbours.  
Ours is a simple faith, but we hold our beliefs very deeply.

Therefore my sweet Samull, I just cannot bring myself to send you "a gift from 
my hand".  I would love to shower you with gifts at this time when you feel so 
bereft.  It greaves me, but I believe that I cannot send you any material thing 
for one quarter of a year until the time of grieving is over.  However, please 
know that my prayers and thoughts are with you always.

Love and kisses
Thinking of you,

And Samull pours his heart out to his darling Steffy. Gee, he's told his Mum about her, and shown his Mum a photo of Steffy too. Bet he doesn't show her some of the other photos that Steffy has in her photo album.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004
Subject: nothing will change my love for you

Dearest steffy,

many Thanks for mail.i hope all is well with you. my good darling may God be
with you in jesus name amem.

I hear all you said and i hope your wish is my command.darling thank you for the
prayer you made to all my family.and our good God we be with you.

darling my lovely good mother Ms helin bayo say hi to you. i was telling her
about you and too i give her your photo copy you send for me she was very very
happy.and tell her all you say to me.i hope my our god we take control on her
because of my father dead.thanks for all you are doing to me i hope we shallbe
forver and ever with a good happy family me and you my sweet darling steffy. you
are my gold and my blood i am promising i will be forever with tell i
die.darling take care for all you are doing i pray for where ever you move in
U.S may God be with you.i will stop so far.

Thanks and best Regard.
golden love is like world of God.
Good kisssss

And Steffy gets in touch with the lawyers. Her relationship with them won't last long though, I plan on exposing this scam as soon as they ask for the payment of advance fees.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004
Subject: Representation with the Diamond Bank

Attention:  Barrister Sanni Adebayo

Ms Cintia Renou

Dear Sirs,

Ms Cintia Renou of the Foreign Remmittance Department of the Diamond Bank, 
Cotonou, has asked me to request that you represent me at a funds release panel 
meeting concerning a late relative's funds lodged with the bank.

Could you please contact Ms Renou and advise me what steps are necessary for the 
release of these funds.

Steffy Cox

(Stephanie Michelle Cox)

Steffy hears back from Alfal Chambers, Solicitors of Cotonou, Benin. It's from the same solicitor that Samull used in my other bait. Mind, the price has gone up.

From: alfalchamer alfa 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004


TEL:+229 088982

TO:Ms Stephanie Michelle Cox,










And the bank comes back as well. The meeting is today?????

From: Foreign Remmittance Department Diamond Bank 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004

TEL:+229 405017 (MANAGER)
FAX:+229 323474
TO:Ms Stephanie Michelle Cox
we wish to conform the receipt of your message to this bank concerning the 
attorney that will represent you in the panel meeting for the release of your 
fund as the bonafide next of kin to our late costumer.
The panel meeting will be holding today therefore we advice you to finalise with 
the attorney to apear on your behalf to enable us release your fund.
treat as urgent to enable us serve you better.
Best regards
Ms Cintia Renou
For the manager Diamond bank du benin.

And Samull e-mails as well. At least the burial of his father is going ahead. In fact there is a snowstorm of e-mails from Samull. In the last one, I'm not sure if he has had a nice dream of Steffy or wishes that Steffy dream of him.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004

Dearest steffy,

Compliment of the day?
I am just coming back from the hospital to dress my father.
darling how are you today. i hope all is well with please i will like to hear
from you so that i will know the step youare up to. i think you are in work.try
all your best i am with you remeber that the berial of my father will hold on
friday.i wish you good luck for whatever you are doing.
Thanks and god bless you.
yours darling in love
Good kisssss.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004
Subject: call me on phone 00229+079759

Dearest Steffy,

How are you and your family? i hope all is fine.
please why i never here from you. i have been sending mails to now reply why.
darling to keep every thing in other because after the berial of my father. you
know that i will like to come done and live with you. try all your best to see
that this money will be transfered in to your account.please try to call me on
phone i will like to hear from you.00229+079759.
Then take care of your self very tell i come down to live with you in U.S
Darling do you love me.i can stay without seying photo picture a day.
I will like to hear from you soonest.
Best your love.
Darling forever.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004
Subject: have a nice dreem my darling Steffy,

Dearest Steffy. 

I have been sending you mail to my order box. please my good darling i will like 
to hear from you. 

Just go ture my mails and relpy back to me. i will like to hear from you soonest. 
Thanks and god bless you my only love. have a nice dreem with you. 


I reply, it's nice to know he's desparate to get Steffy's e-mails.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004
Subject: Thinking of you

My dearest Samull,

I haven't heard from you for a couple of days, but I know this is a busy and 
emotional time for you.

Just a quick note to let you know that I am thinking of you tomorrow.

Love and kisses

And Samull replies, again asking for "something from my hand". Steffy has already told him her beliefs prevent her giving him something.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004
Subject: Thinking of you too my sweet hart

my good darling steffy,

Thanks for your mail.i hope you are fine and your family.

How about your work and your health which is very inportant for me. i hope every
thing is ok with you in U.S. darling i am very very happy to hear from
you.please go ture all the mails i send to you then you will know the messages i
send to you.

Take care of your self very fine for all you are doing. any condition try to
rich me on mail. you this time i am busy because of the berial of my father. but
any how i may try my best to rich all time. you know i love you very much ni my
life. i belive you are my blood forever and ever.

darling remenber that the berial will hold on friday this week.
I will be expecting a good thing from your hand in sport of my self.
I hope you will help me for that.please my good darling steffy please please
try and be sure that the money be transfered to your account. i think you hear
me very will you know i trust you in my life.

Please mummy try to rich me in time by sending me mail.
Thanks and our good god bless you.
love you forever........

So Steffy tells Samull again that she cannot send him money. She has told him in an earlier e-mail that 3 months must pass before she can send him money, that gives me lots of time to establish a relationship between Steffy and Samull.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004
Subject: RE: Thinking of you too my sweet hart


Your e-mail confuses me.  What do you mean by "expecting a good thing from your 
hand in sport of my self"?  Do you expect me to send you a present or some money?

I have told you that my upbringing in the Lutheran-Episcopalian Christian Church 
prevents me from sending you any sort of gift at this time of mourning, I can 
only give you my support and prayers.  Mine is a simple faith, but I hold my 
beliefs very deeply.  I believe that I cannot send you any material thing now 
for one quarter of a year until your time of mourning is over.

I am afraid that if you cannot respect my simple Christian beliefs, that we must 
bring this relationship to an end.  I cannot see myself having any relationship 
with someone who cannot accept my faith.

If you cannot respect my beliefs, then please never contact me again!

However, my dealings with your bank and solicitors will be able to go ahead.  I 
have e-mailed them telling them that I will be unable to go into Carson City and 
pay the Solicitors fee until Monday 4th October when I finish work here at the 



And Steffy had better get back to the solicitor and bank as well.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004
Subject: Delay in payment

Attention:  Barrister Sanni Adebayo

Dear Sirs,

I am sorry that I have been slow in making payment of the $850 for your 
representing me at the Diamond Bank Funds Release panel meeting.

I work at a ranch out of Carson City, Nevada.  When I am working, I live at the 
ranch.  I will be unable to leave the ranch and travel into Carson City until 
the end September.  Therefore I won't be able to send the fee you request until 
Monday 4th October.  I hope the delay in payment does not inconvenience you.

I am contacting the bank advising them of this delay as well, I will copy you my 
e-mail to them.

Steffy Cox

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004
Subject: Representation with the Diamond Bank

Ms Cintia Renou

Attention:  Barrister Sanni Adebayo

Dear Ms Renou,

I have advised Alfal Chambers that I am unable due to work commitments to 
finalise their fee until Monday 4th October.  I work at a ranch out of Carson 
City, Nevada.  When I am working, I live at the ranch.  I will be unable to 
leave the ranch and travel into Carson City until the end September.

Would you please liaise with Barrister Sanni Adebayo of Alfal Chambers regarding 
a suitable time for them to represent me at your bank's Funds Release Panel 

Thank you in anticipation,
Steffy Cox

Ahhh, now we get the really sloppy stuff! We'll let him sweat a little bit.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004
Subject: happy good love my sweet hart

Dearest Steffy.

Thanks for your message to me. i hope you are very fine.
Darling i belive on the prayers which you made to me. i here all you said tell
the time.i belive our god is good take care of your self very well you know that
i love. darling this time we have many visitors because of the berial tomorrow
been firday,i am stell with the faith you give to me. try your best to see that
evry thing is well organise with the bank and your lawyer. after all i will like
to hear from my dearest on love steffy.darling if i offend you please i am
sorry. you know that love dose not ask why it speak fom the hart. i love you and
i belive you care for me.

Thanks and god bless you
love you.

Steffy responds to Samull. Note the hints about her work, the customers can be so demanding and Steffy sometimes feels sore from working.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004
Subject: Sunday in Carson City

My darling Samull,

It is Sunday afternoon here in Carson City and I am having a rest from work.  
Over the weekend we have more visitors than at any other time, and some of them 
are so demanding.  However I have some free time, time enough to just drop you a 

I hope that your Father's funeral went well.  These times are so stressful, and 
I was thinking of you my dearest Samull.

It is only four more days until I finish this shift at work, it has been so long 
because I filled in for my friend's shift as well so it has been 30 days without 
a break.  Sometimes I feel so sore from working that I can hardly sit down.  I 
look forward to being able to e-mail you more regularly, and to get the business 
with the bank completed.

Love and kisses
Your Steffy

Samull gets back to steffy, having completed the burial of his father.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004
Subject: there is no problem darling i love you.

Dearest steffy.
How are you today i hope you are fine and your family? many thanks to your mail
you send for me.the work of God and your prayer to my family i belive our God
answer it. there was no problem tell the end of the burial.i thank God.darling i
heared all you said i will be still waitting for you. i know that every thing
will be alright. darling when you go on your holiday try to reach me in time so
that we will chat.and too you will tell me the time you will be on line.darling
to remined you this short note we are going to have our thanksgiving next
coming week sunday. thanks and may God bless you for all your good work.
Thanks yours darling in love.

So it's time to turn up the heat a bit. I also give the impression that Steffy has more money than she has let Samull know about.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004
Subject: So excited

My darling Samull,

I am so excited, only a couple of days until I finish work!  I will let you know 
when we can chat.

I will be quite busy early next week.  I have to get a money transfer off to the 
solicitor that the bank has arranged to represent me at the Funds Release Panel 
hearing.  I also have some business meetings here in Carson City.  I am 
expanding my investment portfolio.  I am financing the construction of a 
multilevel office building in the central business area of Carson City.  
Apparently office space is in short supply here in Carson City, and depreciation 
and tax breaks make the return on office buildings very attractive.

But I am most excited about a new car I will be getting.  Some time, ago I 
placed an order for a new car that Ford had announced.  When my Daddy was alive 
and I was a small girl, he used to let me work on his pickup trucks with him 
when he serviced them and I have always liked being around cars since then.  A 
couple of years ago I took a special driving course which allows me to drive 
race cars in competition, and I have raced in several NASCAR races since then.

Well, yesterday there was an e-mail telling me that I will be allocated one of 
the few 2005 Ford GTs being built.  Ford will only be building between 150 and 
200 of these, and though they are quite expensive they are sure to keep their 
value and become a good investment.  As well, they are fantastic to drive, I got 
to drive one of the prototypes that the local dealer had on display.  The Ford 
GT has a supercharged V-8 motor and will reach speeds of 205 miles per hour!  I 
should be getting mine early in the New Year.  I've attached a promotional 
photograph of the car, though mine will be in silver.

Now I must go, though we're over the busy weekend we still have visitors coming 
to the ranch who must be looked after.  Until we can chat next week,

Love you dearly

The Ford GT, this car will cost about $US130,000.

Samull is going to send Steffy an e-card, how romantic! But he also checks to see if she is replying to the solicitor and the bank.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004
Subject: kiss my card for our good family forever. love u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Dearest darling steffy.

Many thanks to your mail you send to me i am very happy.
I hope all is well with you and your family.
Darling i am very very happy to see the nice car you send to me.
darling i hope the car is for our wedding day. God will bless you for all your
careing to me.darling take care for all you are doing i am with you all the time
all the day.i hope the beatyfull love will be with me and you forever in our
life tell i die.i am happy to send you my lovely card.Darling any information
from the bank and the lawyer try to let me know.
Thanks and God bless you. 
may our love be forever.
Good kissssss,,,,,,,,,,,

WOW, Samull must be a car nut! Or maybe he's realised that Steffy is a rich and desirable lady. He's sent three e-cards which contained the sloppy sentiments below. He seems to think that marriage is on the cards, oh well let's not disappoint him (heh heh heh)

what God have join together no one will dispart it. you are my dream lover.
I wish we will be forever.

promise you with all my heat.
Thanks and happy good marriage.
with me and u,,,,,,,,,,,,

darling i love you forever in my life.
may the good love be forever.
I hope that we will be forever tell i die.
i promise a good health to you forever.
love you,,,,,,,


As well, there's an e-mail from the bank for Steffy.

From: Foreign Remmittance Department Diamond Bank 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004

TEL:+229 405017 (MANAGER)
FAX:+229 323474
TO:Ms Stephanie Michelle Cox
This is to confirm the receipt of your message to this bank concerning the 
attorney that will represent you in the FUND RELEASE PANEL MEETING.
We have taking note of that and will also advice you to make sure that you 
finalise with the attorney to apear on your behalf in the PANEL MEETING, we 
extended this meeting to that date based on your plea to the management of this 
bank therefore make sure you meet up with the mandate, keep your attorney 
informed as well.
Best regards.
Ms Cintia Renou.
For the manager Diamond Bank Benin.

I'd better keep up the pretence that this is all legitimate business formality, I forward the bank's e-mail to Steffy's solicitor. I wonder if he'll notice that I split his family name so that it is similar to that of Steffy's darling Samull.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004
Subject: Liaison with Diamond Bank

Attention:  Barrister Sanni Ade Bayo

Dear Mr Sanni Ade Bayo,

I have received the e-mail attached from the Diamond Bank, would you please 
liaise with Ms Renou regarding your representation of me at the bank's Funds 
Release Panel meeting.

Stephanie Michelle Cox

And I must get Steffy to reply to Samull and thank him for his lovely cards and his thoughts for their future. I tell him that he is so different to the men that Steffy normally meets - well he is, afterall he's not paying for her sexual services!

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004

My dearest, darling Samull,

Oh thank you so very, very much for the e-cards you sent me.  Kiss, kiss, kiss.

What lovely thoughts you sent to me.  Who would think that we could find such 
happiness together, just by meeting in some improbable business deal on the 

My heart pounded madly within my breast as I read your words, I felt my stomach 
churn as I read your words, and I knew that I want only you.  You are such a 
romantic man, not afraid to express your innermost feelings.  You are so 
different from the men I normally meet here in America, they are so self 
interested, so swollen with their own ideas of how they should behave that they 
don't know how to treat a lady.

I must go, today is my last day at work here at the ranch and I am so busy.  I 
will e-mail you next on Monday after I have attended to all my business and sent 
the money to the solicitor for them to represent me at the bank.

All my love and thoughts are with you,

The solicitors reply.

From: alfalchamer alfa 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2004

ATTN:Ms Stephanie Michelle Cox,

Thanks for your mail to this chamber concerning you matter with DIAMOND BANK OF 
BENIN for the release of your fund.

As we promise ealier to render the best of our services to you regarding this 
matter and also monitor your fund untill it gets to your nominated account.

Please send the fee we requested from you to enable us carry out you job 

Yours in service

Barrister Sanni Adebayo

Steffy replies to the lawyers, though they won't be around much longer.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004

Attention:  Barrister Sanni Ade Bayo

Dear Mr Sanni Ade Bayo,

Thank you for your assurances of your best services and help in clearing my 

As I have said previously, I will be tied up with work and unable to forward the 
fee of $850 to have you represent me at the Diamond Bank until Monday 4th 

I will contact you on Monday with details of the money transfer.

Stephanie Michelle Cox

I also send some more photos of Steffy to Samull to keep him hot.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004
Subject: A little surprise for you my darling Samull

My sweet, romantic, sexy Samull,

Your cards have still got me quite excited.  I have found myself daydreaming 
about you when I should have been concentrating on my clients.  You naughty boy, 
what have you done to me?

I have slipped out to e-mail you because one of my girlfriends who also works 
here at the ranch has just given me some of the photos that she took of me the 
other day.  We had been fooling around in my room, and she just kept clicking 
away on her digital camera.

I thought you might like to see just a little bit more of this woman who has 
fallen in love with you, so here is one of the photos that she took.  The other 
photo, , is one I have had professionally taken in my 
job as an exotic model.  Just imagine that it is me as I lie waiting for you, my 
darling Samull.

Thinking of you and wishing you were here,
Love and kisses

The solicitors are happy to wait until Monday for their payment.

From: alfalchamer alfa 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004


TO:Ms Stephanie Michelle Cox,

Thanks for your urgent response to this matter, we shall be waiting for the 
payment information by Monday to enable us proceed.

Yours in service

Barrister Sanni Adebayo

And poor Samull has another attack of the Romantics

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004
Subject: daerest in my life steffy

My dearest hart, daerest in my life steffy.

Goodday and how are you, i hope you are fine and your family.
Many many thanks for the mail you send to me.i just come from the hospital to 
take some druges for my health .i open my box and see the mail you send to me.
i am happy more than what i can tell in my good darling when i my going 
to see . when i my stay with you.i have made all the promise to my God who 
greated me and you my darling and i pray to God made me to know that he give 
every one have his or her own blood and i believe that we will be as one in our 
life tell i die. when i see the photos you send to me i am very deep lovely in 
you. i can eat i can sleep without your good romatic pictures and your good 
lovely dreems to me.darling what do want me to do. please please if i can hear 
your voice on my cell phone i will be very very happy in my life.only the mails 
you are sending is like i am with you here in my conutry. my good mommy my good 
darling take care of your self very well i love with all my you love me 
too.noting is going to change my love for you.darling i am giving you this tract 
of westlife music (1. WHEN I FALL IN LOVE and LET THERE BE LOVEL. )

darling i dont know what to say again. i cannot do without you in my life.thank 
you my sweet hart and God blees you for me. our family thanks giving will be on 
sunday this week. the prayer from my falily will be with you. and also the 
prayer you made to my family our good God will pay you my DEAREST LOVELY SWEET 
HART STEFFY.Thank you waitting to hear from you me 00229-07-97-59.
Best KISSSSSS......
Dianamic love......

Seeing as I will be exposing Samull as a scammer tomorrow, I'm setting the scene where he'll want to continue the "relationship" even though the scam is over. Again I'll emphasised Steffy's wealth and will also hint that she'd like to retire from prostitution (though he doesn't know what she does) and settle down with him and have a family. As well, I send an excuse why Steffy cannot phone Samull.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004
Subject: Sunday afternoon in Carson City

My darling Samull,

I'm writing this at an internet cafe down in the city center on Sunday afternoon.  
Some crank has found out the phone number at my apartment here in the city, and 
I have had a series of dirty phone calls and voice mail messages.  I have had my 
phone disconnected, and I'm arranging for an internet only line to be installed.  
This will let me surf the web and send and receive e-mails, but it won't allow 
dirty minded people to leave obscene phone calls.

This is one of the problems with being a well known exotic model, you tend to 
attract attention from scum like this.  But the money I have earned has made it 
worthwhile.  However, I've decided over the last couple of weeks that I'm going 
to retire at the end of this financial year and think about my future.  I've 
told you how I'd like to settle down with some nice man and have children 
haven't I?  Do you know someone nice I could settle down with ?????????????

The new internet only line will be connected tomorrow, so I'll be in touch and 
maybe we can arrange to chat on one of the messenger services.  Do you have a 
Yahoo e-mail address?  We could use Yahoo Messenger if you do, otherwise we 
could use Windows Instant Messenger if you have it on your PC.

I'm going down to Western Union tomorrow morning to pay the solicitor who is 
handling my affairs at the bank.  I've got some other business meetings with my 
lawyers and some contractors who are working on a project.  If I'm going to 
retire and settle down, I have to get all my business interests in order.

Hope to talk to you on messenger in the next day or so.

Love you,

Steffy receives an e-mail from Samull. He hasn't realised that she was suggesting that he is the one whe would like to settle down with, but he proclaims his love anyway. He also reminds her to pay the solicitor. Ah, he's such a romantic man!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004
Subject: my good darling i am with your happy love

Dearest steffy,

How are you today? i hope all is well with you.darling i hear all you said to me 
on your mail how are feeling as of now.i promise you the best in my life i leave 
with you forever in my life but i wonder why you are asking me for a nice man to 
stay with. i am very very happy to stay with you my good darling.the thanks 
giving to my family is over yesterday and i am happy to hear from you.However 
you now i have no father again in my life and you too.darling i promise you that 
we are going to be one family till the end of my life.about the chat process the 
yahoo massenger when you are ok with line then you try to let me know. darling i 
pray and wishing good luck for all you are doing in U.S our good God we see you 
ture. try all your best to see that the money be transfered to your 
any thing you are donig with the lawyer and bank try to let me know so i will 
give some adivce to you.darling i will like you to send me your post address i 
want to send you a gift for you to see that you are my life forever.please try 
to send me the contacts where to send this for you. i will be happy to hear from 
you soonest my dianamic lover steffy love you forever.i am saying hi to your 
good friend.

And an e-mail from the bank, a gentle reminder that Steffy should pay the lawyers.

From: Foreign Remmittance Department Diamond Bank 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004

TEL:+229 405017 (MANAGER)
FAX:+229 323474
TO:Ms Stephanie Michelle Cox,



So Steffy goes to the Western Union bureau to send money to Solicitor Adebayo, and they give her a leaflet describing advanced fee fraud. Well, this isn't the real world we're playing in, but wouldn't it be great if Western Union actually did warn their customers whenever they wanted to send money to western African nations. She goes back to her own lawyer who tells her all about advance fee fraud. She sends an e-mail to Samull.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004
Subject:  Disappointed with you


I went into town today.  It was a lovely fall day, clear sky and still lovely 
and warm.  I went to a meeting at my lawyers, I went and discussed the commercial 
building project with the contractors who are working on the site, and I went to 
the Ford agency here in town and confirmed the order for my sports car.  I felt 

Then I went to the Western Union Bureau to send money to the solicitor that your
 bank has appointed to represent me at the Funds Release Panel meeting.  The 
 staff there at the Western Union Bureau gave me a leaflet to read when I said 
 that I wanted to send money to the Ivory Coast.  They give a copy to everyone 
 who wants to send money to western Africa.  It warns people about advanced fee 
 fraud, this is apparently known as the "Nigerian Scam" or 419 fraud.  I've 
 attached a scan of this leaflet to this e-mail, and I took the copy back to my 
 lawyer and told him the story of your first e-mail and how your bank had 
 referred me to Solicitor Adebayo.

He advised me that you are a conman.  He said there was no Mr de Matos and no 
$8,000,000.  He said that the people at the Diamond Bank and the solicitor were 
probably people in your gang.  He said they could even be you yourself.  He 
showed me the website of the United States Secret Service which describes this 
sort of fraud.  He said your promises of sharing this money weren't worth a 
plugged nickel.  He said that all there would be were demands for me to pay for 
fees, such as the solicitor's fee, fees for the bank to produce special 
documents, and bribes to be paid to government officials to get the money 

Samull, I am so terribly disappointed with you.  I feel as if I have been let 
down by someone I really thought I knew, someone I trusted and someone I had 
grown to love.  I had seen my whole life with you, I had seen myself having your 
children, and I had seen us growing old together.  But now I think that I didn't 
know you at all.  Now I feel that you are just as trustworthy as one of those 
travelling saloon cardsharps from the days of the old wild west.

I hate you Samull Bayo!!!!  Why have you done this to me????  What have I done 
to you to make you hurt me like this?????  Damn your eyes Samull!!!!  I hope 
your scamming makes you miserable.  I hope you lose your friends and catch some 
nasty illness so that you live a long lonely diseased life.  You're nothing but 
a God damned parasite Samul Bayo, taking money from people who have worked hard 
to get it.  You'd be prepared to take money even from the poor, from people who 
couldn't afford to lose those lawyer fees and bank document charges.  You don't 
care about other people, you just care about yourself, you selfish bastard!!!!!

Why can't you give up your scamming ways and be the man I thought you were?  
Why couldn't you be the man I thought I loved, why couldn't you come here to the 
United States and settle down with me?


The warning leaflet from Western Union.

And an immediate, and scrambled, reply from Samull. I think Steffy will take several days to decide to write back to him.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004
Subject: darling i promise to live with you in my life

Dearest steffy, 

Thank for your message i hope you are fine today please mu darling i want to let 
you know that you are not disappointed with me. i love you more than what you 
dont no.darling why do you say so to me do you think i will do bad in my life 
somebody i will live with till the end of my life in this world.

darling i was very very suck to hear that from you. but why. i want to let you 
know that there are still good business that people are doing in this world.And 
so it not beacuse of funrd will make you not to do good business that you will 
get profit in Africa.

And so iam very happy that they try to let you know about it,as i told you that 
after this transaction we will be in good family with our good marrriage that is 
where all my hope is.In time of funrd that i not have something like in my mine.
if do not love you not be able to send you my self and i can not be sending all 
the love father died and you give me all advice on how to take care of 
my self here but now you want to put tiers in my eyes my lovely darling steffy 
please dont try to do me bad i love you as you love me. this can not stop my 
love from you. i wish to marriey you and you are my good wife.darling do not 
think anything in you.i will not brack your heart.darling i am expecting the 
time you will be here in my country to see each other i am fill your love tell 
me the time i ma expecting you.i am waiting to hear from you in chat.darling i 
have every nice gift i want to send to you as my lovely wife.remmber that love 
dose not ask why.but only speak from the heart never explain i hope you will 
understand me as your husband in love samull.i have been sliping with all the 
picture you send to me and i send my picture to you when you ask for it .darling 
how do you think i am not in love with you. i so much have 1000% love in you as 
i love my father and my motherwho is alife with me now.take care of your self 
very well my mommy love without you i dont know.Thanks i will like to hear from 
you soonest.
best of love,,,,,,

Even more e-mails from Samull today, six in one day including 3 e-cards! This is like fishing, all you need is to just tug on the line to embed the hook in the fish's mouth. In this bait, the tug on the line might just be a bit of a slap. Samull is well and truly off the script by now, in fact the script seems to be in another universe.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004
Subject: do not be Disappointed with me my sweet heart steffy i love you

Darling steffy. 

How are i hope fine, please you know that i love as you love me i want to be 
with me do not bear bad in me sweet heart i please you the name of our lord 
juses i want you in me. darling nomater what ever late us be one family i need a 
baby it come you i belive that GOD jioun me and you. come back me i want i 
please in the name of your father who has died and in the name of you r family 
your mother. please please please my sweet darling steffy forgive and forget let 
us be one family. i am expecting our wedding day here in my country.plesae i 
want to see you come i see me i want to setile dane with you ok. i will like to 
hear from soonest.
My good darling steffy.
love you till i die.
my best kiss to you mommy,,,,,,,,

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004
Subject: i love you i am sorry pls

My sweet heart steffy.
Good day and how are you today, i hope all is will with you.darling please try 
to understand me i do not know i have here all you say to me in your mail.please 
my daring steffy . please the promise to me now is i want to settle down with 
you United States. how do i see you my darling.
then tell me me when i will meet you in chat.darling i have from my work i am 
now waiting for you to come and take me away from here for us to see our famil.
darling please i am beging you with the name of our God. remeber that you tould 
me that i shail give my heart to God in every thing is going to hold on the 
berial i do so. please my mommy try to hear my know that i 
have never ask any money from you .have i do are my and iam us.take heart 
and be with me. i have been puting all my heart where you are. plesae try to do 
this for me i am your housband.samull darling remeber that the bad ones spurlies 
the good onens.darling try to call me on phone 00229+07-97-59 i will like to 
hear from that we will discause noe or too things about our lifes.then i 
will hear your voice and have a good kiss with you.please you are my only one.
Thank you i will be waiting to hear from you soonest my sweet heart steffy.
Best in you.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004
Subject: 0022xxxxxxx

darling steffy.

please i am sorry. please forgever me 


And the e-cards contain these phrases below. I just don't know what a "goo kissss" is, maybe that's lots of tongue and saliva exchanged from someone who stutters - OH GROSS!

i love you my darling. is only you. kisss,,,,,,

darling let the our dianamic love be forever in our life.i pray we will be as 
one and get our babay the family me and you.
darling forgive me sweet heart forgive me
have a goo kissss from me 
love till the end of my life

sweet heart.
please forgive me for all that hapend.
love is like a river it has no stop.
i belive that is what we are me and you our love will never end till i die i 
long life with me and my sweet heart steffy.

Now, what to say to Samull, how to slap him hard yet still keep him on his leash of lust? Maybe I will try for a photo trophy.

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004
Subject:  No subject


HOW DARE YOU SAMULL BAYO!!!!!  You are a worthless piece of trash.  You are a 
parasite here on the Earth, a no good blood sucking worm living on the hard work 
of others.  You are just a sweet tongued liar and a smooth talking conman 
preying on the hearts of women who fall in love with you.  Your heart is black 
and your soul is rotten with deceit.

How dare you send me all those lovey dovey e-mails and e-cards, while you are 
probably still carrying out your e-mail scams on other innocent people.  How 
could you write all those words of love you told me while you were trying to 
steal my money!

You are not repentant at all!  You are not sorry for what you have done.  I bet 
you just want me to say that all is forgiven and you will go on with your 
e-mails defrauding others just like you did to me.

I just want to hear you say that, yes, you were a scammer, and that you have 
given scamming up.  I want you to tell me in an e-mail that, by the Grace of 
God, you have given up e-mail fraud forever.

In fact, I want to see you humiliate yourself.  I want you to be so ashamed, 
just the way I am ashamed of how I fell for your e-mail fraud.  I want you to be 
hurt just as much as I was hurt by your lying ways, how I was hurt giving my 
love to a man who deceived me and broke my heart.  I want you to stand up 
somewhere in Cotonou and have your photo taken holding a big sign which clearly 
says "I WAS A DIRTY E-MAIL SCAMMER".  I want to be able to read the sign in the 
photo, so make it big and clear.  I want people to laugh at you, just as they 
laugh at the way I thought that you really loved me.

Samull, only when I see that you have humiliated yourself, just as I was 
humiliated by what you did to me, will I ever talk to you again!


I have trouble understanding his e-mails when he gets so excited. So, he's not happy about Steffy's e-mail, how does he think Steffy feels about finding out that she's being scammed. And he was about to introduce Steffy to this business, and now she is taking him as a liar? Oh, come on Samull. I think Steffy is going to have to tell him just how rich she is and what she was going to do for Samull.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004
Subject: love is like a river

Dearest steffy.

i am not happy to the mail you sent to me. however in will say that The bad ones
will make people not to the know the good ones. how are you i hope you fine.
darling let me tell you ine thing in this life as i am teling all my truth in my
life why can you belive me and try and think that i am a man with a
lier.i have applozied to you. this is a business i was about to introduce to you
now bacause of the bad news. you are now takeing it as i am a lier. Now this
business has been takeing me out from the office. i am no more do
you feel i will be a lie to you the person i love. iam takeing every thing you
to my heart.and i explain every thing i do to you.and do for me too.darling take
if easy i love you.take me as your own.forgive and forget.
Best love to you steffy.

And now Samull is getting worked up, now he's reverted to all CAPS! And he's hitting the wrong keys on the keyboard. This is the first time Steffy has been called someone's "DAELING". Mind, there's something disjointed about these two e-mails, as if they're written by different people.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004
Subject: 0022xxxxxxx


So Steffy decides to go away on holiday to forget Samull. In her anger at him she tells him just how rich she is. I hope that will make Samull think about having his photo taken.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004
Subject:  Going away on holiday

Samull Bayo,

What on Earth do you mean that this was a business you were about to introduce 
me to?  What sort of business of yours could you ever think I would be 
interested in!

Now, the $2 million dollar share of Mr de Matos's money you first offered me was 
very tempting.

But do you know just how rich I am, Samull Bayo?  Right at this moment my share 
in an apartment block here in Carson City is worth $2.5 million.  I am 
developing a commercial office building and shopping centre here in Carson City 
which is worth $7.5 million.  I own a number of rental houses which are worth a 
total of $2.25 million.  And just yesterday when I went to the bank I had 
$564,000 in my cash account, and that's after I paid a $50,000 deposit on the 
car I'd just ordered!  Do you know what I have earned working in the 
entertainment industry?  Every day that I've worked I've earned between $5,000 
and $6,000, I've been earning nearly $1 million per year.

Why would I need to be introduced to any business by you?  And to think that I 
was going to invite you to visit me here in the States!!!!!!!  To think that I'd 
looked at buying you a ticket here, and was ready to pay for it too.  To think 
that I had selected a very revealing photo of myself that I was going to send to 
you.  And to think that I had even dreamed about having your children.

So I am going away on holiday.  I've finished my work at the ranch, I might work 
as a freelance entertainer just to fill in the time, but I'm not going back to 
the ranch.  I've just got a passport and booked a flight to Los Angeles tomorrow.  
Then I'm flying across to New Zealand to stay with my sister who lives there 
with her husband who is an engineer.  She lives at a lovely beachside city, and 
I'm just going to sit on the beach, swim in the sea, go fishing and learn to surf.

I was serious Samull.  You have to give up scamming if you ever want to hear 
from me again.  Get a photo taken of you holding a big sign saying "I'M A DIRTY 
E-MAIL SCAMMER" and send it to me if you ever want to hear from me again.


[I might have made a mistake. When I last baited Samull, I played the part of an English graphics producer who had flown to New Zealand to produce new images for the "The Lord of the Rings" movies. Will Samull associate New Zealand with being baited the last time? Thankfully I never burned him, but left him unaware that he had been baited.]

Now Samull tries to deny that he is a scammer. Now he wants Steffy to forget about the transaction and to get married. This e-mail is also dated Wednesday, so Samull is really replying promptly. Oh well, at least the hook is still well and truly imbedded in the fish's mouth. He does like to use certain phrases, "My love is like a river", "You are my blood", and "my mommy steffy". Well Steffy is travelling, so she won't get back to him for a couple of days.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004
Subject: may god bless you my sweet heart steffy.

my sweet heart steffy. 
Darling thank you for the mail you send to me .i can hear you very will in all 
you said. darling i will like you to rember one thing in this life. 

1.i dont know anything about this belive me.
2.forget about the transcation let us face the marriage the good God give to me 
and you steffy.
3. did i ask you any money to give me.
4.darling you that love dose not ask why but  speak from the heart.
5. please love me as i take love you. do not thank about the transcation issue 
in our love.
6My heart steffy do you know that love is like a river. you are my blood and i 
am your blood let us be as one. we are in to marriage as i am seeing it in my 
dreem but i dont no. please dont fill too much bady where i am belive all i am 
teling you.i love you i want us to get family i promise you that i will not 
disappoint you try your best forgive and forget. steffy i love you .my father 
is no more alife and your own father is no more alife. darling i promise you 
that will are going to have a good happy faily.dearest steffy .my darling sweet 
heart steffy please please forget about any topic consing the transcation 
business. let us face our marriage to do.i promise to marry with all my heart 

Dearling take care for your traving i pray for you when you get there please try 
togive me a call on my phone line i want to hear from you please try to do this 
for me . darling steffy i can not do with you here. any where i am goning i am 
with your photo i sleep with it in my bed. i have been crying for two days now 
because of you please forgive me for all that happend.say hi to your people you 
are going to vist. darling i will like us to chat tell me the time i will meet 
you in chat so that we will discause more about our life time when i will come 
down to U.S.A to live with you and have our children. please darling i need any 
address i want to send you very inportant gift my mother give to you.i have 
discause every thing to my mother what happen b/w me and you. pleaes my sweet 
steffy come back to my life i am sick because of all the mails you are sending 
to me.

I am not any were as of now i am waitting for you to come and take me out from not think about this much forget.i promise that our God will be with me 
and you forever.please do not forget me.

Take care of your very well my mommy like i ma with you there.darling 
when are you coming to vist me please till me i can not stay alone here. your 
love have brock my hart.steffy steffy my good sweet heart life without you in me 
now i dont no.think about it.
Love forever your dianamic love.

In today's e-mails there also is the usual crop of e-cards from Samull as well. Oh no!!!! They are "Passion Up Greeting Cards", this Lad is serious. I love the one where he offers to be a parent and a friend.

darling forgive me this what we need ababay and happy family. Thank very much by 
doing this with me. my sweet of dianamic. our marriage will never end. mommy i 
need your chat. The golding of my eyes. forgive me have a kisss,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"You to know that no matter what you do, and no matter where you go, my love 
follows you. I'm there in all you do, and I'm always proud of you!"

sweetheart i am beging in name of your father and all your family pls forgive me. 
i am your husband to be. we are one family me and you our love will never die. 
love youuuuuuuuuuuuu,,,, have a nice dreem in you holiday.

"I offer you the flower of my heart. It's always growing and searching for 
perfection, always reaching for the sparkling rays of the sun, but only you can 
give it the care and nourishment it needs to thrive. Love it. Treasure it. Keep 
it safe. Give it your light. And it will bloom forever!"

forgive me darling.i am your blood to be. kissss...... call on 0022xxxxxxx

"If you need someone to confide in, you can come to me.
If you need someone to advise you, you can come to me.
If you need someone to share with you, you can come to me.
If you need someone, who cares about you, you can come to me.
If you need someone to support you, you can come to me.
If you need someone to cry with, you can come to me.
If you need someone to laugh with, you can come to me.
If you need someone to guide you, you can come to me.
You can always come to me, because I love you, and I'll always be here for you 
as a parent and a friend."

Samull is getting desperate, two more e-mails today.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004
Subject: i love you my darling steffy

Dearest sweet haert steffy.

How are you to day. ih ope all is well with you.
darling i am expecting you to come take out from here.
i am dreeming of you all the day.
Thanks and take care.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004
Subject: Fondest regards and dianamic love

Darling steffy.

please please come and take me out from this city.
i remember the mail you sent to me on 09th sep. i couldent sleep in my bed.
mommy please let us be as one i want to have a child from you i am alone here in 
africa come and take me out. remeber the love you have on me is how i love you 
too. please forgive me. in the bible david sin agenst our God and he ask for 
forgive next to God and God here him. please i please you in the name of GOD to 
forgive and dose not ask why.darling i am not geting myself here i 
am now.please come back to home of the family of me and you.all my promise i 
will stay with you till the end of my life.
God bless you be here from your darling samull.

Time for Steffy to put the hard word on Samull, but she doesn't want him to get away. As if a Lad would let some rich woman who has fallen in love with him get away!

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004
Subject:  Arrived safely


Well I've arrived at my sister's house in Auckland, New Zealand, after such a 
long flight from Los Angeles.  It's Monday afternoon and I've read all of the 
e-mails and e-cards that you've sent me over the last few days.


Now let me tell you a little story.

My Uncle Fred was a drunk.  My Uncle Fred would drink a couple of bottles of 
whiskey or vodka every day, and no-one ever knew how much beer he drank as well.  
He lost his drivers licence because he had so many accidents while driving drunk.  
He couldn't keep a job because he wouldn't be able to turn up to work.  
Eventually my Aunty Betty left him and took my cousins Christine and Dave with 
her.  That sorted Uncle Fred out a bit, and he tried to drink less.  But he 
couldn't, he was an alcoholic.  No matter how hard he tried to cut down on his 
drinking, he ended up getting drunk and lying in a gutter somewhere or in a jail 
cell for the night.

It wasn't until Uncle Fred recognised that he was an alcoholic, and not until he 
told everyone he knew that he was an alcoholic, was he able to stop drinking.  
He now knows that he just cannot drink a drop of alcohol, or he won't be able to 
stop.  He knows he's an alcoholic and openly tells everybody that he is.

So what am I trying to tell you Samull?  I'm saying that until you recognise 
that you're a scammer, until you tell me that you're a scammer, and until you 
tell me that you're never going to scam again, will I ever accept anything that 
you tell me as being the truth.

There is no way in the world that I will want to hear from you again, or even 
consider that I would ever want to see you in person, until you have stated that 
you are a scammer and you have asked me for my forgiveness.

I have been hurt and humiliated by you Samull.  And, as the Lord Jesus Christ is 
my witness, I want you to be humiliated just as I was.  I want an apology from 
you, I want you to state that you were a scammer, and I want a photo of you 
holding a large, clear sign saying "I AM A DIRTY E-MAIL SCAMMER".  Only then 
will I talk to you again Samull.


I thought I'd lost Samull, but it must have been the weekend and there were two Monday morning e-mails to brighten up my day. Oh no! The miserable bastard has sent the same e-mail to Steffy under two different subjects.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004
Subject: sweetheart steffy

Darling steffy.

Thank you for your mail to me. how are you i hope you are fine.

darling steffy you have to know one thing in this world it is this transcation 
we now each other. if not so we could have not know our selfs. belive me i love 
as you dont know. but i dont belive if you love me why because if you love me 
you can not ask your husband you love to at a deff for you.

mommy do you love money more than having someone to stay with in your life.i 
have say all about me to you but you dont want to here from me why.

why do you love money more than the children God is going to give me and you. 
Have i taking any money from you. Have i ask any money from say that you 
love me and my lovely father died here for me did i ask you for money.but my 
sweetheart why are you doing like this try to give me all your love as i love 
love you you have to love me too. i promise you to live with you forever in my 
life.remember me and you are not God hos greatered me and you do not try your 
God i have appologazies to you in all ways why can you forgive.please my darling 
steffy i will like to hear from you on phone call 00229-07-97-59 and chat. or 
you give me your own phone line i will call you.
Thanks have i love you.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004
Subject: Fondest regards

Darling steffy. 

Thank you for your mail to me. how are you i hope you are fine.

darling steffy you have to know one thing in this world it is this transcation 
we now each other. if not so we could have not know our selfs. belive me i love 
as you dont know. but i dont belive if you love me why because if you love me 
you can not ask your husband you love to at a deff for you.

mommy do you love money more than having someone to stay with in your life.i 
have say all about me to you but you dont want to here from me why.

why do you love money more than the children God is going to give me and you. 
Have i taking any money from you. Have i ask any money from say that you 
love me and my lovely father died here for me did i ask you for money.but my 
sweetheart why are you doing like this try to give me all your love as i love 
love you you have to love me too. i promise you to live with you forever in my 
life.remember me and you are not God hos greatered me and you do not try your 
God i have appologazies to you in all ways why can you forgive.please my darling 
steffy i will like to hear from you on phone call 00229-07-97-59 and chat. or 
you give me your own phone line i will call you.
Thanks have i love you.

So Steffy forwards Samull an e-mail she has received from a "friend" who works at the CIA. I go to and post a copy of Samull's first e-mail under my other baiting name. I create the character John Birch who is a friend of Steffy's and works at the CIA.

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004
Subject:  FW:  Strange e-mail


You might just be interested in the e-mail attached below.

As a well known entertainer, I have many contacts in all sorts of businesses and 
Government organizations.  I sent your first e-mail on to a friend who works in 
the CIA, and asked him what he thought of it.

Read his answer, and then read again the last words of my last e-mail to you.

I have been hurt and humiliated by you and I want an apology from you, I want 
you to state that you were a scammer, and I want a photo of you holding a large, 
clear sign saying "I AM A DIRTY E-MAIL SCAMMER".  Only then will I talk to you 
again and think of being united with you in the United States, Samull.


----- Message forwarded -----

From: John Birch, Langley CIA (e-mail address withheld)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Strange e-mail
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004

Dear Steffy,

It was so nice to suddenly receive an e-mail from you.  And I was only too 
pleased to be able to do a personal favor for you by checking out the other 
e-mail that you forwarded to me.

I've checked whatever files that I could readily access for you, and also placed 
checks with the United States Secret Service and Scotland Yard in the United 
Kingdom.  Both these organisations cover what you refer to as the "Nigerian 

I would definitely agree that Samull Bayo of Cotonou, Benin is an e-mail scammer.  
I have located some information on this individual, and can even pass on the 
following references:

INTERNET:  Reference to Samull Bayo appears in a post at 

A member of the forums at  named Steve Trafalgar has posted 
an e-mail he received from Samull Bayo who claims to be the Director of Foreign 
Remittance for the Diamond Bank of Africa, Cotonou, Benin.  The e-mail that Mr 
Trafalgar received from Samull Bayo is identical to the one you sent to me.

Mr Trafalgar paid $US 500 to Bayo's solicitor before being warned by his bank 
that Bayo was a "Nigerian scammer".  I could obtain Mt Trafalgar's e-mail 
address for you if you wanted it, let me know.


Samull Bayo is not the Director of Foreign Remittance at the Diamond Bank of 
Africa in Cotonou, Benin.  In fact there are a large number of references to 
suspicious "Diamond Bank" personnel in many internet fraud files at the United 
States Secret Service.

As well, no Mr. Mauricio Jose De Matos of the Beninoise Solid Minerals 
Corporation existed.  I found that his name appears in numerous other internet 
fraud files at the United States Secret Service.  There is one such e-mail from 
a Mr. Boniface Aswani from the Audit Department of the Continental Bank Plc, 
Cotonou, Benin.  And another from a Mr Halima Kereku, Foreign Remmitance 
Director of Intercontinental Bank, Cotonou, Benin.  Same story, same $8,000,000 
in a bank account.

In fact, I have even found references in the files of the United States Secret 
Service to a Mr. Mauricio Jose De Matos of the Chinese Solid Minerals 
Corporation.  This was from a Mr. Wang Qin, credit officer of Hang Seng Bank, 
however Mr. de Matos left $28,000,000 with this bank.


Scotland Yard of London have also confirmed that they received a complaint from 
a citizen of the United Kingdon named Stephen Nelson Trafalgar concerned about 
e-mail fraud and Samull Bayo.  They have not  Samull Bayo, just let me know.


From the e-mail you forwarded me, I could ascertain certain limited information 
about Samull Bayo.

His e-mail did come from an internet connection in Cotonou, Benin.  This e-mail 
was transmitted from an internet connection which we know is registered in 
various names in Cotonou, Benin.  More than that I am not at liberty to tell you.

Now I must admit Steffy, that this is a very basic search of our files for the 
names contained in the e-mail you sent me.

The e-mail you sent me does contain many of the characteristics by which the 
United States Secret Service identify examples of "Nigerian scam" e-mails.  
It was addressed to you by "blind copy" address, it purports to come from a 
legitimate address within a major corporation, it contains details of a dead 
person who had deposited secret funds with that corporation, it asks for your 
assistance to transfer those secret funds, it offers a share of those funds in 
return for your assistance, and it originates from western Africa.  The United 
States Secret Service advises people who receive e-mails such as these that if 
the deal that they are offered appears too good to be true, then it isn't true!

I'm sorry that you're away on holiday.  I was due to visit Nevada again next 
month and would have loved to have seen you again.  Maybe I will see you some 
other time.

Best wishes until then,
John Birch

And Samull comes back with two more e-mails in which he refuses to admit that he is a scammer. He's not very good at spelling when he's off the script.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004
Subject: steffy my lover


Do not love money more than childeren.
we know our selfs ture this. but i have been expline to you could not
hear me what do you want me to do.i love you more than what you are asking for is not everything in this life.



To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004
Subject: steffy


How are i hope you fine. please have this.


Steffy is going to take a stand. I hope that the "milk from my bountiful breasts" phrase will make him sit up and think.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004
Subject:  What do you mean



Listen you cretinous imbecile, this is not about my love of money or my not 
loving children.  In fact every bone in my body aches to have a child of my own, 
to hold my own born child in my arms, and to feed it with the milk from my 
bountiful breasts.  And I so want to raise that child as part of a loving family.

It's not about love of money, IT'S ABOUT TRUST!!!!!!!!!!

It's about whether I trust you enough to commit to spending the rest of my life 
with you.  It's about whether I trust you enough to buy an airline ticket to 
bring you to the United States.  It's about whether I trust you enough to have 
your children.

And right now I don't trust you at all.  You're an internet fraud scammer and 
you don't have the honesty to admit it.  You know it.  I know it.  Even the CIA, 
the Secret Service and Scotland Yard of England know it.

You have hurt and humiliated me.  I want an apology from you.  I want you to 
declare that you were a scammer.  And I want some proof that you have openly 
made that declaration.

In the United States where I live, people often ask for photographic proof that 
something has been done.  I often get photos taken of building sites to check on 
the progress that the builders have made.  So I want a photo of you holding up a 
sign saying "I AM A DIRTY E-MAIL SCAMMER".  Then, and only then, will I know 
that you have changed your ways and that I can trust you, Samull.

Then, and only then, will I know that I can trust you with the rest of my life.  
Only then, will I know that I can trust you to be the father of my children.


Samull comes back with this "stream of consciousness" e-mail. Well, no admission that he is a scammer, no photo of him with a sign, I think it's time for Steffy to say goodbye and move on.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004
Subject: i am in marriage with you my darling steffy

steffy. Thank you for your mail i hope all is well with you. i am not happy that 
are giving somebody you are going to live with till the end of your life in one 
family a cetreis of what i dont know why? dont you that i love you withh all my 
heart please my good darling can come down here to visit me so that you will 
that i ma fulling in love with you.i can not sleep here because of you what do 
want me to where you are. do want me to die because of here.please come down and 
see me i am your husband in love samull. you my photo copy and i have yours too 
that will show you that we are one family to be in our life. try to keep this 
family God give to me and you in peace.i have try my best to giving all the love 
i have to on phone+000-07-97-59 i will be waiting to hear from you 
soonest my sweetheart steffy. may my God keep you good for me love you gorever 
in my llife. kiss,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, samull

I think that Steffy should send Samull something to make him remember her!

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004
Subject:  Goodbye


I have told you many times that you have hurt and humiliated me.  I have told 
you many times that I wanted you to admit that you are an e-mail fraudster, that
 I wanted you to apologize to me, and that I wanted photographic proof that you 
 had made that admission.

While I welcome all the declarations of love that you have sent me, I just don't 
feel that I can trust you anymore.  It breaks my heart to say this, but goodbye 
Samull.  I don't see any future with you if you don't face up to what you have 
done to me and admit it.

I have been saving this photo on my laptop so that I could send it to you in 
happier times.  But you may as well have it now, just so that you realize what 
you have lost.  I had my girlfriend take it beside the swimming pool back at the 
ranch.  I wanted to send it to you so you can see the woman who would have 
enfolded you in her arms and who would have taken you as her husband and lover.


Topless photo of Steffy, which I hope just might cause Samull to reconsider making an apology.

Samull gets back to Steffy immediately, but she has set her e-mail account to reject e-mails from him!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004
Subject: marriage day fom God steffy / samull

sweetheart steffy.

I hope you are fine today,
mommy i want to let you know that i love with all my heart.
1.please i want to see you in me. have never spend any on me.
3.i will not like the satuiation of you will love money more than me your
housband.4.I will like you to love me as i love as one family.
5.let us have the childeren God is going to give us.i belive you will understand
me very well. please darling call on phone i want to hear from you and you
voice.forget every thing let us face our marriage time that is very important to
me i want to have a baby from you.i love you with me i love you what
do you want me to say again to you.please i am expecting to see you here in my
country. tell me when you are coming to see me here and we have our marriage.
that is what i want to hear from you my good honest lover steffy.thanks and God
bless you.
love you,,,,,,,,,,,,

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004
Subject:  AUTOREPLY:  marriage day fom God steffy / samull

AUTOREPLY:  marriage day fom God steffy / samull

The e-mail account  has been set not to accept messages 
from sender:


Messages from this sender will continue to be rejected.

And another e-mail from Samull, make that another pleading e-mail from Samull, which of course receives the same autoreply.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004
Subject: come back please my sweetheart steffy

sweetheart steffy.

I hope you are fine today,
mommy i want to let you know that i love with all my heart.darling steffy.
please forgive me i love you give me your love i will like to live with you in 
my life. please my good darling steffy gorget all that happend without this we 
may not know each other. i think you know like that forgive and forget all.i am 
applogazining in the name of all your family members and in the name of our God 
who crected me and you my sweetheart.i love you as you love forget all pass.
marriage dose not count in this you have been taking me. i love you. the photo 
you send to me i can not eat mommy i can not sleep come to me i want have 
childeren i am have six with you in dreem here i am always sleeping with all you 
photos you send to me i want to have a baby for you come and take me away from 
here i want to live with you my darling steffy.darling please till me the day 
that you are coming to see me here. 
1.please i want to see you in me. have never ask for money from you.
3.i will not like the satuiation of you will love money more than me your 
housband.4.I will like you to love me as i love as one family.
5.let us have the childeren God is going to give us.i belive you will understand 
me very well.
please darling call on phone i want to hear from you and you voice.forget every 
thing let us face our marriage time that is very important to me i want to have 
a baby from you.i love you with me i love you what do you want me to 
say again to you.please i am expecting to see you here in my country. tell me 
when you are coming to see me here and we have our marriage. that is what i want 
to hear from you my good honest lover steffy.thanks and God bless you.
love you,,,,,,,,,,,,

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004
Subject:  AUTOREPLY:  come back please my sweetheart steffy

AUTOREPLY:  come back please my sweetheart steffy

The e-mail account  has been set not to accept messages 
from sender:


Messages from this sender will continue to be rejected.

Two e-mails come in, one of which he has sent before with a new title from his rejected account and another from his other zwallet e-mail account.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004
Subject: i love you my darling steffy

sweetheart steffy.

I hope you are fine today,
mommy i want to let you know that i love with all my heart.darling steffy. 
please forgive me i love you give me your love i will like to live with you in
my life. please my good darling steffy gorget all that happend without this we
may not know each other. i think you know like that forgive and forget all.i am
applogazining in the name of all your family members and in the name of our God
who crected me and you my sweetheart.i love you as you love forget all
pass.marriage dose not count in this you have been taking me. i love you. the
photo you send to me i can not eat mommy ican not sleep come to me i want have
childeren i am have six with you in dreem here i am always sleeping with all you
photos you send to me i want to have a baby for you come and take me away
fromhere i want to live with you my darling steffy.darling please till me the
day that you are coming to see me here.
1.please i want to see you in me. have never ask for money from you.
3.i will not like the satuiation of you will love money more than me your
housband.4.I will like you to love me as i love as one family.
5.let us have the childeren God is going to give us.i belive you will
understand me very well. please darling call on phone i want to hear from you
and you voice.forget every thing let us face our marriage time that is very
important to me i want to have a baby from you.i love you with me i
love you what do you want me to say again to you.please i am expecting to see
you here in my country. tell me when you are coming to see me here and we have
our marriage.that is what i want to hear from you my
good honest lover steffy.thanks and God bless you.
love you,,,,,,,,,,,,

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004
Subject: Fondest regards

Dearest sweetheart steffy.

i have been saying sorry to you as my good wife.
if i die here because of thinking of what you are to me. and the love you give 
to me my blood will be on your head.i have been giving you all i have to say as 
my good wife. think about what is marriage and money.if you dont love money more
than me give me your love as my sweetheart steffy.i will like us to have 
childeren me and you. i belive is not by my pawer is by the pawer of God for me 
and you to be one family. steffy i die here my blood will be on your haed.
come back to me i love with all my heart.
God bless you my sweetheart steffy.

Better answer him and make sure he knows what he's missing out on.

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004
Subject:  Re: Fondest regards

Oh Samull,

You are such a persistent romantic man!  I never thought that you could change 
your e-mail address to get a message to me.

Oh Samull, I lie in my bed at night thinking about you.  I imagine making love 
to you, your hardness thrusting inside me, my hips answering as you plunge into 
me, the spurt of your seed into my depths as I hold you tight to me, knowing 
that you are planting a baby in my womb.  My body aches to have you here Samull.  
There isn't a moment when I don't think about you.

BUT!  You humiliated me, and hurt my pride terribly Samull !!!

I want to see you humiliated just as I was.  Thank you for the apology Samull, 
but you have not admitted that you were an e-mail scammer and you have not sent 
me the photo I demand!

I want you to tell me you were an e-mail scammer.

I want you to send me a photo of you holding a large sign saying "I WAS AN 

Then I will forgive you, Samull.  Then I will forget what has happened, Samull.  
Then I will take you into my arms as my lover, Samull.

But not until you tell me your were an e-mail scammer and send me that photo, 


Samull makes the most of having his e-mails accepted. Well, that's only temporary!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004
Subject: Fondest dianamic love

I thank you for your mail. mommy i hope you are fine.
darling please forgive me.i can not sleep here i am having a dreem six with you
all the day. and see you with a praguent baby bay. i gave him a name my dreem.
The name i give to him is kingsly.darling take all as a pass.i love you with all
my heart.i am sick because the way you are doing to me. i am alon here come and
take out from here i want to be with you.and have childeren with. i am not like
that you think i am juest try to see me in person darling you will know that i
love you more than anything in my life.
call me with this number 00229079759
my love with you will never die.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2004
Subject:  AUTOREPLY:  Fondest dianamic love

AUTOREPLY:  Fondest dianamic love

The e-mail account  has been set not to accept messages 
from sender:


Messages from this sender will continue to be rejected.

Yet another e-mail to be rejected, it's the same e-mail he sent on Thursday but from yet another zwallet e-mail account. He must've resent it because he thought his other e-mail had been rejected. Mind, "i love you with all my heart" is a better subject than "Fondest dianamic love"

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004
Subject: i love you with all my heart

I thank you for your mail. mommy i hope you are fine.
darling please forgive me.i can not sleep here i am having a dreem six with you 
all the day. and see you with a praguent baby bay. i gave him a name my dreem. 
The name i give to him is kingsly.darling take all as a pass.i love you with all 
my heart.i am sick because the way you are doing to me. i am alon here come and 
take out from here i want to be with you.and have childeren with. i am not like 
that you think i am juest try to see me in person darling you will know that i 
love you more than anything in my life.
call me with this number 00229079759
my love with you will never die.

Better set this Lad straight, I'll try to make it as simple as I can. I want the e-mail and the photo! I'll throw in an incentive though, maybe Steffy could travel home through Western Africa, Lagos could be the most likely place to get him to travel on safari to.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004
Subject:  Samull, listen to what I am saying

Samull,  LISTEN!!!!

No forgivedness
No marriage
No babies

Until you admit you are an e-mail scammer and you send me a photo of you holding 
a sign saying "I AM AN E-MAIL SCAMMER".

My holiday is almost over.  I am going to have to return to the States soon.  I 
have to be at a meeting with the construction company that is building the 
shopping centre for me in Carson City.  I have to sign that the project is 
completed so they can be paid.  I have to be home in about two weeks.

If I leave New Zealand early, I think I might be able to travel home through 
South Africa, Western Africa and Europe.  I wouldn't be able to stay long in 
Western Africa, maybe only one night, but I'd love to see you.

But you have to admit being an e-mail scammer and you have to send me that photo.

Otherwise, I travel straight home from New Zealand to Los Angeles and on to 
Carson City.  And you will never hear from me again.


Samull pleads his case, but Steffy again relies on her autoreply to prompt Samull to admit he's a scammer and to get the photo.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004
Subject: my sweetheart love without you i dont know?

darling steffy.
why do you say so.
i hope we will go no with the marriage date please till me the day you are
coming down here in my country.
i will be happy to see you.
my dearest sweetheart steffy.

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004
Subject:  AUTOREPLY:  my sweetheart love without you i dont know?

AUTOREPLY:  my sweetheart love without you i dont know?

Samull, admit you're a scammer, send the photo.

Others who receive this autoreply, please contact Steffy on her other e-mail 

And a reply from Samull, with an attachment! Just what is the attachment? It's an html file of Samull with Steffy's picture beside him, ahhhhhhhhh. Still not the photo that Steffy wants! And Samull has finally opened a Yahoo account.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004
Subject: sweet photo copy steffy and samull

Dear sweetheart steffy.

Many thanks to hear from you my good darling steffy.
I hope all is will with you and your family.darling i am happy to see you all 
the time in my dreem as a good marriage together with me and you.
This is to sure you the love i have in you my darling steffy.i love you with all 
my heart.
darling when are you coming to vist me i want to know the date.thank you and 
stay well i will be waiting to hear your good kiss of  love to me God bless you 
and take care of your self very well i am with all the time.come up let us have 
our family God give to us i am feeling to see you.with all my heart.
honest love all the time.

Now a warning to Samull, either he admits he's an e-mail scammer and sends the photo or Steffy goes home direct through Los Angeles.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004
Subject:  RE: sweet photo copy steffy and samull


Nice photo, Samull.  It's a pity I couldn't save it as a JPEG (it was an html 
webpage wasn't it?).  But it was the wrong photo.  It wasn't the photo I want!

Send me an admission that you're an e-mail scammer and the photo I want, or I go 
straight home to Nevada through Los Angeles.

I have been to a travel agent here today, and I have tickets on two different 
flights booked for me.

One flies me home from Auckland direct to Los Angeles, and on to Carson City.

The other is from Auckland to Sydney Australia, on to Johannesburg South Africa, 
up to Lagos Nigeria, then home through London and New York and on to Carson City.  
I just can not fit in a trip over to Cotonou with enough time to be with you and 
then get home in time for a meeting that I have with the building contractors.  
I have to sign the final contract for the shopping center before the end of 
October, that is by midnight on the 31st October.

Could you get to Lagos to meet me?  I have looked at the atlas, and Benin is 
right beside Nigeria.  Cotonou seems to be only 100 miles from Lagos.

If you send me an e-mail admitting you were an e-mail scammer and send me the 
photo I want, then I could confirm the trip through Africa.  I would be in Lagos 
for 24 hours over the 28th and 29th of October.  I would arrive in Lagos at 8 
0'clock on the Thursday evening and leave at 11 o'clock on the Friday night.  I 
have also made a reservation at Sheraton Lagos Hotel Towers for the night, a 
reservation for two.  There's a swimming pool, a nightclub, restaurants and bars.  
And there's also room service, we wouldn't have to leave our room!!!!

I cannot leave here before the 27th of October.  I came down here to New Zealand 
to see my sister because she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  Her 
birthday is on the 26th of October.  So if I leave on the next day, I can get to 
Lagos with enough time to spend a night and a day with you.  But I just couldn't 
get to Contonou and then home to the United States in time for my meeting with 
the building contractors.

This is your last chance, Samull.  If I don't get your admission and the photo 
then I fly straight home and you never hear from me again.  If you admit you're 
an e-mail scammer and send the photo, then we would have 24 hours together in 
Lagos and we could work out how to get you to the United States.


Samull sends two e-mails, neither admit that he's a scammer.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004
Subject: steffy and samull Gods family

sweeetheart steffy.

Thank you for your mail to me.

i hope all is will with you. mommy i am sorry that what you thank is not whtat i 

my draling steffy i am not an email scammer. then you will try to see me in person 
and know the kind of person i am to you.

if i am a scammer i can not be writting to you since my life i could have forget 
all about you. i have pray to my God who greated me and you i come to know that 
we are a family to be.i have writting to you for you to understand said 
you love me and you need a man to be with for you life why are treating me like 
this. why i am giving all my love to you as some one i can be with in my life. i 
do not have father the father i have know is my living God who i am saving. 
steffy if you can not asexpect all th world i have been sending to you then you 
can forget about me samull. money is not every thing in this world. what i konw 
is love and good happy family i am form a good happy family not because i have 
lose my father. i have try to paet you as my wife in need but since you dont 
want to hear from me i can not do any other thing. please try to make your trip 
to come and vist me in cotonou benin rep. i dont have money for transportion to 
lagos nigeria. call me with this phone unmber 00229+079759. then you i will like 
to here when you are coming ot see me in cotonou. time and date and week. i wish 
you best of louk.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004
Subject: steffy and samull

darling please i want to see you.
call me 00229+079759

I have to decide that I'm not going to get the photo trophy, but lets move the boy on to the next stage. Maybe I can get him to go on safari!

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004
Subject:  Can you get to Lagos, Samull?


If I went home through Africa, could you get to Lagos, Nigeria?  I mean, there 
is no use thinking about it if you couldn't get there.

I have to tell the travel agent which airline ticket that I will be buying on 
Monday, 25th October.  If you want to see me, if you want to hold me in your 
arms, then you have to be quick.  You have to send me the admission and the 
photo, and arrange to get to Lagos to meet me on the 28th October.

I had a giggle at your claim that you were not an e-mail scammer.  I have found 
this website, have a look at it.  It's titled "Samull Bayo from Benin".  Was 
that someone else you'd scammed?

That is exactly the same as the e-mail you sent me, word for word.

However I'm prepared to forgive and forget, if you admit you were an internet 
scammer and send me that photo of you holding a sign.

Oh please tell me that you can get to Lagos, Samull.


Two e-mails from Samull today, yes he wants to see me and does he say he can be in Lagos?

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004


To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004


Oh, I really did want to get that photo! I think though that Steffy will just have to agree to travel home through Lagos. I'd better tell him why I can't get to Benin though, so he can prepare to travel to Lagos to meet me. But yes, it going to be safari time for Samull!!!!!!

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject:  Meet you in Lagos, Samull

Oh Samull,

If someone had told me two months ago that I would fall in love with a man over 
the internet, I'd have told them that they were mad.

But I have fallen in love with you Samull, and I felt so hurt when I found out 
that you are an e-mail scammer.  But what you have said in your last two e-mails 
has opened my eyes.  I suppose that I have to accept that Benin isn't as rich as 
the United States, that you have a simple life, and that you have to make a 
living any way you can.

I just want you to admit to me that you were an internet scammer.  Then I can 
forgive you and forget your past, and concentrate on our future together.

As I think I told you in an earlier e-mail, I could not leave here before 
Wednesday 27th October.  I came down here to see my sister.  She had been told 
that she had breast cancer and she has had her breast removed.  They found that 
they had removed all of the cancer and she is safe now.  But I came down to 
celebrate her birthday which is on the 26th.  I just have to stay to be with her 
on that day.

But if I were to leave on the 27th, then I could not get to Cotonou in Benin 
with enough time to be with you and also get home to the United States in time 
for my business meeting.

So could you get to Lagos to meet me at the airport?  My flight would arrive at 
8.15 in the evening on Thursday 28th, I travel business class so I would be 
coming through immigration and customs very quickly.  I would think that I could 
see you at the airport by 8.45 or 9.00 o'clock.  I could get the travel agents 
here to book us a hotel room in Lagos.

Tell me if you can be at Lagos airport to meet me and I will book my flight home 
through Africa and send you the details of my flights.

Oh, Samull.  I hope I am doing the right thing.


Prompt reply from Samull. Pity he can't make it to Lagos, that'll mean there is no son kingsly in Steffy's "wumb" (sic).

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004

darling steffy.
what willi say about you do you want to kill me.mommy i know you love me i love 
you too.
why do you want to stay away from me as you love.
take me as you see me in dreem that is what i am to you. let us make our family.
my sweetheart steffy i can not promise you that i will come to lagos Nigeria is 
two ruff to me.i can com here. please if you love me and you want to take me as 
your husband come to cotonou to see me. benin is good more than lagos to me.
i dont truest lagos. my good darling till me when you are coming to my see me in 
benin and you send all your information. forgey all you may here when we be 
together you will know me more in your life and know if i love you or not. try 
to call me tomorrow with my number 00229+079759 i want to hear from you my sweet 
darling steffy.i samul love you more down but you dont know mommy please come i 
want to make love with you remember our first son kingsly which i meet in dreem 
is from your wumb.
kiss and your good love to me

Steffy will have to tell him she's going straight home then. Steffy will dangle the time they would spend together and the prospect of a child before Samull. Damn, this bait hasn't produced a photographic trophy and now it looks as if Samull isn't going to give me a safari trophy either.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject:  Sad

Dear Samull,

I am soooo sorry that you can't get to Lagos.  I just cannot get to Cotonou.  I 
could have got to Lagos with enough time for us to spend 24 hours together.

As I've told you, I can't leave New Zealand before the 27th October because of 
my sister's birthday.  I have to be back in Carson City by the 30th October 
because of a business meeting.

I am really sad that you don't love me enough, Samull, to travel just 100 miles 
to be with me.

I'll go down to the travel agent today and cancel the airline tickets through 
Lagos, and get them to cancel the hotel booking too.  I guess there won't be any 
little boy Kingsly growing in my stomach now, as a result of our love making.


And a swarm of e-mails from Samull, seven of them.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject: remember kingsly


want to see our pastor he till me that my wife is come to see me if she comes i 
shoud com with her
KISS,,,,,,,,, love

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject: steffy, why


i am not happy as a yung man iam i give all my to to you you can not apprcite it 
for one day in you mind you know that i love you more than you.
try to make your trip to cotonou it is very easy for you entrier then i will be 
waiting for yor informations so that i will waitte you at the airport. i will 
come and pick you as my wife. i am here with you picture and too you mine own.
what is wroung to come and see me here.
i want to know.
Nigeria is not good for me there is know good security. creminas all over.i am a 
full hulldy man to marrie you with all my heart. you love me you can not give me 
a call on phone.
waiting to hear from you soonest

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject: love for you steffy

steffy read what you say to me here
My dearest Samull,
WOW, what a lovely photo! You're a real cool guy. Tell me, are you married, do 
you have a girlfriend?
Sorry this is just a short e-mail, but I'm working here at the ranch until 
Friday so I can't sit down and write great long e-mails as I'd like to until 
Gee, thanks again for the photo. I feel like I really know you. What a pity 
you're down there in west Africa and I'm up here working at the ranch in Nevada.
Love for now

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004

Darling steffy 

look at this good family i hope you will like us to be like this famil that is 
what i want fom you.

happy good family from God?


Samull attaches an image of an African family that he's obviously found on the 
internet, an image of a father, mother and child.  OOOOHHHH, he's working hard!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject: sweetheart steffy happ to see you in lagos

sweetheart steffy.
I wish to say good day to you, 
please my good darling i am sorry please undersand me as your own.i am 
appologised to you for the mail please forgive me.
you know i do not know lagos very well that is why i am saying that.
please just go back to the travel agent and resurve your airline tickets through 
lagos will come there to see you.please my sweet darling steff i promise you to 
come and see you in lagos.
please try all your best to change every thing i am with you my dearst steffy.
the problem i have you know that i will take my own air ticket here then you 
will try to send some money here to till you all my tureght here i am not with 
any money  i wish to come see you with all my heart.
then you will book every nice hotel like federa palace hotel in victeria isiand 
till me when you are coming and you flight shudule then as soon as you are going 
live then mommy try to give you a call 00229+079759.
I will be waiting to hear from you soonest.
my good sweetheart steffy.

And, YES!!!!! Samull is coming to Lagos!!!! Now I've got to keep him running so he doesn't have time to think.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject: honest love 00229079759

sweethaert steffy. 

i wishy to come and see you in lagos, till all about.i promise to you that my 
good God will keep me and you as one till i die i love you with all my heat. i 
miss you my mommy steffy. dreeming of you all the time.
please forgive my appologise to my mail. may my good GOD see you ture and your 
sister and all your family. 

kiss and long life to you my darling steffy.


To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject: happy to meet you in lagos

please i wish to see you in lagos.please mommy i want to see you ok,
love from samull and steffy.

Steffy sends a reply to keep Samull hot. Keep him thinking about making babies with Steffy, and bring up the suggestion of how he's going to get to America.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject:  Sad

Oh darling Samull,

Just a quick e-mail.  Can you REALLY get to Lagos to be with me?  Oh I hope that
we will spend the time together just making love.  And maybe making babies.

I will go to the travel agent and confirm the air tickets and hotel room.  I 
will send you a copy of my flights, and when you can meet me at the airport.

We will have to talk about how I will get you to America, there will probably be 
lots of paperwork.  But, as an entertainer, I know lots of important people who 
should be able to help clear the way for you to immigrate to the United States.

Bye for now, my lovely man.
Love and kisses

And another two e-mails from Samull.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004
Subject: Together in Lagos with you my darling steffy.

sweetheat darling steffy.
Thank you for your lovely reply to me. i am just cmoing back from the church 
now. mommy do go catolic church. when the pastor was praying in the he made a 
comment about to love each other all my mind move than to were you good 
darling are you giving me asure to is you in lagos. plesae my sweetheart when 
are coming down so that i may try to be in lagos on sunday eving. try to get me 
all the inportant things by tomorrow so that i will run thing up with me here.
darling steffy try to call me tomorrow moning on my phone is you sister 
and your family i hpoe they are very fine and you too.sweetheart i can see the 
love you have in me from now.i made all my promise to you i will be in lago with 
you my mommy steffy.God bless you and take care of your self very well till we 
meet as blessed family. it is not my pawer and not your pawer it is from GOD who 
created me and you.i will never forget the firt mail you send to me i tould you 
that i promie to be with you till the end of my life. i will do so.
kiss my sweeheart steefy and long life to you and me.
love you forever.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004

FROM YOU. 0022079759

Samull seems to be getting nervous.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sun,24 Oct 2004
Subject: what happen darling steffy.

darling steffy.
please want is wrong are not coming again

But by Sunday afternoon Samull is feeling happy about traveling to Lagos again.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sun,24 Oct 2004
Subject: happy to meet you in lagos

my sweetheart steffy.
mommy thank you for the information you send to me i will do as you say.
darling i will try to get you on chat.darling i am filling lonly here as i never
 see you .
how about your sister and other i hope they are fine today and you too.
sweetheart i promise you with all my miand that we will be a happy family.i love 
you with all my heart. and i belive that it is the time of GOD for me and you to 
get married i promise to have the good marriage with you.darling take care tiil 
we meet together in lagos to make our love babeis.i pray for long life beteewing 
me and you and our families.
Thanks and have a nice dreem.
dianamic love with you my mommy steffy.

Steffy answers Samull, yes she will meet him at Lagos!!!!! Better highlight that he is to be there on Thursday. Though it would be good if he turned up on Saturday, then Steffy could be really angry about him not turning up. Got to keep him on the boil, suggestions of a sexy nightdress might help as well as an airline ticket confirmation.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004
Subject:  YES, YES, YES

Dearest Samull,

Yes I will meet you at Lagos.  Make sure you are at Lagos Airport at about 8.30 
pm THURSDAY 28th October.  I have booked my flights, and the travel agent has 
booked the hotel room for us.

That is THURSDAY sweet Samull !!!!!

Here is a copy of the ticket confirmation, so you know when I will be arriving.

Must rush, I want to go shopping and buy a sexy nightdress to wear just for you.

Also could you chat tonight your time on Yahoo Messenger, I will e-mail you later.


===== Original Message =====

Sat, 23 Oct 2004
To:  [email protected]
Subject:  Ticket confirmation
From:  [email protected]

This is an automated reply to a ticket purchase, do not reply to this e-mail, 
do not send e-mails to the address.

Dear Ms Cox,

Thank you for making your booking online with Qantas airlines. Below are all the 
details of your itinerary. The Electronic-Ticket Receipt/ Itinerary for your 
booking has been forwarded to your travel agent.

Please click here to read the terms and conditions: If you have any queries about your 
booking, call your local Qantas office on 0508 QANTAS (reservations), 0508 726 
827 (reservations)

We hope you have a pleasant journey.

Best regards

Booking reference S. M. Cox

Auckland (New Zealand) to Sydney (Australia), Qantas

Flight number - QF 040
Class - Business
Flight routing - Non-stop
Departs 27 Oct 04, 7.05 am Auckland International Apt
Arrives 27 Oct 04, 7.30 am Sydney International Apt

Sydney (Australia) to Johannesburg (South Africa), Qantas
Flight number - QF 063,
Class - Business
Flight routing - Non-stop
Departs 27 Oct, 10.05 am Sydney International Apt
Arrives 27 Oct 4.10 pm Johannesburg International Apt

Johannesburg (South Africa) to Lagos (Nigeria), Murtala Muhammed Airport), 
South African Airways
Flight number - SA 60,
Class - Business
Flight routing - Non-stop
Departs 28 Oct 04, 3.15 pm Johannesburg International Apt
Arrives 28 Oct 04, 8.15 pm Lagos, Murtala Muhammed International Apt

Lagos (Nigeria), Murtala Muhammed Airport to London Heathrow (United Kingdom), 
British Airways
Flight number - BA 0074,
Class - Business
Flight routing - Non-stop
Departs 29 Oct 04, 11.15 pm Lagos, Murtala Muhammed International Apt
Arrives 30 Oct 04, 5.55 am London Heathrow

London Heathrow (United Kingdom) to John F Kennedy NY (USA), American Airlines
Flight number - AA 101
Class - Business
Flight routing - Non-stop
Departs 30 Oct 04, 10.00 am London Heathrow
Arrives 30 Oct 04, 12.30 pm John F Kennedy, NY

Traveller information
Traveller: 1 Adult
Full name: Ms Stephanie Michelle Cox

Preferred meals: Low fat, fish/poultry.
Delivery and payment details: Paid, Visa.
Total fare for all travellers (including taxes): NewZealand Dollars NZD 12,456.00
(Including GST: New Zealand Dollars NZD NIL)
Electronic Ticket (Airline Confirmation Number): YES

And I try to arrange a Yahoo messenger chat between Steffy and Samull

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004
Subject:  Can you chat on Yahoo Messenger?

My darling Samull,

Can you get onto Yahoo messenger?  There is a 12 hour difference between our 
times, when it is mid-day here it is midnight there in Lagos.

I thought that we could try to chat on Yahoo Messenger at 9 o'clock Tuesday 
morning my time, that will be 9 o'clock Monday evening your time there in Lagos.

I will load Yahoo messenger ready for tomorrow, I will have to get a yahoo mail 
account.  I will look for you as .

Love forever

Steffy sends Samull confirmation of a yahoo e-mail address so that they can chat.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004
Subject:  E-mail address for Yahoo Messenger?

My darling Samull,

I've got a Yahoo e-mail address.  We could chat on Yahoo Messenger.  My yahoo 
e-mail address is [email protected].  Don't send e-mails to it.  But if you 
can get into Yahoo Messenger on Monday night about 9.00 pm your time there in 
Cotonou, then check to see if I am online using that address.

Hope we can chat, I have so much to tell you.  I tried to ring you but could not 
get a connection to your number.  So let us try Yahoo Messenger.

By the way, I've bought a lovely, lacy, pink nightdress to wear in Lagos.  I 
look very sexy in it, my breasts swell out under the neckline and you can see my 
body through the material.  I can't wait until you get to see me wearing it, 

There is just over a day and a half until I get on the plane to fly to you.  
Just three days until I will be in your arms.  I wish I didn't have to stay over 
one night in Johannesburg, I cannot wait to see you and feel your arms around me.

Love and kisses

Samull comes back with two e-mails, and he wants to have phone sex? Well, that's what I assume "i want hear your voice to make a lettil love with you." means. And someone is tapping his e-mail address? Not me, more is the pity.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sun,24 Oct 2004
Subject: Re: Yahoo e-mail address so we can chat on Yahoo Messenger

qeen of my heart steffy.
i can hear what you sa  remember that you are the one i have in my life as now 
after god.and is you i can not say my mother because is geting old god may call 
here at any time.
darling i love you as all in my life.thank you very much i will get you on chat 
to night today.
i pray it will be good between me and you in jesus name.
love you my darling steffy.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon,25 Oct 2004
Subject: see you in lago

darling please any email comes to you try to let me know. do you here me if you 
love me as i love you then try to call 00229079759 please i want hear your voice 
to make a lettil love with you.
you know i am telling you this is because is like some is tapping my email 
address ok.
love you forever my sweetheart steffy.

So, let's see if Samull is on Yahoo Messenger? Yes!!!!!

steffycox: Samull?  Are you there my darling?
Samull Bayo has signed back in. (26/10/2004 9:10 a.m.)
Samull Bayo: yes
Samull Bayo: mommy i am here for you
steffycox: SAMULL!!!!! my darling
Samull Bayo: darling how are you
Samull Bayo: sweetheart i miee you
Samull Bayo: are you there mommy
steffycox: Excited  How are you, how is your leg from your motorbike accident?
Samull Bayo: darling i am fine not too bad
steffycox: Sorry I am slow with this.  Oh how nice it is to chat with you.  I 
can only stay for about 30 minutes because I have to go into the city to pick up 
my Nigerian visa.
Samull Bayo: i hope every thing is ok my qeen steffy
steffycox: You will be able to get to Lagos to meet me on Thursday evening won't 
Samull Bayo: darling you know that i ma here for you 
Samull Bayo: yes mommy
steffycox: and it won't stop you making love to me will it ?
Samull Bayo: i wish you all best to meet you in lagos
Samull Bayo: no i need you sweet love my qeen steffy 
Samull Bayo has invited you to enable voice conference.
steffycox: What is Voice conference Samull?  I don't think i can do that.  I'd 
love to hear your voice whispering sweet words to me though.  I don't have a 
Samull Bayo: darling is like you are besy
steffycox: Not busy right now, I'm talking to my lover - you 
steffycox: Oh Samull, you will be there at Lagos airport to meet me won't you?  
I need you to be there to meet me my darling.
Samull Bayo: ok
Samull Bayo: darling i promise you that i will be there with you
steffycox: Oh, what a relief.  I don't want to be left alone at a strange airport
steffycox: mmm, so what will we do when we're in lagos Samull?
Samull Bayo: i promise yuo darling
Samull Bayo: mommy i need you good live to me
steffycox: How will I recognise you, in your last photo you had a beard!  What 
will you be wearing?
Samull Bayo: and tthe love in bed to have a good family
steffycox: Oh Samull, yes yes
Samull Bayo: i will come with the pictuer for bme and you
Samull Bayo: mommy tell me the color of what i will take to know you in the 
steffycox: When will you leave Cotonou Samull, if I sent you an e-mail would you 
get it?  My sister took a photo of me wearing the pink nightdress I bought to 
wear for you, and it is sexy.  But tell me about the love making Samull ....
Samull Bayo: ilwill live on tursday 
Samull Bayo: moning
Samull Bayo: darling i want us get childeren
steffycox: OK, I will send you an e-mail with the photo.  But you will be there 
on time my darling?  My flight arrives at 8.15 in the evening.
Samull Bayo: i hope you will like it
Samull Bayo: ok mommy 
Samull Bayo: i will do that for you
Samull Bayo: sweetheart give me your lipes i want to kiss you
steffycox: Oh I so want to be with you Samull, I feel quite excited just 
thinking about being with you
Samull Bayo: darling like me too 
Samull Bayo: kiss you 
steffycox: So Samull, are you an experienced lover?  Do you know how to really 
excite a woman?  Have you made love to many women before?

Samull makes a sad face emoticon

steffycox: why the sad face samull? Samull Bayo: konw mommy just the love i have in you Samull Bayo: you know that very prity for me steffycox: what is a prity? pity? Samull Bayo: no mommy i love you best Samull Bayo: i mean you are very good to my liking Samull Bayo: to marrie Samull Bayo: you are my sweet qeen to be steffycox: Oh I want to have your children Samull, I want us to make love and to get pregnant in Lagos Samull Bayo: i want that too darling steffy Samull Bayo: mommy i nees your kiss steffycox: Smooch Samull, big kisses until we are together in Lagos Samull Bayo: darling i called my mother till her that my family to be is coming from uas she was very very happy to here this Samull Bayo: mommy i am kissing you now Samull Bayo: kissss,,,, Samull Bayo: kisss steffycox: How are you getting to Lagos, samull? It will be safe won't it. You won't be riding your motorbike will you, I hear the roads are very dangerous in Nigeria. Samull Bayo: kisss qeen for me steffycox: Oh samull, hugs and kisses back. You are making me quite excited here Samull. I just can't wait until I see you in Lagos Samull Bayo: darling how do want me to be ther for you i will ariport tax from here to lagos but it is money Samull Bayo: like me too is like we are on bed right now Samull Bayo: mommy can you open your leages for me steffycox: Oh, they are open my darling samull, I am quite wet down there thinking of your touch. What are you doing my darling? Are you touching yourself for me? Samull Bayo: darling call 00229079759 i want to kiss you on phone steffycox: Tried to phone earlier samull, couldn't get through to your number. Samull Bayo: yes steffycox: I'd rather you kissed me on the lips samul Samull Bayo: mommy you have kild me her steffycox: Yes, what are you doing Samull. Oh, tell me!!!! Samull Bayo: my qeen of the day what do you want me to do Samull Bayo: i can not say anything is is the work of god for us to get marriage Samull Bayo: this how it happens Samull Bayo: i know that we are one blood steffycox: Oh, I must be going soon. I have been talking to you for nearly 40 minutes. Just a little longer though Samull. Samull Bayo: i promise to pragint you befor you go back to usa steffycox: Oh Samull, I hope so. I want you deep inside me and I want your seed to plant a baby in me so we atart a family right away. Samull Bayo: darling why are you living me like this i dont want me to sleep this nihgt steffycox: Mmmmm, well you will dream of me tonight darling Samull. Samull Bayo: god have alread give us a baby dont fell like that i myself i feel so withen my self steffycox: I hope you keep thinking about making love to me until we are together in Lagos. Samull Bayo: yes steffycox: I must go. I have to go to the Nigerian Consulate to get my visa. steffycox: Love and kisses Samull. Thinking of you until we are together in Lagos. Samull Bayo: ok should i wait you come back Samull Bayo: kisss Samull Bayo: my sweet qeen steffy darling i dont now how i will sleep this night Samull Bayo: i ma having your picture in my heart here with me Samull Bayo: i am sleeping with it all the time steffycox: You will recognise me at lagos airport Samull, I will have my long blonde hair hanging down and look just like my photos. steffycox: Bye for now, I will see you in Lagos my darling lover. Samull Bayo: i love mommy kisss; Samull Bayo: kisss and have anice dreem to night steffycox: Kisses, and thinking of you making love to me. Samull Bayo: like me too steffycox: Until about 9 o'clock Thursday night in lagos samull steffycox: I must go, or I won't get my Nigerian visa. steffycox: Oh i will dream of you tonight Samull, I will wrap my arms around myself tonight in bed and imagine that you are making love to me. steffycox: Bye my darling Samull Bayo: ok if i get to lagos i will make sure that i will see a line in nig to give you as soon as you land you call the line in the ariport Samull Bayo: i am with you you my darling steffy steffycox: What? You will be in the line where I will come out of the airport? Samull Bayo: have a nice dreem too me i am with you in the bed steffycox: bye, bye, bye until Lagos Samull Bayo: ok i will see you mommy

Well, that little chat made him pay for an hour's internet time. He should be very keen to be at Lagos airport as well. We're all set up for a successful SAFARI. Now I must get a photo of Steffy in a sexy nightdress and send it to Samull.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon,25 Oct 2004
Subject: see you in lagos darling

darling steffy,
thank you for your chating with your darling 
i wish you good to see me in lagos.

Better apologise to Samull that I won't be able to send him the photo of me wearing my new sexy nightdress, the website I get photos of Steffy from is unavailable.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004
Subject:  Can't wait to be with you

Dear Samull,

Yes it was lovely chatting with you today.

I am sorry that I cannot send you the photo I promised, the one of me wearing 
the new sexy nightdress that I will wear for you in Lagos.  My sister has gone 
out and she has taken her camera with her, so I am unable to download the image 
onto the computer.

Just think, in just on 17 hours I will be taking off on my way to you.  I can 
hardly wait.

However there will be a time when I am on the plane when I won't be able to 
e-mail you.  I should be able to e-mail you from my hotel in South Africa, 
otherwise this might be the last e-mailyou get until we are together in Lagos.

Love and kisses

I send Samull an e-mail supposedly from Steffy's sister with a couple of low rersolution images attached of Steffy. These images have been set to such low resolution and small size that they are just about unviewable. I couldn't help but start the e-mail, "You will be surprised to receive this e-mail."

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004
Subject:  Photographs from Steffy

Dear Mr Bayo,

You will be surprised to receive this e-mail.  I am Steffy's sister.  She asked 
me to send you a photo that she had promised to send you.  She scribbled your 
e-mail address down at the airport this morning, I do hope I have it correct.

She was fooling around while wearing the new nightdress for me to take 
photographs of her, and I got several good photos.  I am sending you two of 
these photos that I took.

Steffy also asked me to tell you she left safely on her flight to Sydney this 
morning, and that she is looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.

Please look after my little sister.

Yours sincerely
Robyn Blynde

And it seems as if Samull is certainly going to be in Lagos. If he couldn't sleep last night, then he definitely won't be able to sleep on Thursday night after Steffy has stood him up at Lagos airport.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004
Subject: our long life in lagos

my qeen sweetheart steffy.
Thank you for the mail i hope you fill very fine last night.
as for me i couldent sleep because of you my darling i wist to see you in lagos.
darling take care of your self till we meet in lagos and make babies and good 
love you,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Samull also thanks Steffy's sister for sending him the photographs. Typically, he confuses the Western family and given names. It is a pity about the low quality of the photos, but they'll give him some idea of what Steffy would be wearing if she was going to meet him in Lagos.

To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004
Subject: from samull

Dear Blynde ,
Thank you for your mail i hope you fine very well.
i can not see the picture very well. till iwe meet there is no problem i will 
take care of here very well, stay well on till we i come to see you with my 
sweet qeen steffy.
I send Samull the last e-mail he will get from Steffy before he is stood up at the airport. Now I have 24 hours to decide whether to burn him and tell him that I am a baiter, or to progress the bait with some plausible excuse why Steffy didn't make it to Lagos.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004
Subject:  Safe in South Africa

My darling Samull,

I have arrived in South Africa, it is 9 o'clock in the evening here in 
Johannesburg and I am tired, tired, tired.  It was a long flight from New 
Zealand to here, or rather two flights because I had to change flights in Sydney 
Australia.  I didn't sleep much on the plane because it was daylight all the 
way, so I am going to bed right now to get a good night's sleep.

I don't leave Johannesburg until 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, so I have 
arranged a little sightseeing trip tomorrow morning.  There is a local market 
nearby the hotel where all sorts of arts and crafts are sold, so I will go there 
for a few hours after breakfast.  I want to buy some local crafts to put in my 
apartment in Carson City.  There is a large shopping center close by too, so I 
will go there as well.  I want to buy some jewellery, and a watch for you.  As I 
don't intend to be leaving the hotel in Lagos, I thought that here in 
Johannesburg would be a good place to go shopping.

I've spoken to my sister Robyn back in New Zealand and she appologizes for the 
poor photos she sent you.  I bought the camera for her as a birthday present, 
and she had hardly used it at all when she took those photographs of me.  She 
thinks she made a mistake reducing the size of the images so they could be 
e-mailed.  Hopefully she will get better.

I cannot wait until we are together in Lagos my darling Samull.  Please be 
careful travelling from Cotonou to Lagos.  I just want to see you at the 
airport, and be swept into your arms in our hotel room.  Until we are together.

Love and kisses all over
An e-mail arrives from Samull, wanting to know what kind of dress she will be wearing at the airport. I will send him a photo of what Steffy intends to wear, courtesy of the real prostitute's website upon whom I modelled Steffy.
To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004
Subject: honest love in lagos darling steffy

my sweert good qeen steffy,
i am very very happy to hear that there is no problem for you.
glory be to god of me and you my darling have a nice dreem i am with you all the 
please try to send me a mail aley moning to till me the canld of dress you will 
be taking so that i will know you very well in the ariport.
i promise to be with you in lagos my sweetheart steffy love you forever and 
happpy family.
I'd better keep Samull hot to trot, make sure he is expecting a night of passion with Steffy.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004
Subject:  Thinking of you

My dearest lover Samul,

I just cannot sleep.  Whether it is the difference in time zones between here in 
South Africa and New Zealand, or the expectation that in just 19 hours I will be 
in your arms and you will be making love to me.  It is just on 3 o'clock in the 
morning, and since I could not sleep I decided to see if there were any e-mails 
from you, and delight of delight there was one.

Tomorrow I will wear a red and white striped top, it has short sleeves, with a 
thigh length dark blue dress.  I think I have a photo of me wearing that top on 
my laptop, I'll send it if I can find it.  Ah, yes.  I've attached it as 

You will have no trouble recognizing me, long blonde hair, red and blue striped 
top, dark blue skirt, and I think my dark blue sandals.  I am expecting it to be 
quite warm in Lagos, being so close to the equator.

Mind, I won't be wearing those clothes long once we get to the privacy of our 
hotel room.  You might not even get to see my new nightdress, Samull.  Just the
 thought of you taking me in your arms and kissing me and caressing my body has 
 made my heart flutter and brought a flood of wetness between my legs.  Oh, I do
  so want you as my lover Samull.  I want you to caress and kiss my body all 
	over until I cannot stand it anymore and you take me and plant yourself within 
	me and pump your seed into the fertile depths of my womb.

Oh, I so want to be making love to you Samull.  I am so hot with my desire for 
you.  I so long for when we are together, our bodies entwined in a lover's 
ambrace, feeling the weight of your body on top of me as your hardness plunges 
into my wetness.  Oh, I want you making love to me so much Samull, I can hardly 
wait.  I think I will go back to bed and caress myself until I gain release from 
these yearnings that my body has for your loving.  Maybe then I will fall asleep, 
thinking of you my darling man.

Until tomorrow night in Lagos,
Your lover

I attach this image to the e-mail. Hopefully the thought of steffy's breasts and the thought of their lovemaking will ensure that Samull will be at the airport.

When I check, there are a number of messages from Samull. Now, Lagos is exactly 12 hours behind New Zealand, so Samull must have found some way to check the flight list before the plane arrived to see if Steffy was on the flight

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004
Subject: Thinking of you too darling

sweetheart steffy.
good moning i hope you are fine, 
darling do not fill bed i am come to see in lagos mommy let me till you i can 
not sleep here since the days.
i wish to meet you we maket babies and good family.
love you and kiss,,,,,,,,

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004
Subject: I am sad

what is going on with you i am here in the airport but your booking is not 
avable here why.
please i am going back to my town or are you coming tomorrow or not till me let 
know what to do please call this line 08033225431
bye ;;;;;;;;;

To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004
Subject: from samull

Robyn .

i am not happy here 
the booking line is not ture .what steffy want me to do
this thi samull

I send an e-mail to Samull from Steffy's sister, explaining why she is not on the flight.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004
Subject:  Steffy is in hospital in Johannesburg

Dear Mr Bayo,

I hope you remember my name, I am Steffy's sister.  In the middle of the night 
we received a phone call from the Johannesburg Police to tell us that Steffy is 
in hospital in Johannesburg.  It was just after mid-day there in Johannesburg.

We rang the hospital an hour ago, at about 6 o'clock their time, and spoke to 
her Doctor.  He says that she is safe and she is in a stable condition.  She has 
concussion from a blow to the head, a fractured wrist, and multiple bruising and 
small cuts.  He told us the Police had taken her handbag and were going to 
cancel her flights for today.

When she arrived at the hospital she wanted to discharge herself and get to the 
airport, she was so insistent on leaving that the hospital sedated her.  
Apparently, once she realised that the plane to Lagos had left she calmed down.  
The Doctor is no longer worried about her concussion, and her wrist has been set 
in plaster.  He says that they will keep her in the hospital for observation 
until Friday evening and that she just needs to rest.

When we rang she was asleep, but she had left a message for us and asked that we 
contact you.

Steffy had been at a local market when some young men tried to grab her handbag.  
She held onto her bag and fought off her attackers.  But one of them must have 
hit her on the head with something hard, and when she fell she broke her wrist.

The Doctor we talked to told us that he thinks that Steffy will be quite well 
enough to fly home on Saturday.  I know she needs to be back in Carson City on 
Sunday for business reasons.

Steffy and I have talked about her relationship with you, her desire to have a 
child, and her plans to meet you.  I told her that I thought that she was acting
 hastily, and that she should think about what she was doing.  It would appear 
 as if Steffy will not now be visiting Nigeria, but please keep in touch with 
 her and help her recover from this traumatic episode.

Yours sincerely
Robyn Blynde

Steffy eventually sends an e-mail to samull.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004
Subject:  Damn it Samul!

My darling Samull,

This is just a quick message my love.  I am still tired and the Doctor has given 
me pills to help me sleep.

I am so sorry that I didn't get to Lagos, and hurt too.  I've been released from 
hospital and will be catching Saturday morning's flight back to New York through 
London.  Oh why couldn't I have been with you?

My left arm is in plaster where I broke my wrist, luckily i write and type with 
my right hand.  I cannot remember much of what happened, I do wish that I had 
let them take my handbag though.  My passport, tickets and money could have been 
replaced, though not in time to see you either.

I hope you have got safely home.

Bye for now

No e-mails from Samull. Perhaps he realises that he's been baited. Perhaps he has fallen off his motorbike again and been run over by a truck on the Subgama expressway. No. I couldn't be that lucky! Better get a message off to him from his darling Steffy, now back home and incredibly rich! Steffy wants to bring him to the USA, and sends him a scan of a newspaper article describing her attack in Johannesburg.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004
Subject:  Did you get home safely my darling Samull?

My darling Samull,

I hope you have reached home safely.  I was worried when I checked my e-mail and 
found no recent messages from you.  Please contact me as soon as you can.  I was 
so sad that we could not meet in Lagos, you don't know just how much I wanted to 
be there with you.

It is Sunday evening here in Carson City.  I got home this morning after flights 
through London, New York and Las Vegas.  I was able to get to my business 
meeting and sign the completion deal for the shopping mall.  My business manager 
had been able to sign up tenents for all the shops in the mall, even though it 
was still being built.  This meant that I could sell the whole mall along with 
the contracts to occupy all the shops to a national retail chain, and that was 
an extremely profitable exercize.  I have made nearly $15 million dollars 
profit, and now I am going to retire and concentrate on the important things in 
life.  Like love and a family.

I have to go to the Doctor on Monday for a check up.  I still have a lump on my 
head where I got hit in the attack.  But apart from that and the plaster cast on 
my arm I feel fantastic.  That is probably the effect of a couple of glasses of 
champaigne that I had after signing the sale of the mall.

Now Samull, I want to bring you to the United States.  And not just as a tourist 
either, I want to bring you to the States as a permanent resident.  I will be 
going to see my lawyer tomorrow about how I can get you into the States.  There 
will probably be all sorts of paperwork, as the Government has tightened up on 
immigration following September 11th.  But nothing is impossible.

Finally, I am attaching a scan of a newspaper article from the Johannesburg 
evening paper.  I wish so much that that silly robbery hadn't happened and that 
I could have been with you in Lagos.  However, it did.  But I am safe now, I do 
so hope you are safe as well.

Love and kisses

Copy of a newspaper article I have put together telling of Steffy's attack.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004
Subject:  Are you safe?

My darling Samull,

I have not received any e-mails from you.  I am worried that you are safe.  Have 
you arrived home?

There is some good news, sweetheart.  I have found out that an old friend is 
now the Under Secretary for Immigration at the US Embassy in Accra, Ghana.  I am 
getting in touch with him to find out what sort of formalities there are to get 
permanent resident status in the US for a citizen of one of the western African 
countires.  I hope he may be able to help me smooth the way for you to emmigrate 
to the States.

There is such a fuss going on here about the Presidential election at the moment, 
the news is full of John Kerry and George Bush.  I am a registered Republican, 
which means I would normally vote for Bush.  But I'd like to see our boys and 
girls in the armed forces come home from Iraq, I don't think the invasion of 
Iraq was justified and I think George Bush and his crowd lied to the American 
people, to Congress and to the Senate about the threat of weapons of mass 
destruction and the links between Al Queda and Iraq.

I hope you are safe and well back home my darling Samull,
Love you,

And Samull finally gets back to Steffy!!! What is this, his hotel bills and fiddling (?) have become a problem? Good!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004
Subject: i am not safe my darling

darling steffy.
i hope you are fine i can here all happen to you i am sorry for that but darling 
i face a very big problem in lagos my hotel bills and my filding i was confulls 
on my self i dont know what to do.
darling what do you want me to do now. i dont belive that this will happen to me 
and you you know that i love as all in my life.steffy i dont know what to do again 
try to call me 00229079759 please i want to here from you if you love.i just come 
back from lagos today.

Another soppy e-mail arrives from Samull. But, what's this "loave" business? I'm not sure if Samull "loves" Steffy and his spelling is bad, if he "loathes" her for not meeting him in Lagos and his spelling is bad, or if he just loves her dough.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004
Subject: my darling steffy

oh my sweetheart steffy .
what do want me to do i am alon here haveing your filling with me on my bed and 
dreems when will i see you.have a kiss from me i loave you.i wish will shall be 
together forever in our life.
good love samull and steffy.

And unexpectedly I get an e-mail from Samull to Steffy's sister in New Zealand. Oh, there was a mix up with the flight dates as well. Good. But poor Steffy missed the flight anyway.

To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004
Subject: from steffy darling in love

Dera sister of steffy
i hope you are fine and your family. 
i am not happy how steffy is so despared on me upon all the love i have on her 
steff tould me that she is coming to vist me in lagos and also give me a roung 
date she give me tursday28th octorber then there is no fight coming from south 
africa on that date.
i want to the airport ask them they now tould me that airline from south africa 
will land on friday not tursday. why did steffy done me this. i love her and i 
want to marrie her. 
please till her to call me on my phone line 00229079759
Thanks and god bless you samull

And a nice chatty e-mail from Samull to Steffy, but no mention that he'd contacted her sister.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004
Subject: from your good darling samull

Darling how are you you fine today.
How was the election i hope is good to you as well.
please my sweetheart i want to hear from you so that i will know where i am.
I am ok alone here with me i will like us to have the good better family to be.
try to call me today 00229079759
love forever.

Maybe Samull deserves a bit of a slap for contacting my sister. Yes, of course he does.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004
Subject:  FW:  from steffy darling in love


I have just received the message below which my sister Robyn in New Zealand has 
forwarded to me.

I am insulted that you think you need to contact my sister to find out what I am 

Let me tell you now, NEVER CONTACT MY SISTER AGAIN!!!!!

And how DARE YOU doubt what I have told you.  I had tickets issued on a flight 
from Johannesburg to Lagos on Thursday.  As you now know I was sedated in 
hospital and didn't get to travel on that flight.  Whether it took off on 
Thursday or was delayed until Friday I don't know, and I don't care!!!!!!

So, don't contact my sister again.  And never doubt what I say.  Or I will stop 
all communications between us and forget about you, JUST LIKE THAT!!!!

Now I had some good news to tell you.  But if you doubt me, and question the way 
I feel about you, then you can go out into the desert and insert a cactus right 
where the sun don't shine buster.  I'll tell you what the good news is when I 
get an e-mail apologizing for the way you have behaved, and it'd better be a 
good apology too.


And Samull makes a half hearted apology.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004
Subject: from samull darling in love

darling steffy.
i hope all is well with you. i can here about the election in the news today 
your party bush i love that darling.i can hear what you say about your 
sweetheart please till me when we will meet on chat so that will chat with you i 
can not sleep alone here. i am feeling you so much. kissing all your body.
love you forever steffy.

Maybe I should arrange another chat session with him.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004
Subject:  Can you chat Thursday night about 9 o'clock?


Can you chat Thursday night, 5th November, at about 9 o'clock in the evening?

There is so much I need to talk about with you.


Samull and Staffy chat on Yahoo messenger. BEWARE: CHAT CONTAINS ADULT THEMES

steffycox: Samull, are you there?
steffycox: Hello my darling samull
Samull Bayo: my qeen i am here for you
steffycox: It's so lovely to see your name there, please be patient as i have to 
type with one hand
Samull Bayo: darling i am sorry for what happen to you 
Samull Bayo: noting we happen to you because our god is alife
steffycox: i can only so am i samull, so sorry we didn't meet
steffycox: i can only chat for a little while, it is nearly midday here now and 
i have an appointment at my lawyers at one o'clock
Samull Bayo: darling i have now that it is not your fort
Samull Bayo: this is how africa is
steffycox: i have asked him to look at how i can get you to the USA
Samull Bayo: thank you daling
Samull Bayo: what is the nest thing to do
Samull Bayo: i am feeling your bod touch
Samull Bayo: sweetheart i need your love to night
steffycox: i'll know this afternoon when i've talked to him. however i do have 
an old friend who is in the state department and is in the US Embassy in Accra, 
steffycox: oh samull, i would so much like to have you here right now, to feel 
your body against mine
Samull Bayo: darling you know that i am alone here i want to be with you so that 
we will make babies
Samull Bayo: darling open your mouth i awnt to kiss you
steffycox: oh samull, i want to make love to you, i want to have your babies too
steffycox: just think, if i hadn't been attacked in johannesburg, i'd probably 
be pregnant right now
Samull Bayo: thank you mommy i love you
steffycox: but about getting you here to the states, my friend at the US Embassy 
in ghana might be able to help me get you a visa, i'm waiting for an e-mail back 
from him about that
Samull Bayo: i promise you that i will pregnant you open your laps i want to 
kiss you
steffycox: open my laps? ahhh, open my legs! my darling samull, tell me what you 
are doing?
steffycox: oh i wish you were here samull, right now making love to me
Samull Bayo: darling i am haveing sex with you here i am
steffycox: ohhh i wish you were, tell me what you would do samull
Samull Bayo: darling try all your best you that i love you let us have the good 
Samull Bayo: mouch love to you darling
steffycox: oh samull, tell me what you would do to me, please
Samull Bayo: darling i am sexing you now and many kisses

Oh this guy is soooo romantic, NOT!
steffycox: oh tell me just what you would do samull, i am yours Samull Bayo: darling i am us too steffycox: describe wht you will do when you make love to me samull, oh yes Samull Bayo: sweetheart see onething since i can back from lagos i do have some money with me here please darling i need just altell cash Samull Bayo: darling i will kissing you all around Samull Bayo: darling open your bress for me steffycox: of course my darling samull, i can send you some money but you will have to wait a little while. remember that i told you that in my church we believe that we cannot give anything to someone who has had a death in the family until 3 months after the death. steffycox: oh that is much better than talking about money samull, tell me how you are kissing my breasts Samull Bayo: have you open it darling steffy steffycox: yes wide apart, oh i'm wet down there thinking about you making love to me samull Samull Bayo: steffy darling do know that i love you. my mouth is in your brast i am surking it now steffycox: oh samull, describe how you would make love to me, how would you touch me, describe how hard you are for me, oh samull Samull Bayo: darling i have wet i have relise inside your wumb
Damn, has Steffy got a Lad with a premature ejaculation problem !!!
Samull Bayo: i am surking all your body steffy darling steffycox: tell me samull, do african men really have big penises? how big are you samull, because it frightens me to think you would be too big for me. Samull Bayo: yes darling i will steffycox: oh my darling samull, i will have to go really soon if i am to get to the lawyer's on time. luckily his office is just down the road, only a ten minute drive, but i now have to fresshen up Samull Bayo: please darling try to send some money for me with my name try to do this by tomorrow pls steffycox: samull, oh i want to know just what you look like, i want to see all of you my darling. would you be able to get a sexy photo and send it to me? steffycox: oh samull, i wish i could, but my religious beliefs don't allow that. i am so sorry my darling, can you wait until the 3 months? Samull Bayo: darling dont have sexy photo Samull Bayo: i am sleeping with all the photos you send to me steffycox: oh, could you get one taken. i'd love to see all of your lovely body, and know if you are too big for me or not steffycox: i have only the one photo of you my darling samull, but i dream of you when i'm asleep. Samull Bayo: i am a big guy Samull Bayo: darling steffy if you love me do what i tell you for me .love dose not as why ok steffycox: ohhhhh, how i would love to have your bigness deep inside me my darling samull steffycox: oh, i'd love a photo of your bigness samull, and dream about having you deep inside me and filling me with your seed Samull Bayo: ok thank you for that darling i will do that for you steffycox: oh, i am so hot for you samull, but i have to go. i wouldn't go except i have to see the lawyer about getting you here to the United States Samull Bayo: why mommy steffycox: why what samull? because i dream of you making love to me, to have you making a baby inside me, so we would have a little girl or a little boy. Samull Bayo: darling try to send the money for me tomorrow with my name samull bayo i will receive it ok Samull Bayo: thanks and god bless you Samull Bayo: darling is a boy kingsly steffycox: gotta go right now samull, love and kisses steffycox: byeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxx Samull Bayo: second is qeen by name a girl Samull Bayo: byee to momy steffycox: hope the lawyer tells me how to get you here to live with me samull

Following the chat with Samull, Steffy gets two e-mails. Now what does he mean by, "i can here what you say i will do that." Is he going to get a naked photo?

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004
Subject: honest love

steffy my qeen.
i can here what you say i will do that.
Thanks and take care of your self.
love you.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004
Subject: good news from you darling steffy

sweet darling steffy.
Thank you for chating with me to night i am very very happy to hear from you.
please darling try to send me the money by tomorrow i am broke here with me 
since i come back from lagos.
darling if you love me keep me good for you.
love you forever in my life my sweetheart steffy.
love and kiss,,,,,,,,,

So Samull is broke, great. What a pity that Steffy's beliefs won't allow her to send him any money. She'd better remind him of what she said in an earlier e-mail.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004
Subject:  It was lovely chatting to you

My dearest Samull.

Oh it was so lovely chatting with you.  I got so excited imagining you making 
love to me that I had to have a shower before I went to the Lawyer's office.  I 
was late for my appointment, but as he does a lot of work for me he was prepared 
to wait.  He thinks he has good news for you.  As well I have heard from my old 
friend who works at the American Embassy in Ghana.

I am so sorry that you need money.  I wish I could send you some, my darling.  I 
thought I told you about my beliefs in an earlier e-mail, but my family belongs 
to the Lutherism-Episcopalian Church.  We believe that we take from this world 
only what we are born into it with.  In our Church, when it comes time for a 
burial, we have the body annointed with oils and clothed only in a simple white 
wrapping.  We believe that just as Jesus was bound in a swaddling cloth at birth 
and bound in just a simple cloth when he died, then we are buried just as he 
was.  The body has nothing apart from a simple burial cloth and the family 
receive no gifts or flowers at their time of mourning, only the support and 
prayers of their family, friends and neighbours.  Our beliefs are simple but 
very deeply held.  We do not give grieving families any gifts for three months, 
representing the three days before Jesus rose again.

Therefore my sweetheart Samull, I cannot send you money.  At least, I cannot 
send you any money until early December.  I would love to send you money to 
replace what you spent going to Lagos.  But I cannot.  Just like a Jew or a 
Muslim cannot eat pork.  It is something I believe deep in my heart.  I believe 
that if I were to give you a gift before the three months have passed, then the 
soul of your father might not be able to enter the Kingdon of Heaven.  I almost 
forgot about your father's death and bought a watch for you in Johannesburg.  I 
remembered about the watch when I got home here to Carson City, and gave it to 
my lawyer today as a token of thanks for looking into your immigration to the 

I will e-mail again when I have talked to the Lawyer again.

Love and kisses all over

A couple of e-mails from Samull, one dated Saturday - is he working overtime? I am surprised that he has no money and is not doing anything as of now. Maybe he has lost his job as Foreign Remmitance Director of the bank?

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004
Subject: It was lovely to chat with you sweetheart steffy.

my darling steffy.
Thank you for your mail to me.  how about your body i hope all is well with you 
darling. i pray you will live long and see the happy family for me and you 
darling steffy.
i can hear what you said why i am asking money for is that i have no money with 
me here as from now that is why.i am not doing anything as of now only if i 
remember you if fill ok in my makes me fill happy my sweetheart steffy.
darling i will like you to call me 00229079759 and too i will like you to send 
me your phone number.
darling i wish you good try your best with your lawyer.
Thanks i will be waitting to hear a good news from you my darling steffy.
take care and God bless you.
long life for me and you.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2004
Subject: my qeen steffy.

darling steffy 
how are you today i hope you are fine.
darling i want to hear from you 
thanks and good love

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004
Subject: love for all

apple of my heart steffy.
how are you today and your health i hope you are fine.
plesae my sweetheart i want to hear from you so that i will know whta is going 
on i usa.
try to till me when we will chat ok 
thanks and god bless you.

Steffy replies, telling Samull the good news about what she has heard from her lawyer and her friend who works in the American Embassy in Ghana.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004
Subject:  Wonderful weekend

My darling Samull,

Oh, I've had a fantastic weekend.  I went with a group of my girlfriends from 
the ranch out into the desert to a small lodge where we stayed.  The desert is 
just so incredible, the sky at night is so black and you can see so many stars 
because you are away from the lights of the city.  We just relaxed for the whole 
two days, no worries about work, no shopping, no meetings.  I had a wonderful 
time.  The girls wanted to know what I had done to my wrist.  So I told them 
about Johannesburg, and about you.  They think that it's so romantic how I have 
met you and fallen in love.

I have been to see my lawyer earlier today, and he suggested that there is a way 
to bring you to the United States.  There is something called a Provisional 
Matrimonial Visa.  This allows someone to come to the United States to marry an 
American citizen, after which they have residency rights.  My lawyer told me 
that he would look into the details of how to apply for this visa for me.

And then when I checked my e-mail earlier today, I found that my old friend who 
works at the American Embassy in Ghana had sent me an e-mail.  He told me that 
the best way to bring you to the States would be - wait for it - a Provisional 
Matrimonial Visa!  He warned me that these were granted in only the most 
critical cases, but he offered to help me in any way that he could.

I am seeing my lawyer again later this week.  He said that he would send me an 
e-mail once he had found out the details and I could go down and talk to him 
about it.

I can hardly wait.  Just to think that there might be a way in which we could 
get you to the United States, my darling Samull.

I have got your latest e-mails Samull.  Oh I would love to chat with you again.  
I will be busy over the next couple of days, but could we chat on Wednesday 
evening your time.  I've checked the time difference between Nevada and Benin, 
Samull, and I could chat at about 9.00 pm your time on your Wednesday night.  
Please check Yahoo Messenger then, I will try to be there.  Hopefully I will 
have some good news too.

Thinking of you, my darling man,
Love and kisses

Samull welcomes the good news, and is waiting to hear from Steffy. However, all he will hear is that he will be expected to travel again, to Ghana this time, to get his Provisional Matrimonial Visa.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004
Subject: dianamic love to you darling

darling steffy.
my apple i am happy to hear from you today.
i hope all is well with you thank you for your best for me and you. darling try 
all your best to see that all will be done because i am you so much here you 
know that i am alone here i want to be with you in USA so that we will make our 
good family and babies ok
i hope our love will be forever in our life.
sweetheart i will be waitting to hear from you on chat i have much to till you 
darling try to writing mails for me you know that i am filing you so much.
thanks and god bless you 
good lover steffy.

Samull wants to use a web cam when we chat. Oh what a pity, Steffy doesn't have a web cam, but if she did, Samull would see a bearded man with glasses!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004
Subject: from samull

dearest steffy.
try to us wed cam tomorrow for our chat ok.
i hope you are fine in USA.
try your best darling i am for for you.

Samull logs on to Yahoo messenger to chat, Thursday 11 November. BEWARE: CHAT CONTAINS ADULT THEMES

steffycox: Samull? Can we chat
Samull Bayo: apple of my heart i here for you now,
steffycox: Samull!!! It's so nice to see your name there
Samull Bayo: tahnk your darling how are you
steffycox: Happy to be chatting with you my sweetheart. And I've got some good 
news too.
Samull Bayo: darling what is the news
steffycox: My lawyer has got the application form for the visa, I'm picking it 
up soon. And I've had an e-mail from my friend at the Embassy in Ghana and he 
can help you get the visa approved.
Samull Bayo: my good qeen my good apple my sweetheart many thanks to you kisss
steffycox: I have an appointment at 1.30 with my lawyer, so I can't chat long 
darling, only for 30 or 40 minutes. I know you'll understand, seeing I'm 
arranging our future life together.
Samull Bayo: ok thank you 
Samull Bayo: darling do you have web cam
steffycox: My lawyer has looked into how we can handle this, he's also e-mailed 
my friend in Ghana. Apparently I can scan the visa application form and e-mail 
it to you. I'll fill out the section that I have to fill out, then you can print 
it out and fill out what is left. You have to hand write it and sign it. Then we 
can find out how to get your application approved. There are not many people who 
get accepted for this sort of visa, and the Department of Homeland security are 
trying to get the loophole which allows this closed down. We'll have to be fast.
steffycox: No, I don't have webcam. I'm not very smart with computers, and 
webcams seem so complicated. Do you have webcam? Can I see you?
Samull Bayo: darling i have it ple i want to see you
steffycox: But I don't have a webcam darling.  And I don't think you can see me 
using your webcam can you?
Samull Bayo: put youe own webcam so that i will see you
steffycox: But can I see you on your webcam?  I see an icon which says "Invite 
this contact to see your webcam".  Can I see you my sweet darling man?
Samull Bayo: yes i want to put it 
steffycox: Mmmm, put it where Samull?  Are you somewhere private darling?  Are 
you alone?
Samull Bayo: yes sweetheart
steffycox: Yes?  I can see you?  Yes you're alone?  Oh I hope so my darling 
Samull.  I want you to make love to me over the chat line darling.

I lost the Yahoo messenger connection. Oops, this suddenly becomes "Adults Only" material
steffycox: Samull, I lost the connection. I'll try to view your webcam again - i got just a glimpse of you before I was disconnected steffycox: You have to approve my being able to see you I think Samull Bayo: darlig kiss me i need sex steffycox: Oh so do I Samull, I my hand down inside my panties imagining that it is your hand carressing me steffycox: Oh, your webcam has gone! steffycox: Tell me what you would do to me as you made love to me, Samull Samull Bayo: darling my zip is open i am sexing you here give me your lipe steffycox: Oh Samull, tell me what you are doing, describe everything to me my darling sexy man, tell me about your big hard thing Samull Bayo: darlig i am kissing your larps upand down Samull Bayo: steffy i am sick because of you here i am alone Samull Bayo: hold me with your two hands and kiss me steffycox: I am with you right now Samull, oh tell em what you are doing there. Tell me how big you are for me! Samull Bayo: darling i am haveing a big sex with u steffycox: I am frightened you will be too big for me Samull, but excited about you being so big too that you fill me completely. I wish I could see a photo of you and your manliness. steffycox: Oh samull, tell me what you are doing, TELL ME!!!! Samull Bayo: i am kissing you my prick is inside you Samull Bayo: darling open your bress for me i want to sock it steffycox: Oh Oh, yes Samull, YES!!!! Tell me more, what are you doing to yourself there Samull! steffycox: TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE DOING THERE SAMULL!!! TELL ME ABOUT YOUR BIG HARD PRICK!!! Samull Bayo: I AM ESXING YOU WITH MY BIG PRICK Samull Bayo: AND SUCKING YOU steffycox: Yes samull, Yes yes, tell me, TELL ME!! Samull Bayo: i am sucking your bress steffycox: Yes Yes YES SAMULL, What are you doing to yourself Samull, are you stroking your big prick for me Samull, imagine it is burried in my wet tightness Samull. plunged deep between my legs! Samull Bayo: darling i am doing it so sweet and you steffycox: Yes, me too samull. i want you to cum for me Samull, imagine you are pouring your seed into me!! Making our baby. steffycox: I wish I could see your big hard prick on webcam Samull. Samull Bayo: yes i will give you a boy Samull Bayo: if you get your webcam then you till me steffycox: YES YES YES SAMULL!!!! Oh fill me with your seed Samull, spurt your seed for me. Tell me what you are doing there. Samull Bayo: sweetheart i want to praginant you this nigth Samull Bayo: kiss me i ,am kissing you Samull Bayo: darling do want me to seelp alone this nigth here in benin steffycox: Oh no Samull, sleep with me in your dreams. steffycox: What? Do you mean sleep with SOMEONE ELSE, ANOTHER WOMAN????? Samull Bayo: no my good darling i have wight i need to hold you to nigth Samull Bayo: darling try your best i cant stay here till december i want to be with you in USA Samull Bayo: iI NEED ALL YOUR BODY Samull Bayo: KISS steffycox: SAMULL BAYO, there had better NOT BE ANY OTHER WOMAN, you hear me steffycox: If I so much as think that you have another woman I will walk to Benin and slice your prick off with a knife!!!! steffycox: Even if I thought you were dreaming about another woman I would chop your prick off and feed it to the pigs Samull Bayo: I DONT HAVE DARLING IS YOU STEFF Samull Bayo: I DONT HAVE IS YOU MY QEEN steffycox: You'd better be faithful to me Samull, I'm going to a lot of trouble to try to get you to the States Samull Bayo: DARLING I WILL NEED YOU TO CHANGE THE BAYO NAME IS MY GREENFATHERS NAME THE NAME VOF MY GOOD FATHER IS UBANI steffycox: If ever you betrayed me I would cut your manhood off and make you have to sit down to pee steffycox: What, change your name? So I would be Steffy Ubani? Samull Bayo: YES MY DARLING Samull Bayo: MY GRAEFTHERS NAME IS NOT GOOD TO ME AND YOU steffycox: now you tell me! You'd better get your name sorted out before we apply for your visa. OH MY GOD, the lawyer! steffycox: I've got to go and get the visa application. I have got to go! Samull Bayo: IS NOT BAD DARLING LET ANWSER MY FATHER NAME AS ONE FAMILY steffycox: But you remember Samull Bayo. If you so much as look at another woman I will cut off your prick and crush your balls between two rocks. Samull Bayo: DARLING I SWEE FOR YOU AND OUR GOD I WILL NOT DO IS ONLY U steffycox: You'd better dream of me tonight Samull, when you masturbate you had better be thinking of me Samull, remember that! Samull Bayo: I AM WITH YOU TO NIGTH STEFFY Samull Bayo: LOVE FOREVER IN MY LIFE steffycox: Right, and I must go now Samull. I will e-mail you with the application form and find out how my firend in ghana can help us get your visa approved. steffycox: Bye, kisses Samull Bayo: DARLING YOUR PRIVTE IS TWO SWEET Samull Bayo: OK DARLING THANK YOU Samull Bayo: KISSES

Well, I played with his mind a little there. First he felt happy because Steffy is trying to get him to the Sates, then he got sexy, then he experienced Steffy's anger and her threats. Now I have to complete a visa application form and try to get him to travel to Ghana to get Steffy's old friend to help him get to the States.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004
Subject: Wonderful chat to night darling

my sweet qeen steff.

many thanks to you for the chat. very fantastic and lovely.
i am with you in my bed to nigth. steffy every day i am thinking of you remeber 
you mine alot to me in my life.i love you as you love me keep our love as one.
darling try all your best on what you till me on chat about my visa.i am waitting 
to hear from you soonest with a ngood news.

Steffy sends Samull the application forms for his Visa. Unfortunately this first e-mail has a large DLL file renamed as a JPG attached to it so he will be unable to open it.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004
Subject:  Visa application

My Darling Samull,

It was so lovely to chat with you today.  It was a pity the connection with your 
webcam disconnected, I would have loved to have seen you as we chatted.  I would 
have loved to have seen all of you, especially your huge prick, my sexy darling.  
I thought about you holding yourself as we chatted, your hand wrapped around 
your swollen shaft as you imagined plunging it into my welcoming depths.  I got 
so hot and wet thinking about you my sweetheart.

I was sorry that I had to leave so suddenly too, it made me so hot thinking of 
you there telling me what you were doing.  My loins ached with pleasure all 
afternoon, and I found that I had trouble concentrating on what my lawyer was 
telling me because I was imagining that you were making love to me.

But I did hear what the lawyer said, because it was so important.  There is a 
loophole in current legislation which allows non-residents of the United States 
to obtain a Visa in order to come to the United States to marry an American 
citizen.  This is the Provisional Matrimonial Visa.  The Department of Homeland 
Security has legislation before Congress right now to close the Provisional 
Matrimonial Visa loophole, because of this you will find no official reference 
to it on any U.S. Government website.  The Department of Homeland Security fears 
this loophole in the legislation will be used by terrorists to enter the United 
States.  My lawyer thinks that we will have to have your Visa application made 
and approved within the next two or three weeks before the change in the 
legislation is changed.

And that is where my old friend, Robert Zimmerman, comes in.  Robert is now the 
Under Secretary for Immigration at the US Embassy in Accra, Ghana.  I have told 
him the background of your Visa application, and because he owes me a favor or 
two he has promised to approve your application.

My lawyer has had the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services send him copies 
of the Provisional Matrimonial Visa form by e-mail.  He has given the files to 
me and I have printed out the pages applicable to me as your sponsor, filled 
them out, and scanned them.

So I am attaching a file which has eight smaller images in it.  Two of these 
smaller images are JPGs, I printed these pages out and have completed them and 
saved them as JPG files.  The other six are PDF files, this is some sort of 
image which you can't alter.  I want you to print out all eight images, fill out 
all the blank sections of the forms, and sign and date the form on the last 
page.  Then scan all the pages at as high a resolution as possible and e-mail 
them back to me.  You might have to send me eight e-mails with the file for one 
page attached to each e-mail.   I will get my lawyer to check them, and then we 
can arrange for you to lodge your application with Robert in Ghana.  I have his 
e-mail address, I'll get you to e-mail him direct later when the forms have been 

Oh I am so excited Samull.  I know I won't be able to sleep tonight thinking 
about you being with me and making love to me, and filling my stomach with 
babies.  I am frightened too that we might not be able to get this Visa for you 
in time.  We don't have much time to complete this, so do this as quickly as you 

Love and kisses

Samull comes back, he cannot open the attachment. He also wants Steffy to send him money. I think a little bit of a slap is in order. I don't want to worry him too much, after all I want him to still lust after Steffy and want to come to the U.S.A. to live with her. If he is going to get to the U.S.A. then first he will have to get to Ghana.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004
Subject: application not open pls

do not see your applicaion form
i dont know the kind of love you have to me.
you can not call me on phone you dont want to give me your phone number.
irty to open it it dode not work so try in another way to do it
then you call me 00229079759
steffy do you love me.
steffy do you want to marriey me if you are sure send me what i ask you i need 
some money with me here. send it with this name samull ubani 
steffy i give all my life to you but you are treating me bad why?

I have to tell Samull about Steffy's religious beliefs once more.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004
Subject:  Visa application


Listen carefully to what I am going to tell you.  I am sick and tired of you 
ignoring my deeply held religious beliefs.

My religious faith will not let me send you money until 3 months after your 
father's death.  I have told you why at least a couple of times now.  I believe 
that just as firmly as I believe that our souls will be resurrected after death 
through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  If you cannot accept my faith, and 
respect my beliefs, then maybe you might not be the man I will want to marry and 
settle down with to raise a family.

I believe deeply that we must accept the beliefs of others.  Whether we be 
Christian, Jew or Muslim we all worsjip the one God, we just see him through 
different eyes.  Even within the following of our Lord Jesus Christ there seem 
to be so many different beliefs, who can say that this one is right and that one 
is wrong.  So I accept the beliefs of all others, just as I expect them to 
accept my beliefs in return.  And Samull, I expect you to accept my beliefs.  
I demand it!  If you are not prepared to accept my faith then I would just have 
to ask you get out of my life.

So Samull, you have a decision to make.  Accept me as I am, accept my beliefs.  
Or walk away.

Now, I'm sorry that you weren't able to open the file I sent you.  What sort of 
crappy operating system are you using?  I'm attaching each individual page of 
the Visa application form as a separate file to this e-mail.  Remember to print 
out each page, fill out those sections which are blank, scan each page and send 
them back to me for my lawyer to check, and then I'll put you in touch with my 
old friend Robert at the U.S. Embassy in Ghana.

And sort out which name you are going to use, remember that you will need 
photographic identification in that name - something like a passport or photo ID 
or drivers licence.

You've got to get this completed and e-mailed back to me by Monday.  We can't 
waste time because this type of Visa might be withdrawn really soon.  I will be 
away over the weekend.  I am flying down to Los Angeles for an exotic modelling 
photo shoot that I have had scheduled for some time, and I won't be back home 
until Sunday night.



Eight files attached, pages of a made up Visa Application form. Samull replies, hope he gets confused in completing the form. Though it looks authentic, several of the pages have been duplicated. It also states that it has to be presented at an American Embassy, so Steffy is going to ask him to take it to Ghana to have it approved.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004
Subject: darling urgent pls



Now Steffy has told him that she's going to Los Angeles for the weekend for some "exotic" photographs to be taken, so Samull is on his own for a while. I wonder how they will handle the plaster cast on her wrist, do porn stars ever wear plaster casts, maybe she's had the plaster cast removed?

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004
Subject: thank you my qeen steffy

Dearest steffy.
Many thanks for your mail to me darling.
I speak to my mother this moning on phone to collect all the information about 
my mother tell me that i was born in Nigeria darling according to she said i 
will fill the form according to what you say my sweetheart.
I will do as you say to met you for our marriage.after next what do you want me 
to do.
darling for all the explation to you from me i wish you happy family for me and 
you .
i promise you good love for you thanks and take care of your self.


Samull comes back with four e-mails, the last two have the same text but split the 8 visa application form pages between them.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004

darling steffy.
please try let us chat i have a lot to tell you ok.
Thanks and God bless you.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004
Subject: The Application darling steffy

Dearest steffy.
How are you today? hope you are fine darling i have send the the Application.
darling how is losangeles hope is fine daerling try your best to rich me in time 
My mother say Hi to you and all my family members.thank you for coopration with 
me and your good love to me. i promise to love till the end of our life.
love you forever.

Steffy gets home from Los Angeles after a weekend of posing for an "exotic photo shoot" and queries the information that Samull has given her in his Visa application forms. Of course he's made some mistakes, though he has filled in all eight pages including those which have been duplicated.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004
Subject:  RE: The Application darling steffy

Dear Samull,

I have got home after a very tiring weekend taking part in an exotic photo 
shoot.  You wouldn't believe the poses they expected me to be photographed in.  
Luckily I have had the plaster on my wirst taken off, so I was able to use my 
hands to balance me in some of the most awkward poses.  However the money is 
very good for this sort of work, so I cannot complain tooo much.

I see you've sent back the visa application forms, and I've had a quick look at 
them.  Some of the information you've put in them worries me though.  In fact, 
I don't think some of the information in your application is good enough

You have told me that you live in Cotonou, Benin.  In the form you have entered 
your address as 249 Ikotekpeni Road, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria.  Now, I must say 
this disturbs me somewhat, just where do you live?  Do you live in Benin, or do 
you live in Nigeria?  And if you do live in Nigeria, why would you tell me you 
lived in Benin?

Was telling me that you lived in Benin just a part of that scam you tried to 
pull on me?

As well, just what is your name?  I know you as Samull Bayo.  Now you enter 
Samull Njoku Ubani, or is it Ubani Samull Njoku, as your name.

The issues of the name and your address are important.  I will actually be 
questioned by Citizenship and Imigration agents to prove that I know you, so 
what name do I use when I talk about you to the immigration agents?  And when it 
is approved, your visa will be mailed to you so they must know your actual 
address.  See page 2 (file )

And you have to list what jobs you have had, if not your most recent jobs then 
you should list which schools and universities you have last attended in the box 
on page 5 (file ).

Now, my lawyer pointed out that you have to make this application in person at a 
US Embassy or Consulate.  The best Embassy to go to would be the Embassy in 
Accra, Ghana, because Robert Zimmerman would be able to handle your Visa himself 
and he has assured me that he would get a Visa issued to you.  But, If you live 
in Nigeria then I don't know if you can get to Ghana.  The other Embassy you 
could take your application to is in Abuja, Nigeria.

So Samull, do these things:

1.  Check out the address you've entered in this application, is it where you 
live and is it where you want the Visa mailed to you when it is approved.

2.  Check out how you want your name put in the form, and do you have 
photographic ID like a resident's card or passport to show at the Embassy.

3.  Fill in the box on page 5 of the application form (I've attached it again to 
this message) with your employment history or the list of schools and 
universities you've attended.

I am attaching pages 2 and 5 to this e-mail for you to fill out again if 

And can you get to Ghana?  We can be absolutely certain that you will get your 
Visa if you present the application to Robert Zimmerman at the Embassy in Accra, 
Ghana.  I don't know whether you will get your Visa if you make the application 
at the Embassy in Abuja.  I was pleased that Robert was at the Embassy in Ghana, 
that was so much closer to Benin, but now it seems so far away.

Please hurry up and fix the sections of the application form which have your 
name, address and employment history in them and e-mail them back to me.  Then I 
will get you to contact Robert Zimmerman about making the application, I will 
e-mail him and tell him what is happening.

Love and kisses

Samull explains where he lives, I don't quite understand though. He has told his whole family about Steffy, aren't they going to be disappointed when they find out she's a scambaiter!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004
Subject: all will be ok darling

Dear steffy,
Thank you for your mail my good darling wife.
hope your health is ok now i am very happy for that darmling.
on what you are saying about where i am leaving benin is where i stay. my mother 
is from benin why my father is from Nigeria i explain this to you on chat.
sweethaert steffy be with me iam with you as my good wife.
please till me when we will chat so that i will till you more about all this.
you are know as steffy ubani not cox.i have explain about you to all my family 
and also send them your photo they are in good love with you as there family 
Thanks and God bless you.

Steffy has contacted her friend in the US Embassy in Ghana, and she tells Samull that her friend will contact him. I love this message, it contains many of the essential elements of a scammer's initial e-mail. It asks that Samull contact Steffy's friend at the Ghana Embassy on his private e-mail, it asks for absolute confidentiality, it tells Samull that this activity is 100% risk free, it contains the word modalities and the friend has a silly name (Robert Zimmerman = Bob Dylan). If only I could have told him that this message will come to him as a surprise!

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004
Subject:  RE: all will be ok darling

My darling Samull,

I have passed your e-mail address on to my friend at the US Embassy in Ghana, 
I have given him your e-mail address and asked him to contact you direct.  
Please use his private e-mail address and keep this very confidential.  Do not 
tell anybody, what he is doing could lose him his job if it were found out.  If 
this doesn't become known outside the three of us, and if you follow the 
modalities that Robert sets down it will be 100% risk free.

Love for now

And Steffy's friend at the Embassy in Accra, Ghana, sends Samull this e-mail.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004
Subject:  Message from Robert Zimmerman

Dear Mr Bayo,

My dear friend, Steffy Cox, has asked me if I can help you with an application 
for a Provisional Matrimonial Visa.

I must tell you that legislation is planned to discontinue this Visa, and any 
applications for a Provisional Matrimonial Visa should be made as soon as 

Applications for a Provisional Matrimonial Visa must be made in person at the 
Consular Section of a United States Embassy.  If you are able to bring your 
application to me here in Accra, Ghana, I will be able to approve it 
immediately.  I owe Steffy a couple of favours, and this would be my way of 
repaying her.

Please e-mail me here at my private e-mail address if you can lodge your 
application in Ghana.  If you cannot get to Ghana, then you could lodge the 
application in Abuja, Nigeria.  I could give you the names of one or two 
contacts in the Consular Section at the US Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria.  But your 
chances of getting your Visa approved in Abuja are very slight.  Not many 
Provisional Matrimonial Visas are approved these days.

I will wait to hear from you.  Please communicate with me only by this private 
e-mail address, and do not discuss this with anyone apart from Steffy and myself.

Robert Zimmerman.

Samull comes back telling Steffy about a new e-mail address he wants used along with his new name on the Visa application. He has changed the application forms I sent back to him and entered his Cotonou address. Yes, he really is in Benin, but he cannot afford a new passport to travel to Ghana. Unfortunately Steffy cannot give him any money, maybe he will have to borrow it.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004
Subject: darling steffy see the Application

Dearest steffy.

i wish you will understand me very well in this mail.
This is the Application form i have send it back to you hope you will try all 
your best in this.
darling i read you mail in my old email please use this my new email address 
send the message to your friend in ghana to contact me. tell him that you made 
a mistake in the first email you give to him so you have to give him this 
[email protected].
darling my passport have exparied do not have a new passport as of now. 
darling that is why i am demanding for some money for you. since after the 
barial of my father things is not ture for me that is why please my good darling 
steffy i need all the love you have to me.
i wish to hear good news from you sweet darling steffy

Samull e-mails Steffy from a new Yahoo account using his name Samull Ubani. This must be his real name, he seems to be clearing the decks so that he can marry Steffy.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004

Dear queen steffy.

How are you feeling today? Hope you have more relived of your injury now after 
the removal of the plaster.
I so much appreciate this our relationship and would do every thing to keep it 
Here is my full identity which you required to present to your Lawyer and the 
change of your name bears this names. SAMULL UBANI. Then for my resident, I live 
in Benin Republic. The Nigeria address which I gave to you in my last mail form 
was my father's resident before his death. Now I and my other siblings are 
living in Benin which is my mother's home town. Therefore, you have to use this 
address to send the documents so that i will get it as soon as it reaches here. 
I am sorry for the inconviences which this has course and prayer it will very 
happy ever after with both of us. From now on, this is the new e-mail you have 
to use in mailing me. For the form, I will fill and send it as soon as possible. 
Please, darling you have to change your chat now with this new e-mail address.

Love from me,

Steffy replies, she has passed this information on to Robert in Ghana (seeing he's sitting right here at my desk that was relatively easy!). She also has some phrases to pass on to Samull which I am told are highly offensive to an Igbo.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004
Subject:  Greetings from Nevada

My darling Samull Ubani,

Thank you for clearing up the matter of your name.  I have been talking to a 
guest of one of the tenants here in the apartment building where I live.  He is 
an Igbo from Nigeria, he is staying here for a couple of nights, and he tried to 
explain how family names work there.  I didn't fully understand what he told me 
but I think I understood that the family name usually comes first, so you would 
traditionally be named Ubani Samull.  Is that right?

He wrote down some greetings to give to you.  Here they are

Aji otu nne gi. 

Nne gi bu akwunna.

Nna gi na ara mkpuru amu.

I hope I've copied them correctly.

Anyway, I've passed on your changed name and new e-mail address to Robert at the 
US Embassy in Ghana.  I don't think it will make any difference to getting your 
application approved.

Now, I am so sorry that you need money to get to Ghana.  However, I know you 
recognize my religious beliefs and understand that I cannot send you any money 
or any other gift until December.  But you have to find some way of getting to 
Ghana mydarling Samull, I don't know how long the Provisional Matrimonial Visa 
will be available so you must register your application as soon as possible.

Love and kisses

Samull does not like the Igbo phrases I've sent him!!!!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004
Subject: i am not happy darling steffy

i am not happy who is the igbo friend that tould you to send me that type os 
message do you the maen of that. i am sorry that you are not in love with me but 
only the GOD who greated me and you now the love i have in you steffy.
steffy do you want to marrie me or not.why i am asking you is that i am stell a 
young man on myself if you are not intrested in me you can tell me so i can 
stell down here and get my marriage here ok.
do not put surfer in me i dont need that ok i spend all the money i have in 
Nigeria because of you what do you want me to do now.
you said you love me you can not call me on phone only email and chat please i 
dont like this kind of love you love ok.
i love you with all my heart but i dont know how you love me.
call me tomorrow if you are care for me.
bye and god bless you 
samull ubani

Steffy explains how she got the Igbo insults and asks what they mean.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004
Subject:  Oh, what have I said?

Dear Samull,

I seem to have been the victim of a practical joke.

What did the phrases I sent you mean?

I only spoke for a few minutes to the Nigerian man who was visiting people in 
another apartment here, and when I heard he was Igbo like you I asked him to 
write down something sweet for my boyfriend.  I guess he has made a fool of me, 
has he.  What did he say?

Has Robert from Ghana been in touch with you?  Let me know how that is going.  
The changes to the application form you sent me are perfect.  Keep all the pages 
you have filled in.  Robert sent me an e-mail saying the Citizenship and I
mmigration service had made some mistakes with their forms, something like 
several of the pages being the same, but that will not matter if he is 
processing the application for you.

Love and kisses

I send Samull another copy of the e-mail from Robert Zimmerman to his new e-mail address. This should hurry him along with his decision to travel to Ghana. He comes back with a translation of the insults I sent him, oh dear ... I think Steffy is so shocked that she can't reply until tomorrow.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004
Subject: do you love me steffy

dear steffy.
how are hope you are fine todady.may my good God keep you for me.
i am not happy do you know the mean of this
1.Aji otu nne means my mothers vagiana
2.Nne gi bu means my mother is a prostutued
3.Nna gi na ara mkpuru means my father sucking his penis.
steffy what kind of person is that you meet that cursing my family i pray my 
father in the grave we meet him on his way at anytime that my pray to the person.
steffy if you love me as i love you try to make everything go as well remember 
i have tould you that i have no money to travil to ghana as of now no money with 
here since i come back from darling try nto do every thing with your 
friend ih ghana so it will go ture ok i am giving all my love to you till will 
die.sweetheart remember i love you with all my heart in the name of the GOD who 
greated me and you. steffy try to call me today 001-229-0797-5i will be waitting 
to hear from you soonest my good darling steffy.
samull ubani and steffy ubani

Samull also contacts Robert at the Embassy in Ghana. It seems as if he is prepared to travel to Ghana to get his Visa!!!!

To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004

Dear Robert Zimmerman,

Thanks for your maiL concern over this Marital affairs between me and your 
friend Steffy. I so much appreciate all the effort you are puting up for success 
of this deal. However, I would like the apply the materimonial Visa between me 
Steffy in Ghana Consulate where you are working for the easy and smooth getting 
of this visa. Moreso, in as much as you would assist to facilitate this visa, I 
will not make it known to anybody as you directs. Therefore, I would like you to 
forward the necessary proccedures for the Visa.

waiting to hear from as soon as possible.
Regards & God bless,

Robert replies to Samull, emphasising that he must hurry, he must go to Ghana, and that getting his Visa will be risk free.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004

Dear Samull,

As I said, I owe Steffy a couple of favours so I am only too hapy to help her 
get you to the USA to marry her.

I must repeat, do not tell anyone about this.  Use this personal e-mail address 

As you will see on the application for the Visa, this must be applied for in 
person at a US Embassy or Consulate.  The form is really a covering document, 
and the Citizenship and Immigration Service have made several mistakes in it.  
The main Visa application is an interview, the Consular Official makes a report 
on each applicant, and this is where I can help you.

If you come to Ghana, then I can interview you and automatically approve your 
Visa.  Simple as that, risk free.

But you must get here quickly.  Government Agencies in the USA want to close 
this Visa down, and we might have only a week or so before you will no longer be 
able to apply for a Provisional Matrimonial Visa.  You must get here as soon as 
possible, I must say again that there is no time to lose.

Interviews for Visas are conducted on Mondays to Thursdays between 7:30 a.m.and 
4:30 p.m. and on Fridays between 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.  The Consular Section 
of the US Embassy is at 6th and 10th Lanes, Osu, Accra, here in Ghana.

You will have to bring photographic identification of yourself such as a 
passport, two 2 inch by 2 1/2 inch (50 mm x 65 mm) passport photographs of 
yourself, and the completed application form which I believe Steffy has sent to 

Please let me know when you will be coming to Ghana and I will ensure that I am 
the Consular Official that interviews you and approves your Visa.

I must repeat, there is no time to waste, get here as soon as you can because in 
a week or so this type of Visa will no longer be available.

Robert Zimmerman

And out of the blue comes an e-mail from Samull's eldest sister, Joy. The only problem is that she uses the same IP as Samull.

From: Joy Ubani 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004
Subject: HELLO

Hello Steffy,

Complients of the season. How are you today and about your injuired arm? Hope it 
all gone for good.
It mail may come to you as a surprise owning to the fact you have not known me 
for the first time in your life. I am brother Samull elder sister. I do not know 
if he has ever told you about me. But he is always fond of you and talks much 
about you in the family dicussions even while asleep. Appreciate the fact that 
you are the only lady he has ever discussed so much like this since I have ever 
known him as my brother. He has also said how both of you are planning to get 
married as soon as he gets to your Country.Is it true? If this is true, I wish 
you both a happy married life and pray that God will grant you both your hear 
desire. One thing you have to bear in mind now your father and his is no more, 
you both have to work with one mind and take good care of each other never to 
allow fences over come your emotions.
Please my dear Steffy, do take good care of my brother Samull as your loving 
husband, for he loves you so much from the way he talks about you in every of 
our family talks.
I would like to hear from you as soon as possible.
My Regards to your family.

Yours Sincerely,
Joy Ubani.

And an e-mail from Samull.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004
Subject: darling do this for me darling steffy.

darling steffy.
How are you today hope all is well with.
darling i got a mail from your friend in ghana today abaut my interview in ghana 
and more other things. please i need some money to travel to ghana and too 
darling i need to do a new passport my old one have expaird so please daling 
try to send the money to me so that i will go and meet him in ghana ok. send 
the money with my name SAMULL UBANI.
waitting to hear from you my good darling steffy.

Steffy e-mails Samull's sister back.

From: [email protected]
To: Joy Ubani 
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004
Subject:  Hello back

Dear Joy,

I suppose I should call you sister Joy.  What a surprise to hear from you, 
Samull has not told me a lot about his family.  I am flattered that you thought 
of writing to me.

If you had told me four months ago that I would have met a man on the internet 
fallen, in love with him even though he is from another country, and would be 
making plans to marry him, I would have laughed.  However, out of nowhere came 
Samull.  He is such a romantic man, the things he says just turn me to jelly.  I 
know deep down in my heart that this is the man who is going to be the father of 
my children, well "our" children of course.

I am trying to get a special Visa for Samull so that he can come to the United 
States.  Unfortunately there is not much time for him to get this Visa and I am 
worried that he might not get it at all.  I don't know what I would do if that 
happened, this Visa is probably our only chance of being together.

I suppose I should tell you a little about me.  I'm 30 years old, I was born 
here in Carson City, Nevada, and I've never been married.  I have worked as an 
exotic model and as a private entertainer.  I have made some very good 
investments and I am quite wealthy, so our future together is safe as far as 
money is converned.  But I've reached the point where I no longer need a career, 
I want a family - a husband and children.

There's one thing that I haven't told Samull, and I must write to him today and 
tell him.  I do not have a telephone and he is constantly asking me to ring him.  
I don't have a telephone because I have a really bad stutter.  When I talk to 
people I do not know or when I am upset I sometimes just cannot get the words I 
want to say out of my mouth.  Because of that, and because of the likelihood of 
people I don't know ringing me because they know of me from my exotic modelling 
career, I have never had a telephone installed at my apartment.  I have come to 
rely on the internet.

Well, I must write to Samull too.  Thank you for sending me your e-mail, and you 
can be assured that I will take care of your 'little' brother.

Love from your sister

And writes to Samull too, explaining how she came to send him such abusive phrases and why she has no phone.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004
Subject:  What a stupid mistake

My darling Samull,

Guess what?  I got an e-mail from your sister Joy, she seems to be worried about 
her "little" brother Samull.  I've just written back to her.  What a surprise.

And I must tell you that I feel so silly about those Igbo phrases.  The Nigerian 
man who gave me the phrases seemed so nice.  He is studying at one of the 
Universtites on the West Coast, I think it is Caltech, and he is the nephew of 
the Nigerian Ambassador to the UN or something.  When I told him I knew someone 
who was an Igbo, he offered to write down some greeting to send to you, he did, 
and I sent those horrible phrases.  I suppose he felt he was being so clever, 
and because I am blonde I suppose he thought I was so dumb.  I really feel so 

Now, I have told your sister Joy about a little secret that I have kept from 
you.  I meant to tell you about this, but never found the right way to tell you.  
I know that you always ask me to telephone you, and I don't have a telephone at 
my apartment.  I don't have a telephone at my apartment because I have such a 
bad stutter.  It is really bad when I am talking to someone I don't know or I am 
upset or excited.  Sometimes it s...s...s...s...sounds  i...i...
if  I  j... j...j...just  c...c...c...cannot s...s...s...say  
w...w...w...w...words.  I also don't have a telephone because I have been warned 
about strange people who might know me from my career as an exotic model ringing 
me at home, but I wonder if I have been using that as an excuse because of my 
stutter.  Once I know and trust soemone my stutter goes away, or if I am in 
familiar surroundings like at work.  But I've been worried that you'll ring me 
and I'll sound just like a bumbling fool.

I had an e-mail from Robert who tells me that he has e-mailed you and told you 
that he can conduct your Visa interview if you get to Accra.  He is 100% certain 
that he can get you a Visa if you get there in time, but you have no time to 
waste.  I know you need money to get to Ghana, and I just cannot give you money 
because of my beliefs.  However i have a plan, and I will talk to Robert about 
this and see if he agrees.

This has been such a long e-mail, and I'd hoped we could chat on Yahoo Messenger 
today.  But It is late in the evening there in Benin now, so I suppose it is too 
late.  Can you chat Monday evening your time, say about 9.00 pm?  I will be away 
over the weekend again.  I have to have some of the exotic phot session taken 
again because they had a slight probelm with the lightion Monday just in case.

Love and kisses

Samull has come in with a plea for money, maybe Staffy can send money to robert who will be the one to loan the give the money to Samull, thus observing Steffy's religious beliefs.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004
Subject: darling do this for me darling steffy.

darling steffy.
How are you today hope all is well with.
darling i got a mail from your friend in ghana today abaut my interview in ghana 
and more other things. please i need some money to travel to ghana and too 
darling i need to do a new passport my old one have expaird so please daling try 
to send the money to me so that i will go and meet him in ghana ok. send the 
money with my name SAMULL UBANI.
waitting to hear from you my good darling steffy.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004
Subject: i love you darling

darling steffy.
I happy to hear from you. in a very good way. darling hope all is will with you.
darling what are we going to do about my you want to live me hear i am 
filing you so much i need to be in bed with you by now. i fell i am right on 
what i say.sweetheart try your best to keep every thing in goood ok i love you 
so much and my family love you too.
steffy darling i say is only dead will keep us apart in future that is the only 
thing i feel.think about this between me and you.
have a nice dreem MAY GOD keep us together with a good family amam.
love and kiss,,,,,,

Robert tells Samull that Steffy has sent money for him, but he must collect it from Robert in Ghana. And he must hurry to get his Visa before Friday next week.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004
Subject:  Great day!

Dear Samull,

I have had an e-mail from Steffy.  You will probably be aware that she belongs 
to a church with some unusual beliefs.  Steffy and I went to school together in 
Carson City, so I know her and her religious beliefs quite well.

She tells me you need money to obtain a passport and to travel here to Ghana, 
yet your father has recently died and she cannot help you by giving you money 
while you are in the time of grieving.

Well, Steffy desparately wants to help you get to the USA, so she has worked out 
a little plan.  I've found that Steffy holds her Christian beliefs very strongly, 
however she can rationalize ways of avoiding them or getting around them when 
she feels it is important.

What she suggests is this.  Steffy will give me, as her old and dear friend, 
$2000.  I am at liberty to do whatever I wish with this money.  For instance, 
and she suggested this very strongly, I could just give this money to Samull 
Ubani to help him buy a passport and to travel to Ghana.

But Steffy does not want to know anything about what I do with this money she 
has given me.  She believes in her own way that if she doesn't know what happens 
then she is not breaking her religious beliefs.  Simple isn't it.  There is one 
condition, she insists that you spend the money on your travel arrangements and 
on nothing else, so she has demanded that I give you the money in person only 
when you turn up here in Accra for your Visa interview.

Can you borrow money to arrange for your paspsort and buy whatever tickets you 
need to get to Accra?  Steffy has already had her lawyer telegraphically 
transfer the money into my bank account here in Ghana.

Now, there is a little bit of bad news.  On Thursday, Congress had a bill placed 
before it to disolve the conditions of the Provisional Matrimonial Visa.  
Because of the panic over all matters regarding terrorism this bill will be 
voted on at the end of next week, and it is sure that it will be passed.  So, we 
have until midday Friday 26th November to get you to Accra, have you interviewed 
by me, and have your Visa approved.

Please advise me on what day you will arrive in Accra and what time you can come 
to the Consulate Office for your interview.  I need to know in advance, so that 
I can be one of the Consular Officers who are interviewing applicants for Visas 
that day.  I will make sure that I interview you, and approve your Visa.  
Remember to bring photographic identity (passport will be excellent), two 2 inch 
by 2 1/2 inch (50 x 65 mm) photographs of yourself, and the completed Visa 
application form.

There is no time to waste now, please e-mail me back as soon as possible.


I get two e-mails, one from Samull and and one from his sister. Both use the same IP and they both use the same font and font size (Tacoma 8.5, bold, italic).

From: Joy Ubani 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004

Dear sweet sister Stephanie,

Thanks for this lovely and sisterly mail of yours. Appreciate all you are doing 
to assist my brother come over there so that both of will live as husband and 
wife. This is because he could not sleep nor doing anything without bring you 
between the matter. I have tried and convinced my mother to let my brother 
Samull marry you which she has given her approval, if samull married to you 
would make him happy, I will not stop that. You said getting his Visa is 
difficult or next to impossiblity, WHY?. I thought you should present your 
applications for his Visa down hear in any American Consulate and the will issue 
him visa as your finace so that he will join you over there, or best as you come 
down here and apply for court wedding after your traditional marriage. If this 
is achieved, it will then be more each for the Consulate to issue him NON 
Immigrant visa to USA.
If there is anything that you do not understand or seems difficult as regards to 
this here in Africa, let me know on time so that i will help you out. I will not 
like my brother to fall sick because of your distance from him.
My mother sends her regards to you and looking forward for your happy married 
life with her humble and lovely son Samull.

Best Wishes from your sister inlaw,

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004

darling steffy.
i am very sick i want go to hospital by sunday try to creat your chat to the new 
email so that i will from the hospital to come chat with you a little.then 
darling try to see your fried in ghana to arrenge verything for me and you very 
well ok.i will like to hear from youi soonest my sweeetheart steffy.
love you forever.

Samull sends two e-mails to Robert Zimmerman. He wants the Embassy's phone number so he can contact Robert, NO WAY!!!

To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004

Dear Robert,

Thanks for your assistance towards the relisation of our marital dream. However, 
i would like to have the US embassey's phone line so that i can call you as soon 
as i am ready nextweek to come down to Ghana for the interview. Secondly, I have 
to hear from my finace Steffy to inform her of the latest informations i 
received from you as regards to this. Please, hold on your assistance to us 
concerning this visa. 

I will get back to you as soon as i hear from Steffy, meanwhile, i need the 
office phone line urgently.
Waiting to receive it urgently.


To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004

Dear Robert,

Thanks for your mail. i have go ture the mail and hear all steffy said but one 
thing i want to let you know from my side is that i dont know person who i will 
get money from by know very well this is december time. nobody is redy 
to give you money this time. just to help me to come and meet you in ghana use 
the name steffy give to you SAMULL UBANI. send the money to me ture western 
union money transfer in cotonou benin rep, i will receive that i will 
horry up to come and meet you in ghana.
Thanks you very much i will be waiting to see the control unmber.

Robert replies to Samull, don't contact me and he won't be sending any money.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004



I am doing a favor for my old friend Steffy, and it is not entirely legitimate.  
Since 911, the US Government has installed listening and recording devices on 
all phone lines into its Embassies.  We do not want the Goverment to become 
aware that one of its employees will be issuing a Visa under questionable 
circumstances.  I could lose my job.

And if I lose my job, then you wouldn't be getting your Visa.  Simple as that.

Let me tell you why I owe Steffy this favor.  Some time ago I worked for the CIA 
as a field agent.  I knew Steffy from our school days and I asked her to help me 
with an undercover operation.  She played the part of a fashion model in a trip 
to Russia and smuggled out a microfilm from a Russian contact that I had.  Let 
me warn you that I am still associated with the CIA, and if you contact me here 
at the Embassy and my career is harmed then I will track you down and inflict 
terrible injuries upon you (even if you are Steffy's true love).

You MUST only contact me by e-mail.  I check my Yahoo e-mail account at internet 
cafes and hotel business centres, so communication by e-mail is absolutely secure.

Just tell me when you will be arriving in Accra by e-mail, and I will arrange to 
be the case officer who interviews you and approves your Visa.

Regarding the money Steffy sent me, she was specific that this be given to you 
only when you reach Accra.  She mentioned something about fearing internet 
scammers, and wanted to be sure that you alone received the money directly from 
my hands.


Samull's sister, Joy, contacts Steffy with queries why he cannot apply for an ordinary Visa.

From: Joy Ubani 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004

Dear sweet sister Stephanie,

Thanks for this lovely and sisterly mail of yours. Appreciate all you are doing 
to assist my brother come over there so that both of will live as husband and 
wife. This is because he could not sleep nor doing anything without bring you 
between the matter. I have tried and convinced my mother to let my brother 
Samull marry you which she has given her approval, if samull married to you 
would make him happy, I will not stop that. You said getting his Visa is 
difficult or next to impossiblity, WHY?. I thought you should present your 
applications for his Visa down hear in any American Consulate and the will issue 
him visa as your finace so that he will join you over there, or best as you come 
down here and apply for court wedding after your traditional marriage. If this 
is achieved, it will then be more each for the Consulate to issue him NON 
Immigrant visa to USA.
If there is anything that you do not understand or seems difficult as regards to 
this here in Africa, let me know on time so that i will help you out. I will not 
like my brother to fall sick because of your distance from him.
My mother sends her regards to you and looking forward for your happy married 
life with her humble and lovely son Samull.

Best Wishes from your sister inlaw,

And Samull tells Steffy that he is ill. Sadly, Steffy is in Los Angeles having more pornographic photos taken, so she won't be able to reply until Sunday evening.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004

darling steffy.
i am very sick i want go to hospital by sunday try to creat your chat to the new 
email so that i will from the hospital to come chat with you a little.then 
darling try to see your fried in ghana to arrenge verything for me and you very 
well ok.i will like to hear from youi soonest my sweeetheart steffy.
love you forever.

Steffy replies to Samull and his sister.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004
Subject:  Just a quick note, talk to you tomorrow?

My darling Samull,

I am so sorry that you are sick.  I hope you are better really soon and can get 
your Visa so we can spend the rest of our life together.

It's early Sunday evening and I have been back from Los Angeles only an hour or 
so.  I am so tired that I will be going straight to bed.

I also realise that you will have problems getting to Ghanna.  But I have asked 
Robert to "help" you.

Can you chat on Yahoo Messenger tomorrow night, Monday night, at about 9.00 pm 
your time?  I'll check Yahoo Messenger at that time just in case you are able 
to.  Get well my darling, I want you here in my arms as soon as possible.

Love and kisses, I know I will dream about you tonight.

From: [email protected]
To: Joy Ubani 
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004

Dear Joy,

I am sorry that this may be just a short note, I've been working in Los Angeles 
doing an exotic photopraphic shoot for three days and I am so tired.  It's early 
Sunday evening here, but I'm going straight to bed after I've sent this e-mail.

I read your query about Samull's Visa and why it is so complicated getting it.  
I don't think you are aware just how afraid of terrorism the American Governmnet 
has become since 911.  Those three planes crashing into the World Trade Center 
and the Pentagon definitely changed the way we live and the laws we live under.

The Government introduced the Patriot Act shortly after 911.  This is a powerful 
piece of legislation which gives the government the powers to do so many things.  
For instance, banks have to advise the Government now about any transfer of 
money into or out of the country over $5,000.

Then there are the changes that the Patriot Act has made to immigration laws.  
The Government has introduced all sorts of tougher conditions on obtaining a 
Visa.  Do you know that they even photograph and fingerprint air travellers who 
are just passing through an American airport such as Los Angeles or New York.  
So someone travelling from England to Australia via Los Angeles, without 
changing planes or even going through immigration and customs to enter the 
United States, is photographed and fingerprinted.

As I said, this fear of terrorism has made so many changes in obtaining a Visa 
to enter the United States, especially from the Middle East and Northern Africa 
where there are large Muslim populations.  My lawyer told me that even if Samull 
was to get a tourist or non-immigration Visa, come here and marry me, then the 
Patriot Act would allow the US Government to deport him immediately and stop him 
from ever coming back to the United States because his changed status no longer 
matched the conditions of his Visa.  Even wives and husbands of American citizens 
now face strict conditions on their entry and residency in the United States, I 
think this is because of the fear that these people may be terrorists using 
marriage to an American citizen as a way to get into the United States.

Apparently, that is why the Provisional Matrimonial Visa is being discontinued.  
The Government thinks that terrorists could use this Visa and their marriage to 
American citizens to enter America and conduct terrorist attacks.  Apparently 
there will be debate in Congress later this week to pass legislation to 
discontinue the Provisional Matrimonial Visa.  I want Samull to legally be in my 
country, and not to have to worry that he could be deported at anytime because 
of an immigration offense.

Now I'm starting to cry, I guess I'm so tired that the thought that Samull might 
not be able to get here is depressing me.  I must go and get some sleep, I have 
business appointments tomorrow which I must be bright and alert for.

Love sweet sister-in-law,

Samull will try to chat, if he can drag himself out of hospital. And he is not happy. Oh dear, I hope he gets better, and what if he dies?

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004
Subject: see you in chat

thanks for your mail.
i will try my best to come out from the hospital to chat with you my darling but 
i am not happy anyway.
thanks and good love kiss

Steffy replies to Samull. I think I will start to make her a little heartless, for instance she's worried that what is making Samull ill is contagious and even more worried about her hair appointment.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004
Subject:  RE: see you in chat

My darling Samull,

It is nearly 4 o'clock in the afternoon here in Carson City, and that is nearly 
1.00 am there in Cotonou.  I am sorry that missed chatting to you.  I have been 
to my lawyer to talk about getting paid for having to go back to Los Angeles for 
the reshoot of the exotic photo session.  The producers don't want to pay me for 
going to Los Angeles this last weekend, they say it is in my contract to fulfill 
all their photographic requests and the second trip is my expense.

I hate being ripped off like that, and luckily my lawyer had written clauses 
into my contract so I will get paid for all the work I do on this project.  But 
meeting with him took longer than I expected, and I only just got home here at 

But let's not worry about me and some little squabble over 20 or 30 thousand 
dollars.  How are you my poor sick sweetheart?  What is so wrong that you have 
to go to hospital?  Tell me everything the Doctors have said.  I hope it's 
nothing contagious that I could catch.

Will you be able to get to Ghana to get your Visa?  What an unfortunate time to 
get ill my darling Samull.

Sorry for the rushed e-mail, but I have a hairdressing appointment in just over 
half an hour so I must rush.

Love and kisses

Samull hasn't contacted either Steffy or Robert since the weekend. I send him a message from Robert to keep him on the boil.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004
Subject:  I haven't heard from you


I haven't heard when you will be arriving in Accra to apply for your Visa.

Please let me know when you will arrive so I can make sure I am on duty and will 
be the one to interview you.

Congress have set the reading of the bill to close the Provisional matrimonial 
Visa for Monday 29th November, so you need to be here in Accra by Monday.


Samull's sister Joy gets back to Steffy.

From: Joy Ubani 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004
Subject: FROM JOY

Hello Steffy,

How are you doing today after the day's work? I know it has not been easy with 
you and your job not to talk of the problems you are facing trying to secure a 
Non Immigrant Visa for your finace Samull. 
I know the troubles this has coursed you, however, you should realise that you 
owe Him this, at least for the sake of the love you promised him as he told me. 
Anything you should do to see he gets there for both of you to stay as husband 
and wife, please do. He could not eat nor sleep because of you. He is in 
hospitalised for what I do not know yet since last sunday. But from what the 
Doctor said, he had a big shock which rised his temprature that is why I am 
writing to you very late.
I advice that you should give him a call, at least, hearing your voice maighty 
have some good recovery. Though I pray he will be fine in the next two days or 

Wish you both happy marriage here after.
Would like to hear from you soon.


Steffy replies to Joy.

From: [email protected]
To: Joy Ubani 
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004
Subject:  RE: FROM JOY

Dear sister Joy,

Oh I am so worried about Samull, I don't know what I will do if he cannot get 
here to the United States.

I would love to talk to him on the phone, but because I feel so upset I don't 
think I could make myself understood with my stuttering.  I fear that I would 
just make his probelms worse if he heard me and could not understand me.

Now, I shouldn't tell you this.  Because of the beliefs of my Church, I should 
not give Samull anything until 3 months after his father died.  We believe that 
we all come into the world just as our Lord Jesus christ did in a swaddling 
cloth, and we leave the world just as our Lord jesus Christ did in just a plain 
funeral cloth.  So no member of my Church can give the family of a dear departed 
person any gift until 3 months have passed (one month for every day before our 
Lord Jesus Christ rose again from the dead).

However I have worked out a way around this.  I have given my friend Robert 
Zimmerman in Ghana $2,000, and told him that if he were to give this money to 
Samull then I would not mind at all.  But I have told Robert that Samull must go 
to Ghana to apply for his Provisional Matrimonial Visa in order to get this 
money from him.

Love from your sister Steffy

And writes to samull.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004
Subject:  What is wrong my darling Samull?

What is wrong?  Why are you in hospital?  Are you all right, I'm worried because 
I haven't heard from you.  Can you get to Ghana to see Robert and get your Visa?  
I hope so.  Robert has some money for you which he will give you when he sees 

I hope you are getting better,

All my Love

And Samull gets Bolshie! He am not happy!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004
Subject: you are not care of me as your lover


i am just coming out from the hospital and see the mail you sent to me.
steffy i am not happy let me tell you i am not pralized or blaned man who will 
never marrie in my life. you send money to your friend in ghana to give me then 
you tould him he should give me the money in ghana why? Steffy your money is 
noting to me only that i have the love in you, but let me tell you i dont have 
money to travel to ghana if you want to get marrege with me you can cmoe and 
meet me hear for the marriage.
i dont have much to say.

Steffy replies, she's had enough. She tells Samull that it was he who tried to scam her, and as he never admitted that he did so why is he surprised that she distrusts him?

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004
Subject:  RE:  you are not care of me as your lover


I am sick and tired of your whining.  Grow up and be the man I expect to marry, 
not some crying little baby crawling around your mother's feet!  I feel that you 
don't care for me as your lover Samull, I feel rejected and used.

I've sent that money to Robert in Ghana because I still do not trust you.  I 
love you, and I want to marry you and have your children.  But remember that you 
sent me an e-mail supposedly from the Director of some bank offering me a share 
in millions of dollars.  YOU SENT THAT E-MAIL TO ME.

I asked you to admit that you were an e-mail scammer and you denied it!!!!!  
Well, I love you.  BUT I DON'T TRUST YOU!!!!!

Borrow money to get to Ghana to get your Visa and Robert will give you the money.  
Prove that you love me, make a committment to our lives together.

You get that Visa, or you can forget all about me.  I am not travelling to 
Africa again, the last time I was in Africa I got assaulted and hit on the head 
and broke my wrist.  Remember!!!

So drag yourself from your hospital bed, crawl to Ghana if you have to, but do 
not miss getting that Visa which will allow you to marry me.


Oh, Samull is getting depressed about the whole thing. I might have to break my rule against burning Lads and tell him the truth. However I will give him three or four days to reconsider.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004
Subject: samull

tell him to keep every thing as well if it is your friend.
then you will fowored every thing to me here about the visa.
i dont have travel by now i spend a lot of money becouse you in NIG.
know i got sick i dont have any money with me here to travel to ghana.
if you are not in love with me you better forget about me. i dont need something 
will distop my young age.

And another sloppy e-mail from Samull.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004
Subject: darling our marriage is from GOD

Dearest in me steffy.

pls darling i am sorry for all i might have done.
i can not sleep in my bed because of you. i can see that love for me and you is 
from the good GOD who created me and you my darling steffy.i wish a happy 
marrage in to me and you.that is what i can see in my dreem.having sex and 
making babies with you my darling steffy.
i wish you will hear my voice to you. thank you for your good love with me. i 
will love you forever.darling marriage is for me and you darling steffy.
love and kiss,,,,,,,,,,


So Steffy replies to Samull, trying to convince him that he should travel to Ghana.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004
Subject:  What is happening Samull?

My dearest Samull,

What is wrong with you?  Why have you been in hospital?

And why haven't you made plans to get to Ghana to apply for that special Visa?

I love you and want you here in the United States, I want to marry you and have 
your children.  But that won't happen unless you get a Visa.  Robert has money 
to cover your expenses, I have told him to hold it for you and to give it to you 
there in Ghana.

I haven't checked if there is a US Embassy there in Cotonou, but I am sure that 
you won't be able to get a Visa there.  Robert has promised to get you a Visa, 
but you would have to go to Ghana.  Oh do hurry, my darling Samull, apparently 
this type of Visa won't be available for long.

Love and kisses

Steffy also writes to Samull's sister asking what is wrong with Samull.

From: [email protected]
To: Joy Ubani 
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004
Subject:  Tell me about Samull

Dear sister Joy,

What is wrong with Samull, why has he been in hospital.  I am frightened for his 
health, and worried that he won't be able to get the special Visa that he can 
get in Ghana to join me in the United States.

Can you tell me what the Doctors have said?

Sisterly love

Samull asks, "darling do want me to die here for you". Oh well, OK, go ahead.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon 29 Nov 2004
Subject: darling do want me to die here for you

darling steffy.
Thanks you for your mail. i am happy to hear from you today.
darling i am in the hospital is because of you i am thinking of you so much.
darling as of know i have no money with me to travel to ghana that is why.
darling you have to know that i am in love with you very well. darling steffy 
what do want me to tell you in my life i have say all in my maind with the name 
of our LORD that i will keep loveing you tell i die. our love if from GOD that 
is why i can not live you . you are for me i am for you.
darling sure me the love you have in me. darling i want to make the happy family 
with you and we will have a good babies.
darling forget every thing that happen i have no money for this morement.i 
promise the trure love for me and you. MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR ME .
darling i am felling sex with you, and i need you in the bed how do you fell 
this world?
love and kiss,,,,,,,,
samull ubani

I decide to give Samull the chance to apply for a Visa at his local Embassy. I have only 11 days until it is 3 months since samull's father dies and he will expect Steffy to send him money.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004
Subject:  Visa application

My darling Samull,

I have been at my lawyer's office all day.  I guess that the law firm is making 
enough money from me finalizing the sale of the shopping center that I had built 
that they thought I should have a lawyer assigned solely to cover my activities.

The law firm have assigned this very nice young man, John Wesley Hardin, as my 
personal legal assistant.  So I have asked him to look into how you can apply 
for a Visa there in Benin.  He suggested that the Provisional Matrimonial Visa 
was extremely risky, though I didn't tell him that we had Robert in Ghana who 
was ready to approve your Visa if you had been able to get there.

John thinks that the Democrats will support the Government to pass the bill 
currently before Congress which will close the Provisional Matrimonial Visa.  
John checked with the Citizenship and Immigration Department to see if that Visa 
was still available, and they told him that no-one is able to apply for entry to 
the United States under that Visa anymore.

John took me to lunch, and we had a long talk and got to know each other.  I 
suppose I paid for lunch anyway from the fees that I pay the law firm, but it 
was a nice break and John was very pleasant company.  He feels that the best way 
to get you into the country now may be for you to just apply for a Visa at the 
US Embassy in Cotonou.  He has investigated the citizenship laws, and if you 
were to marry me once you'd arrived here then you would be allowed to stay in 
the United States.

He suggests that you go to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Rue 
Caporal Bernard Anani, Cotonou.  It is open from 08:00 - 12:30 and 13:30 - 17:00 
from Monday to Friday.  If you ask for a general tourist's Visa, they will 
process your application.  John says that you should not mention me in your Visa 
application, that the Embassy would be unlikely to approve a Visa if they 
thought you just wanted to get to the United States to marry a citizen.  The 
approval of a tourist Visa may take several weeks or longer.  However once 
December 11th has passed I will be able to send you some money (it will be 3 
months then since your dear father died).

Please keep me advised how you get on applying for a Visa.  I am having lunch 
again with John on Wednesday, so we could discuss your progress then and advise 
you what to do.

Love and kisses

Samull e-mails back, he seems to be having some strange fantasies about Steffy.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue 30 Nov 2004
Subject: darling try your best for every thing.

darling steffy.
Thank you for your mail. i can hear all you said to me but darling you have to 
know that i want to marrie you as one family to me then we will have our 
childeren. please try all your best to see that every thing we go ture.darling 
try to send just a small money i will use to arrange a new passport for my visa.
darling every night is me and you in my bed have sex. darling i want to do this 
with you fececaly so that you will born for me.
try let us have a that i will tell you more.
thanks and many kiss,,,,,,,,,

Samull's sister contacts Steffy to tell her that Samull is out of hospital, I guess he must have had his laptop there with him so he could communicate with Steffy.

From: Joy Ubani 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004

Hello Stephanie Cox,

So sorry for the delay in replying this mail. I was outof down, just came back 
yesterday. how is your family? Hope all is well with you over there.
About Samull, he is now out from the hospital. Has he not mailed you yet? He 
came out from the hospital about two days ago.
May be some stress or something like that. Why would he not get the Special visa 
to join you in USA? Is anything the matter that would stop him from getting the 
visa. Please, do all you would and make sure he succeeds in getting this visa. 
All his hope lies on this and he would not sleep nor eat or do anything else but 
talking and thinking about your marriage.
If anything ugly should happend to him, is you not getting the visa for him to 
join you over there, and I would not be happy with you again.

I will be waiting to hear good news from you soon.


Of course Steffy is delighted.

From: [email protected]
To: Joy Ubani 
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004


What wonderful news!  I can hardly wait to hear from Samull again.

Sisterly Love

And Steffy had better e-mail Samull with updates about his Visa application and her budding romance with the young lawyer.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004
Subject:  Dear Samull

Dear Samull,

I have had an e-mail from your sister Joy saying that you are out of hospital.  
That is wonderful news but why didn't I hear this news from you!!!

I have been working on getting you to the United States since my last e-mail.

Today I had another lunch with John Wesley Hardin, the nice young lawyer who is 
handling my affairs.

John has again suggested that you go to the U.S. Embassy there in Cotonou.  You 
should apply for a general tourist's Visa and they will process your application 
there at the Embassy.  If they ask when you will be travelling, tell them you 
wish to visit the States as soon as possible and you will purchase airline 
tickets to suit any Visa that you are issued.

John says that you MUST NOT mention anything about me in your Visa application.  
He fears that if the Embassy sense that you just want to get to the United 
States to marry a citizen to obtain residency status here, then they will refuse 
to grant you a Visa of any kind.

Also please do not mention the Provisional Matrimonial Visa to the Embassy in 
Cotonou.  That Visa has now been closed by an act of Congress, and any mention 
of Robert in Ghana and how he was prepared to get you one of these Visas could 
cost him his job.

John is checking out some details about what your status would be if you came 
here to the United States on a general tourist Visa and married me.  he says he 
will have the answers later this afternoon, and I am having dinner with him 
tonight so that we can discuss what he has found out.

Love for now

Samull replies pleading for money to be sent to him. I think he will be receiving a nasty shock soon about who Steffy really is and how he has been played for a fool for the last 3 months.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu 2 Dec 2004
Subject: sweetheart expecting good news fro m you darling steffy.

darling steffy.
How are you i hpoe all is well with you and your family.
darling how do you want me to do with all this you say.
i am out from the hospital i am at home as of now. pls darlin just make a way to 
send the money for me i have no money with me here for know that i have 
to do my passport b/4 going to the emberssy for my visa.
just send me any amonut you like to stell all this for me here.$200 .00 is ok 
darling i will be watting for the money tomorrow so that i will meet up.darling 
try all your best GOD will help tell i meet you in state. but darling i ma 
filling you so much what do you want me to do i need all your body and have sex 
with you as my wife.
kiss and good love forever.

Better get Robert to e-mail Samull and tell him that he's returned the money to Steffy. That'll break his heart, $2000.00 so close but so far away.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004
Subject:  I cannot help you any longer

Dear Samull,

I haven't heard from you for some time, Steffy tells me you have been in hospital.

I also expect that you won't be coming to Accra either.  The US Congress has 
passed a bill closing the Provisional Matrimonial Visa.  Therefore I can no 
longer help you to get into the United States.

I suggest you just apply for a general tourist Visa and take your chances.

I have transferred the money that Steffy sent for you, back into her bank 
account in Carson City.


And a delayed e-mail from Steffy, who has been spending time with her nice young lawyer.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004
Subject:  Sorry I haven't written for so long.

Dear Samull,

Sorry I haven't written for five days.  Its late Sunday night here and I have 
just got home.

The company who look after my legal work invited me to go on their early winter 
ski-ing trip to Aspen Colorado.  We left early Friday morning and flew to Aspen, 
had 3 days of glorious ski-ing, and flew home late this afernoon.  I've never 
skied before, but by Sunday morning and after a couple of lessons I was able to 
ski down some of the simpler trails on my own.  It was so lovely, its so quiet 
up there in the snow.

We stayed in a large ski lodge right up near the ski field, you could ski away 
from the lodge and go right to the chairlift without having to walk at all.  We 
sat around a log fire each night and played cards or just talked.  So many of 
these people have had such interesting lives, and many had really funny stories 
to tell which had us splitting our sides with laughter.

I hope you have had time to find out what is required for you to apply for a 
tourist Visa to the States.  Do keep me advised how you are progressing with 
your Visa application.

Thinking of you

Samull has been to the Embassy to ask about a Visa, he needs a letter of invitation and some money to obtain a passport. Oh the temptation to burn Samull is getting very very strong.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon 6 Dec 2004
Subject: from your darling samull

Dearest Steffy,
Thanks for your mail and effort to see that our marriage dreams come true. 
Following your instruction to go the American Ambassey here in Cotonou Benin 
republic for Torist visa, this I have done, but they demanding for Invitation 
letter from the Country i would be visiting. Therefore, i need the Invitation 
from you to enable me go as soon as possible.
Remember also what i told you about my lost passport, you should know that i 
need money to get another one for the said trip.
Waiting to hear from you soonest,
kiss and love

Steffy replies, getting ready for the kill!

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004
Subject:  Getting a letter of invitation for you.


I have been to my lawyers today and have talked to John.  He is drafting a 
letter of invitation for me to send to you which will meet the requirements of 
the Embassy there in Cotonou.  I am having dinner with John again tonight, so we 
can discuss this letter then.

Also in a couple of days it will be three months since your dear father died and 
I will be able to send you some money so you can get a passport.

Is there any restriction on what I can send you?  There is a MoneyGram agency at 
my bank, so I will be able to send you any amount up to whatever limit your 
country allows without having to carry cash out on the street.

Thinking of you,

Samull swallows the hook deeper down his throat.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Tue 7 Dec 2004

Darling steffy.
Thanks for your mail, i hope all is well with you darling.
sweetheart i have had all you said to me there is no problem i will be waitting 
to hear from you soonest for the invitation latter, darling you will send the 
for me ture western unoin money transfer cotonou benin rep, i will get it with 
my name samull ubani your darling.
darling try your best for what ever i am thinking of you so much i need you all 
around me i want you in my bed to make love with you, what do you want me to do,
i belive our marriage is from GOD, i promise you tell the end of my life you are 
my good wife to be steffy, i miss you darling tell i meet you in USA as one 
family,take care of your self for me i am for you, you are for me darling steffy, 
Thanks and God bless you, kiss fro you,

And out of the blue comes another e-mail from Samull's sister Joy. I haven't heard from her for a week or so and now she is wrting to prompt me to help Samull gain a Visa to the USA.

From: Joy Ubani 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004


How are you and your family today? Hope you are all fine. Just came back from a 
trip in Nigeria see my mother and notify her about Samull inprovement after his 
discharge from the hospital. have you send him a mail to find out how he is 
doing? If you have not done that, please, do so. This at least will inprove much 
in his health. How about you plans of sending the documents which i told you of 
that would enable him secure a visa for his trip to your country? What is the 
latest developments concerning this? i would like to know the extent you have 
gone so that i will bring the news to my worried mother.
Waiting to good news from you soon.

Your sister inlaw,

Perfect, I feel that Steffy should have a little woman to woman talk to Joy about her confusion over the nice young lawyer that she has met.

From: [email protected]
To: Joy Ubani 
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004
Subject:  I am confused

Dear Joy,

I have been in touch with Samull recently, though I am confused over exactly 
what is wrong with him and why he has been in hospital.  I don't know if he has 
told you, but I have a nice young lawyer from the law firm which handles all my 
legal work working on what Samull needs to gain a Visa to enter the USA.  Today 
he gave me a copy of a leter of invitation that I have to sign and send to Samull.

In fact I have had a number of business meetings and meals recently with this 
personable young man, and I must admit that my feelings for him have become 
slightly more than those of a strictly business relationship.  I do hope you 
don't mind me talking about this as one woman to another woman.

Now, I realise that I am a woman of 30, and he is a young man of only 26.  I 
also realise that I have reached the point of my life where I want a husband and 
to have children, and that is probably creating the problem I am having.  
Sometimes I experience the yearning to have a baby like a spring coiled inside me.

I have been getting this uncomfortable feeling when I'm with this young lawyer, 
and lately while working on Samull's Visa application I have been meeting him 
two or three times every day.  I just seem to dissolve when I am with him, 
whether in a business meeting or at lunch or at dinner.  I find myself getting 
so very very wet down there, if you understand what I mean.  I find him so very 
attractive, in an absolutely sexual way, and I just don't know what to do.

Anyway, I must also get an e-mail off to Samull asking for his actual mail 
address so I can send the letter of invitation to him.  He will be thrilled to 
know that things are progressing so rapidly.  I will also be sending Samull some 
money by MoneyGram in a couple of days, and that will help him get a new 
passport and complete the Visa application.


And Steffy sends an e-mail to Samull, dangling the prospect of his receiving some money in front of him. However I feel that Samull won't be receiving any money by MoneyGram, something just might go wrong.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004
Subject:  Letter of invitation, what is your address.

Dear Samull,

I met with the young lawyer who is handling my business matters, and he has 
produced a letter of inviatation for me to sign and send to you for you to use 
in your Visa application.

Now he says I must send you a hard copy of the letter and that I must mail this 
to you there in Cotonou, Benin.  What is your mail address Samull.

Also I will be able to send you some money after the 11th of December.  The 11th 
is a Saturday, so I will go down to the bank and arrange this on Monday 13th.  I 
asked the bank if there was any limit on what I could send into Benin, and they 
suggested not to send too much as this could cause problems if there are any 
currency transfer restrictions in place.  So I will send you only $5,000, I hope 
that helps.

Love for now

Steffy gets this cryptic message back from Samull.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu 9 Dec 2004
Subject: from your draling samull

darling pls i want hear from you.

Then Steffy receives another e-mail from Samull, he's read her last e-mail and thinks that money is coming to him!!!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu 9 Dec 2004

Dearest sweetheart Steffy,

Thanks for your mail and the promise of the fund that would help me secure my 
Passport and arrange for my trip to your country as soon as i got visa. I am so 
much impressed with your promise and efforts to see that we achieved our dream 
of getting together as husband and wife in the near future.
To your request about my mail address, here is my address but I would like you 
to send the Invitation letter through DHL so that it will get to me on time and 
for the security purpose. Below is my address:

C/No 798 AIDJEDO 3
My phone number as you know is +229-07-97-59

Then for the western Union Transfer of the money which you promised to send on 
monday 13th December is SAMULL UBANI.
Appreciate everything you do towards our marital life and would not let you down 
in anyway.
Waiting to hear from you my sweetheart Steffy.
Love ans Kiss,

Steffy tells Samull that she can't phone him because of her stuttering, and that she is going back to work at the ranch - Samull doesn't know that the ranch is really a Nevada brothel.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004
Subject:  RE:  from your draling samull

Oh my darling Samull,

I just cannot phone you.  Just thinking about you makes me stutter so badly that 
people cannot understand me.  I had lunch with John Wesley Hardin from the 
lawyer's office again today to discuss your letter of invitation and your Visa, 
and I was so nervous that I could hardly say anything.

I am going back to the ranch this weekend to work.  They have been quite busy, 
so I offered to fill in for a couple of days.  I won't be living there so I can 
come home after each shift that I work.  It will be nice to see the girls I 
worked with again, and it will fill in some time.  I will have to find another 
job.  I seem to have so much time on my hands now that the sale of my shopping 
center is almost finalized.  Maybe I will go back to working at the ranch until 
you arrive.

I will be sending the letter of invitation off to you tomorrow.

Love and kisses

Samull sets out what he requires to obtain his Visa and how he wants the money to be sent. This is a little different to what Steffy is arranging, but not to worry there'll be no Visa and no money being sent anyway.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004
Subject: RE: from your draling samull

Dearest Steffy,
Thanks for the much efforts you putting in motion to seeing the 
materialistion of our heart desire. i am so imppressed I have if relented this 
to my sister and she is so happy about the new developments. However, I would 
like to get my passport first before you send the invitaion letter, though you 
can prepare and keep it. The invitation much carry the informations from the 
passport to make it geninue, that is bearing my passport number. Darling, 
secondly I would need the invitaion to be legalised by your Lawyer. Then you 
send one copy to the USA Embassey here in Cotonou Benin Republic. Please, i 
would like to receive the money through Western Union Transfer with my name 
SAMULL UBANI. And the invitation through DHL.

Waiting to receive all these as you promised next week.
Love and Kiss,

And an e-mail back from Samull's sister. If I was at all suspicious, then I would find it strange that they both write in Tacoma 8.5, bold, italics from the same IP. She says that hearing how I am helping Samull get to the USA will make his mother live longer - ahhh, they'd better start arranging the old girl's funeral because Samull's world will be collapsing soon.

From: Joy Ubani 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004
Subject: from Your sisterinlaw joy

Hello Stephanie,

My dear sweet sisterinlaw as i have chosen to address you this time. I was so 
much delighted after going through your mail over the new developments and much 
efforts you are putting into motion to see that my brother Samull comes to USA. 
At least if my mother, your motherinlaw hears of this would increase her life span. 
As for your feeling as a woman, please, do not take it all that far, all will be 
well and both of you will be happy thereafter. That is always the feelings of 
every woman and you will not be different but keep to yourself till you husband 
comes over there, then all you are passing through now will be a talking history 
which would never comes back again. I know my brother, he is so loving and 
caring and ever ready to make you happy and joyful always.
As i said, God will see both of you make a good and happy home and will bless 
you with loving and beautiful kidds.

I would be getting in touch with you and my brother till he gets to you.
Waiting to hear from you as soon as possible.

Your sisterinlaw,

So now I start to set up the destruction of all Samull's hopes and dreams. He's getting an invitation letter mailed by Juan Freizwidatt from San Fransisco, so I'm telling him that Steffy has had to travel to San Fransisco on business with her lawyer. Imagine her dilema having to spend a weekend with this handsome, young man. She is also due to start Samull running back and forth to MoneyGram on Monday to collect $US5,000.

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004
Subject:  From Steffy in San Fransisco

Dear Samull,

Sorry this will be rushed.

I have flown up to San Fransisco today with John, my lawyer, to look at an 
investment opportunity.  The sale of the shopping mall I built has been 
finalised and the $35 million from the sale has now been deposited in my bank 
account.  After clearing the costs of building the shopping mall I have nearly 
$20 million to invest.  John has suggested that I build another shopping mall on 
a 50 acre site in Ventura Valley outside San Fransisco.

So we have flown here to look at buying the land.  We will be staying here in 
San Fransisco until Monday and flying back home to Carson City on Monday afternoon.

I have brought the signed letter of invitation for you with me and will be 
posting it by airmail from San Fransisco.  Although it does not contain your 
passport details, it does identify you by your name and address.  When you get 
your passport details I can send another one to you with a copy to the US 
Embassy if needed.

Unfortunately I will not be arriving back in Carson City until Monday evening, 
so I will be unable to send you the money I promised until Tuesday.  I will also 
be using MoneyGram to send you the money for two reasons.  First is that my bank 
are MoneyGram agents.  Second, one of the girls I worked with at the ranch sent 
some money to an orphanage in Togo by Western Union.  It went missing and she 
had to send the money again, and there were all sorts of problems.  Western 
Union never admitted that the money was collected by someone else, but the 
orphanage never received the first money transfer.

Must rush, John and I have a business meeting this evening before we are going 
out for dinner.

Thinking of you

And a copy of the letter of invitation which Juan Fieswidatt mailed to Samullfor me from San Fransisco

Samull e-mails, telling Steffy that she must send his money by Western Union. He says that no-one has lost money sent by Western Union - well that's UNTIL NOW Samull!!!!!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004
Subject: RE: from your draling samull

Dearest Steffy,
In as much as i preciate all the efforts your putting to make sure we achieved 
our heart desire of been Husband and wife in the near future. I also that God 
for the little success you are making in your business and pray that more will 
come your way. In your quest to send the money through Moneygram is not well 
with me because it would delayed in the process of withdrewal here in Benin 
Republic.It will be better with Western Union Money transfer and not will 
jeopardise it. This is what is working fast here and noone has ever said that he 
or she lost any money sent through this means. One of my friend just got some 
money through Western Union last friday from his sister in Canada and so are 
others. Therefore, I would like you to send it through this way and send the 
control Number and secret code to me or you can scan the receipt to me for 
record purpose.
Please, I would like you to fasten the transfer urgently so that i will get the 
passport then other things that follows, unless you want me to stay here till 
the end of this year all alone.
While waiting to receive the money for the passport, remine Blessed.

Love and Kiss,

Now, to start to sow seeds of suspicion Samull's mind about the chastity of his beloved Steffy.

From: [email protected]
To: Joy Ubani 
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004
Subject:  Just need someone to talk to

Dear sister-in-law Joy

I hope you don't mind me e-mailing you with all my troubles.  I found your last 
e-mail such a help, but I do seem to be losing control of my emotions.

Everything is going so well here in San Fransisco, as far as business is 
concerned.  My lawyer, John, is fantastic at negotiating, and has drafted out a 
very good deal between my company and the local City Council here.  Basically I 
will be building a large shopping mall in a new suburb that the City Of San 
Fransisco are developing, the City will be selling me 50 acres of land for the 
shopping mall development and will provide extra land around my site for car 
parking, a train station and a major bus terminal.  This will mean that my 
shopping mall will be the shopping, social and transport center of the suburb.

However, it is my relationship with John which has me so ypset and confused.  We 
have been spending so much time together I suppose, we meet for breakfast and 
talk business, we have been taking City officials out to lunch together, and 
then John and I usually have dinner together to discuss business again.  As I 
said before, John is a a very attractive young man.  He played college football, 
so he has quite a muscular build, and a fantastic personality.  I do almost wet 
my pants with desire when he touches me, like the times when he opens a door for 
me and guides me through.

But matters reached a head last night at dinner.  John had negotiated the 
outline of the deal with the City Council, and I guess we were celebrating a 
little.  We had a couple of bottles of wine with dinner.  I suppose that is why 
John felt confident to ask why I was going to marry Samull.  John knows all 
about Samull because he wrote Samull's letter of invitation and has been 
handling all the research into how Samull could get a Visa to come to the United 
States.  I said that I had fallen in love with Samull, and that I felt that I 
just wanted to settle down and start a family.  John said something like there 
were men here in America who would be only too ready to fall in love with an 
extremely attractive, intelligent and sexy woman such as me.  I demanded to know 
just where these men were because I never seem to find the right man, and he 
blushed crimson and quickly changed the subject.

So I think that John probably has a bit of a crush on me.  And I do find him so 
incredibly attractive too.  Yet I am so desparately in love with Samull, and I 
am just aching to have a baby as well.  My emotions are so confused.

Anyway, I feel better telling someone about all this.  Thank you, dear Joy.


And I send an e-mail from Steffy to Samull, without any hint of her feelings for John.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004
Subject:  With love from San Fransisco

Dear Samull,

Things are going so well here in San Fransisco.  My lawyer, John, is absolutely 
fantastic at negotiating, and he has drafted out a really great deal between my 
company and the local City Council here.

Basically I will be building a large shopping mall in a new suburb that the City 
Of San Fransisco is developing.  There will be about 60,000 houses here in this 
new suburb, all on their own piece of land of about half of an acre (that's about 
2000 square meters I understand), with schools, sportsfields and all the other 
facilities which a town of that size has.  The City will be selling me 50 acres 
of land (that's about 20 hectares) for the shopping mall development and will 
provide extra land around the site for car parking.  They want to have a train 
station and a major bus terminal as part of the development, and are building an 
exit from the freeway directly into the site.  So my shopping mall would be the 
shopping, social and transport hub of the suburb.  The have even suggested that 
they would call the suburb Coxville. Just think of that, a suburb named after me!

However this will probably mean that we would have to move to San Fransisco.  
Not immediately, but I would need to be there within four to five months.  That 
won't affect us being able to get you to the United States, where we live 
wouldn't matter at all, just as long as we're together.  However, I would want 
you to be here in the States before we moved to San Fransisco.  I would love to 
have our wedding in Carson City so that all the girls I have worked with at the 
ranch could attend.

I have also been thinking of reorganizing my own private business affairs.  I 
would of course sell my interest in the Moonlight Bunny Ranch and my investment 
properties in Carson City.  I have talked to my law firm about them opening a 
branch in San Fransisco to handle my legal work up here.

They suggested that they would make John Wesley Hardin the manager.  And because 
John has been so successful in drafting a deal with the local City Council which 
is so favourable for my company, they have offered him a partnership in the 
legal firm.  They have also offered me the chance to invest in their law firm, 
and that is attractive too because then some of the money I will be paying in 
law fees would be coming back to me as my shareholder's profits.

Now I hope you get the letter of invitation really soon, if it doesn't cover 
everything that the U.S. Embassy need we can get another one couriered to you.  
I will be sending you some money by MoneyGram on Tuesday, as soon as I return to 
Carson City.

Longing to be with you

Samull gets back, he makes a mistake and refers to the money transfer as the moneygram. OK Samull, you'll get a MoneyGram then because you can't track a MoneyGram on the net!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004
Subject: love from your darling samull

Dearest Steffy,
How is your work going on today? I know that it is not hectic at all owing to 
the fact that you are getting used to every part of it. I am also happy for the 
success you are making for your future and that of our kidds. Kudios.
I am delighted for the efforts you are putting to get us live as husband and 
wife trying to send me some money that would enable me get all that is required 
of me to be there in a short period of time.
For the money which you promised to send through moneygram, there is no problems 
whatsoever, i will be looking forward to receive it as soon as possible. Then 
the invitation letter for my interview at the USA Embassey here, i would like 
you to prepare and send it through Courrier as soon as i forward to you the 
photo copy of my International passport, as you know, time is running so fast 
unless it is not like that with you. I could not wait to see our wedding soon at 
Please, scan to me the receipt and the control number with the secret question 
and answer of the moneygram as soon as you send it tommorrow.
I wish you more success in your business contract.
Waiting to hear from you soon.
Love and Kiss,

And Samull's sister Joy replies with some sage womanly advice. However she is married with two children, so why does she have the same family name as Samull - Ubani? However, we'll play along with her.

From: Joy Ubani 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004
Subject: FROM ME JOY

Sister Steffy,
Hope all is fine with you today? Felt so happy for your new developments in 
business ventures. It is yet interesting that a woman like you could be so hard 
working to the extent of been a hug and well known contract in a big City like 
San Fransisco. That is fantasic my dear. 
Then for your emotional problems, all will be over as soon as my brother Samull 
comes over to USA. I am not telling you this because he is my brother but I know 
that he is a loving type who is always there for everything that is required 
from a man. I was also facing the same predicaments you are no before i got 
married to a very handsome young man who is so loving and caring and have given 
birth to two kidds.
My dear sisterinlaw, do not be over whelmed by the emotions you see in your 
lawyer John and miss the opportunity you are going to receive from Samull very 
soon. It is a little secrifice you have to make by keeping yourself for your 
future husband, this is anything you will have with him always.
Remember that John is your empoyee and should not make you mess up up him so 
that you will have your respect. You will not have more regard from him if you 
let yourself to him. Your womanhood is a privillegde and should not be tampered 
with because of may fances. Therefore for you to overcome this troubles, you 
have to work up all that it will take for Samull to join you over that quickly 
and both of you will live as Husband and wife forever.

More goodluck in all you endvours and Merry Xtmas in advance.
May God Almighty grant you all your heart desires.

Your sisterinlaw,

And Steffy tells Samull the details of the MoneyGram.

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004
Subject:  MoneyGram details

Dear Samull,

I went down to my bank this morning and sent you a MoneyGram.  I should have 
checked, but they said there was a limit to what I could send.  So the MoneyGram 
is for only $2,000.  I can send another one for the same amount in two days time 
however, and another one on Monday next week.

So here are the details:

Sender's name:  Stephanie M Cox
Sender's address:  Red Rock Road, Carson City, Nevada
Sender's zip code:   89705
Receiver's name:  Samull Ubani
Receiver's address:  C/No 798 Aidjedo 3
Receiver's phone number:  229-07-97-59
Amount of money transfer:  $2,000.00
Money Transfer Control Number:  40964389
Identity Question:  Steffys birthday?
Answer:  08/15/74
Paying agency:  Banque International du Benin, Agence Jericho, Cotonou


What a surprise, Samull has found that there is no MoneyGram waiting for him.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wde, 15 Dec 2004
Subject: I AM NOT HAPPY.

I am not happy this is an inbarass to me, you know that this is an goverment 
ofical so deside to late me to have insuit to the bank.
The unmber you sent to me is not correct why are you doing me like ytou 
know the love i have in you.i am not happy.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004
Subject: CALL 00229-07-97-59

CALL 00229-07-97-59.

Time for a little slap, Samull is getting to demanding. I'll try to make Steffy sound like a woman hurt. Now what does he mean that there is no MoneyGram?

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004
Subject:  I am upset


I am very upset.  What do you mean the number is not correct?  I have the 
MoneyGram receipt right here in front of me.

I do not like the tone of your e-mail!  What do you mean that I have embarrassed 
you and that it is an official Government bank?

The MoneyGram agency here in Carson City told me there is only one listed 
MoneyGram outlet in Cotonou, the Banque International du Benin, Agence Jericho, 
Cotonou.  They brought the name of that bank up on their computer screen while I 
arranged for the MoneyGram and I wrote it down so that I would get it right when 
I e-mailed you.

And how have the bank insulted you?  I would demand to speak to the manager and 
complain about how his staff has insulted you.

I have phoned my bank and they say that the money transfer has not been actioned, 
that the money is waiting for you at the Banque International du Benin in 
Cotonou.  Be a man and demand that you want your money.  Is there much 
corruption in Benin, do you have to pay the teller to cash the money transfer?

This international money transfer business is something new to me, but my bank 
was very helpful.  Here I am, trying to send money to the man I love and he is 
accusing me of all sort of things such as embarrasing him, choosing some special 
government bank as if that mattered at all, and demanding that I phone him.

Samull, you know that I stutter when I get upset, how can I phone you when you 
have made these accusations against me.  I do not even have a phone in my 
apartment, I will have to go out to the shopping center to find a call phone.

I will take the money transfer receipt that the bank gave me and get it scanned 
and I will e-mail it to you later today.

Don't you trust me?  I hope you do, because I am the woman who is going to marry 
you.  What is marriage without trust?


And this brings replies from both Samull AND his sister!

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004
Subject: from samull


Thank you for your mail, but i need a call from you or you may tell them to call 
me .

From: Joy Ubani 
To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004
Subject: FROM ME JOY

Sister Steffy,
How are you today? Pls I was not happy with what i heard from mt brother Samull 
yesterday  which you did to him. It was quit embarrassing sending to him wrong 
code number to withdraw money from moneygram bank. If you do not send money to 
him, why did you have to mess him up that way. Do'nt think that he could be 
arresyed for going to claim money from the bank which no one sent to him. Pls do 
not do such thing again to him, if you said you loves and care for his well 
Bye for now.

Oh, he could have been arrested? I'd better try to get him to go again then! Then I'll send him the "correct" number and the scan.

From: [email protected]
To: Joy Ubani 
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004

Samull, Joy,

HEY, WHAT HAVE I DONE?????  I'm trying to send money to the man I love and you 
two treat me like some criminal.  BACK OFF, HUH!!!!!

I reckon you two are as confused as a young kitten with a ball of string.

Here are the FACTS!

I sent Samull a MoneyGram money transfer.  I sent him the control number.  He 
can get the money at the Banque International du Benin.

There must be something wrong somewhere.  Are bank officials corrupt in Benin?  
Does Samull have to bribe someone to get his money?  Did he go to the right 
branch of the bank?  Did he have identification and did he know the security 
question and answer?

Sort your problems out and stop blaming me.  THE MONEY IS THERE AT THE BANK!  My 
bank showed me their MoneyGram computer system, and they brought up the transfer 
to Samull from their records and showed me that it was still unclaimed.

I was going to get the MoneyGram receipt scanned so I could send it to Samull, 
however I had an e-mail asking me to go to my lawyers and I forgot to take the 
receipt with me.

The lawyers wanted to tell me that they had received a contract from San 
Fransisco City Council for me to build and manage the whole new shopping mall 
that I told you about.  I will be signing the contract tomorrow and we will be 
having a celebration at a local restaurant tomorrow night.  The lawyers said 
that someone from San Fransisco said they were impressed with the presentation 
that John made about my plans.  They also said that they thought I was very 
brave to attend the meeting that we had in San Fransisco with my bad speech 
impediment, and that they decided to give me the contract because someone who 
has such a bad stutter has just got to be honest.  So I suppose my stuttering 
has its good side after all.

Now, I will get the MoneyGram receipt scanned and e-mailed to you later today.  
Then go down to the bank and demand your money Samull.


From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004
Subject:  oops

My darling Samull,

I am so sorry.  I have sent you the wrong control number for the money transfer.  
I feel such a foolish girl.

I got the receipt to take down town to get it scanned and I checked the number I 
sent you.  I got a six and a nine the wrong way round.  The carbon copy is just 
a bit hard to read and I made a mistake.

The correct number should be 40694389.  I will drive down town now to get the 
receipt scanned and then send you the scan.  You should have no problem getting
the money if you have a scan of the receipt.


Samull wants his money sent by Western Union.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004


I send Samull a 1 MB bitmap of my fake MG receipt. I hope it takes a long time to download and then it gets him arrested. I try to locate an e-mail contact for Banque International du Benin to warn them that a scammer will be presenting a fake MoneyGram receipt, but cannot find one.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004
Subject:  Scan of the MoneyGram receipt

My darling Samull,

Here is the scan of the MoneyGram receipt.

Also tell me exactly what happened at the MoneyGram office, I am thinking of 
complaining to my bank.

Here are all the details you need to collect your money are:

Amount of money transfer:  $2,000.00
Receiver's name:  Samull Ubani
Receiver's address:  C/No 798 Aidjedo 3, Cotonou, Benin.
Sender's name:  Stephanie M Cox
Sender's address:  Red Rock Road, Carson City, Nevada, 89705
Identity Question:  Steffys birthday?
Answer:  08/15/74
Agency for collection:  Banque International du Benin, Agence Jericho, Cotonou
Money Transfer Control Number:  40694389

All my love

Samull e-mails that he's had an embarrassing experience at the MoneyGram office. Oh dear, is it time to tell Samull the "truth" about who has been writing to him these last four months?

To: [email protected] 
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004
Subject: IS THIS A GAME?

Hello Steffy,
Thanks for the receipt without correct confirmation of the number on the said 
receipt. I have just came out from the bank with the most humiliation of my 
life. Among all the people that came to the bank today for the same moneygram 
transfer, i was the only person whose number was not correct and was embarrassed 
by the security authorities because this was the second time in two days that 
was told his transfer number is not correct. If really you sent money to me 
through this meduim and up till now was confirmed invalid, call back the money 
into your account and send if through Western Union transfer because i will be 
the last person to receive the kind of insult I experinced this afternoon. 
Moreso, I would like to have a telephone conversation with you as soon as 
possible to confirm your sincerity of love to me.
Waiting to hear from you soonest.


Before I burn Samull, i want him to have received the invitaion to come to the United States. I want him built up before he is broken down.

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2004
Subject:  I don't know what went wrong!

Dearest Samull,

I don't know what is wrong.

I will cancel the MoneyGram on Monday and send you the money by Western Union.  
I should have sent it by Western Union in the first place.

Now, about another thing.  Have you received my letter of invitation to visit 
the United States?  I want you to get a passport as soon as you get the money 
and go to the Embassy and see about getting a Visa to visit the States.  You 
must tell me as soon as you get my letter, and tell me your passport details and 
if I need to write another letter for the Embassy.

I will sort out what has happened with the MoneyGram.  I don't think my stutter 
will stop me telling my bank exactly what I think of them.

Love and kisses

I also e-mail Samull's sister Joy and tell her that Steffy has been unfaithful with her lawyer, John Wesley Hardin.

From: [email protected]
To: Joy Ubani 
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004
Subject:  No title

Dear Joy,

I don't know what to do.  I went out with my legal firm last night to celebrate 
signing the contract to build and manage the shopping mall in San Fransisco

I may have had too much to drink.  But when we left, I asked my personal lawyer 
John Wesley Hardin if he would like to come to my apartment and have coffee.

Oh Joy, one thing lead to another and he kissed me!

And I kissed him back!

And he stayed the night!

And we made love!

Oh, I was so stupid.  I love Samull so much, so much.  I want Samull to be my 
husband so desparately, to have his children.

Oh what should I do?  Everything is going wrong.  He cannot cash the money I 
sent him, and it just seems as if he is never going to get here to the United 

Love from your sister-in-law

Samull contacts Steffy again, in the weekend which is unusal.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004
Subject: darling see you on monday

Dearest steffy.
Thanks for your mail. as soon as i receive the money i would rush to get my 
passport and send it to you for my invitation letter to coming to meet you in 

Thanks and God bless you and happy xmas to you.
love and kisses,,,,,,,

I send an e-mail from Steffy to keep Samull on the boil.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004
Subject:  Just a quick note

My dearest Samull,

Just a quick note, it is Sunday afternoon here and I am meeting a girlfriend for 
coffee soon.

I will be going to my bank early tomorrow morning to find out what is going 
wrong with the money transfer at MoneyGram.

And have you received my letter of invitation yet?  Let me know as soon as you 
get it.

Love and kisses, missing you terribly,

It seems as if I've forgotten the terrorist scare! Samull has a name similar to that of a known terrorist - Yeah right!.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004
Subject:  Trouble with MoneyGram!

My darling Samull,

I have been to the bank and they tracked the cause of your MoneyGram problems.

MoneyGram apparently has a list of terrorist suspects that the Department of 
Homeland Security issues.  They are not allowed to send money transfers to 
anyone on that list.

Your name, Samull Ubani, is similar to one of the names used by a suspected 
terrorist financier, Samuel Ubane.  Until your money transfer is approved by the 
Department of Homeland Security, your money will not be released.

Do you have to produce identification when you cash a MoneyGram?  Can I send you 
the money as Samull Bayo?

Also, have you received the letter of invitation I sent you?  Tell me when you 
receive it, and if there are any changes needed to it to meet the Embassy 

I have my lawyer working on clearing your name with the Department of Homeland 
Security right now.

I cannot wait until I hold you in my arms sweet Samull,
Love and kisses,

But Samull is not prepared to go to the bank again.

To: [email protected] 
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004
Subject: darling see you on monday

pls i dont have any other thing to say if you want to see me to be with you. or 
you love me. you can send the money ture werstern union money transfer for me ok. 
i would never try my self go to the bank agian.

I'll have to tell him that Western Union won't send the money to him either, maybe he will have to fill in a form.

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004
Subject:  Money transfer trouble

My dearest Samull,

I have checked with Western Union.  They have your name, or a name similar to 
your name, on the list of suspected terrorists issued by the Department of 
Homeland Security too.  They say they cannot send you a money transfer until the 
Department of Homeland Security clears your name.

Apparently, the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly.  It is a lot easier to get 
someone's name put on the list of terrorist suspects and sympathisers than it is 
to get someone's name taken off the list.

And what annoys me is that it is not even your name, it is spelt slightly 
differently.  I have John Wesley Hardin working on clearing your name now.

But in the mean time I do not seem able to send you money by either MoneyGram or 
Western Union.

My darling Samull, please tell me when you receive the letter of invitation.  
The mail to Benin seems to take forever, I posted that letter in San Fransisco 
on the 10th December and it is the 20th already.  Do you think it is lost?  
Should I send another one?

Love and kisses

I now start to have problems logging into Steffy's hotmail account, so I change to using her Yahoo account.

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004
Subject:  I have had to change my e-mail address

My darling Samull,

I have had trouble getting into my hotmail account.  So I am using this Yahoo 
account to get in touch with you.

I haven't been able to read any mail since I sent you a message on Monday.  
Please send me any e-mails that you have sent me since then to this address.

Have you received the invitation letter I sent you?  It seems as if it's taking 
forever to get to you.

I have my lawyer working urgently on getting your name cleared with the 
Department of Homeland Security.  Not only is it impossible to send you money 
transfers, but having your name on the Department of Homeland Security list of 
suspected terrorists would also stop you from getting a Visa to visit the United 

We might have to get you to fill in some forms to be able to send some money to 
you, I will find out more details and let you know.

Please send all your e-mails to me at this address.

Love and kisses, missing you

Samull sends me several e-mails. He sends a photo of his late father and of his father's coffin, he wishes me a "happy xams", and comes up with yet another name to use at MoneyGram or Western Union.

To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004
Subject: sweethart think about this

Darling steffy,

This is the picture berial of my good father Mr ubani, who is dead now,

why i send this, is that you ade a promise to me after all this you are just 
using me any how you like i am from a very good family not becouse that i have 
lose my good father is why you are doing me like this, think about this,and GOD 
bless you,
love from samull ubani

To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004
Subject: happy xams

Darling steffy,

Thank you for your mail, hope all is well with you and your bussiness,about the 
invitatoin letter i have not seen ony one i tould you to send it ture DHL so 
that it will rich me in time.
remeber that the invitation my passport information will be there before sending 
So you may use this name and send money for me me ture western union money 
transfer.CHINO UBANI darling use this name and send the money for me by 
tomorrow, would like me to be here in Africa in this xmas, i will like to be 
with you in USA,
Thanks i will be waiting to hear good news from you,
samull ubani

To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004
Subject: happy xams

darling steffy,

can you see my problem so you promise you dont want to help me as your husband 
to be,

From: "SAMULL UBANI" To: [email protected] Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 Subject: darling i am with you steffy darling, many thanks for your mail, infart i am so lovely where you are i know that all is not our fort everything is from GOD,i have no problem with you only that i put all my love in you as my good wife to be, hope you receive the mail i sent to you last, please darling comfarm and get back to me, then use the name i send to you and send the money for me ture western union money transfer here in benin rep, the name is CHINO UBANI i am expacting the western union tomorrow my sweetheart, have no money with me here as of now, but remeber that you promise to send me money after 3months i am stell waiting for you, Thanks and God bless you, love and kiss,,,, samull

I finally send an e-mail to Samull telling him the truth that Steffy has been hiding from him for the last four months.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2004
Subject:  Something I must tell you

My darling Samull,

I have some thing I have to tell you.  I know I should have told you before, but 
I just haven't had the courage to tell you.

I am not completely what I seem to be.  My real name is Stephen Michael Cox.  
Though I was born a man, I have always believed that I was a woman trapped 
inside a man's body.  Nearly eight years ago I had a sex change operation and 
changed my name to Stephanie Michelle Cox.

The operation, and the hormone tablets that I take, have been so successful that 
for the last seven years I have lived as a woman.  The woman's parts that the 
Doctors created work perfectly, apart from making me able to have children.  
But we could adopt children if we wanted a family Samull.

In fact the sex change operation was so successful that I was able to earn my 
living working as a very exclusive, high class prostitute in a brothel here in 
Carson City.  Not one of my customers realised that I was a man who had had a 
sex change operation.  One thing that could not be changed much by the sex 
change operation was my voice.  My customers at the brothel thought that my 
husky voice was sexy.  But that was why I never wanted to talk to you on the 

I know this will be a shock to you Samull.  But it will not prevent you coming 
to the United States, I am a resident of the States and I have legally changed 
my name to Stephanie Michelle Cox so I can still invite you here.  And though we 
will not be able to legally marry, we can live happily together as man and wife 
in San Fransisco.

Please forgive me for keeping this secret from you for so long my darling Samull.

Thinking of you, and our being together,

Samull can only focus on the Western Union!

To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004
Subject: darling i am with you 

steffy darling,
many thanks for your mail, infart i am so lovely where you are i know that all 
is not our fort everything is from GOD,i have no problem with you only that i 
put all my love in you as my good wife to be, hope you receive the mail i sent 
to you last, please darling comfarm and get back to me, then use the name i send 
to you and send the money for me ture western union money transfer here in benin 
rep, the name is CHINO UBANI i am expacting the western union tomorrow my 
sweetheart, have no money with me here as of now, but remeber that you promise 
to send me money after 3months i am stell waiting for you,
Thanks and God bless you,
love and kiss,,,,

To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004
Subject: darling have you send the money for me

hello steffy darling,
pls what is wroung? i want to know, why i never hear from you for two days, 
have you send the money to me my good darling pls i want to know so that i can 
be eble to do my passport,
waiting to hear from you my sweetheart,

So Steffy had better resend the e-mail she sent on Wednesday! Samull still doesn't seem to have received it! Steffy also sends some Western Union money transfer details.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2004
Subject:  Re: darling have you send the money for me - YES!!!

My darling Samull,

You don't seem to have received my e-mail which I sent on Tuesday to you.  Here 
it is again, it is important that I tell you what I haven't been telling you 
until now.

I have some thing I have to tell you.  I know I should have told you before, but 
I just haven't had the courage to tell you.

I am not completely what I seem to be.  My real name is Stephen Michael Cox.  
Though I was born a man, I have always believed that I was a woman trapped 
inside a man's body.  Nearly eight years ago I had a sex change operation and 
changed my name to Stephanie Michelle Cox.

The operation, and the hormone tablets that I take, have been so successful that 
for the last seven years I have lived as a woman.  The woman's parts that the 
Doctors created work perfectly, apart from making me able to have children.  
But we could adopt children if we wanted a family Samull.

In fact the sex change operation was so successful that I was able to earn my 
living working as a very exclusive, high class prostitute in a brothel here in 
Carson City.  Not one of my customers realised that I was a man who had had a 
sex change operation.  One thing that could not be changed much by the sex 
change operation was my voice.  My customers at the brothel thought that my 
husky voice was sexy.  But that was why I never wanted to talk to you on the 

I know this will be a shock to you Samull.  But it will not prevent you coming 
to the United States, I am a resident of the States and I have legally changed 
my name to Stephanie Michelle Cox so I can still invite you here.  And though we 
will not be able to legally marry, we can live happily together as man and wife 
in San Fransisco.

Please forgive me for keeping this secret from you for so long my darling Samull.

And darling Samull, yes I have sent you some money.  It is just after six 
o'clock here and I have just got home from town after arranging for another 
money transfer to you.  Because of the trouble with your name, I have sent it to 
Chino Ubani, I have sent it by Western Union, and I have sent it "special secure 
delivery".  That means it is not listed on the Western Union website.  This is 
something Western Union are starting to do for money transfers going to Nigeria, 
because they have such a large number of money transfers which are stolen there.

The money transfer deatils are:

Sender's name:  Stephanie M Cox
Sender's address:  Red Rock Road, Carson City, Nevada
Sender's zip code:   89705
Receiver's name:  Chino Ubani
Receiver's address:  C/No 798 Aidjedo 3
Receiver's phone number:  229-07-97-59
Amount of money transfer:  $2,000.00
Money Transfer Control Number:  9144069713
Identity Question:  Steffys birthday?
Answer:  08/15/74

I hope you can claim the money tomorrow, before Christmas, my darling Samull.

Thinking of you, and our being together,

Now I must guess that the money transfer wasn't at the Western Union agency either. Either that or Samull finally got the news about Steffy's sex change operation.

To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004
Subject: let the insuit be back to you steffy,

Thank you for your insuit is not me you are insuiting your self steffy,,,,,,,,,,
you send money to your generation not me,
get offfff,,,,,,,,,,,, my father will see you ture for your life,
bye for you,

Finally I get to tell Samull that he has been baited! And I finally get to start an e-mail "This e-mail may come as a surprise to you."

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2004
Subject:  Re: darling have you send the money for me - YES!!!


This e-mail may come as a surprise to you.  My name is Steve Trafalgar and I 
have been playing with you for the last four months.

You see, you scammed me earlier this year.  I sent $500 to Barrister Sanni 
Adebayo before I found out that I was being scammed.  Someone took that money.  
Maybe someone from your gang cashed the money transfer and never told you.

Then one day four months ago I received the identical e-mail that that you had 
sent me earlier.  But you sent it to another e-mail address that I use.  Your 
"bank" and your "lawyers" were the same.

I decided to teach you a lesson.  I created an e-mail address in the name of 
Steffy Cox and sent back my first reply to you.

Steffy Cox is just an imaginery person, someone I made up.

You fell for my trap like a fish swallowing a hook.

You stupid man!  You fell in love with Steffy Cox.  But Steffy Cox never existed!

You travelled to Lagos to meet her, and she was never going to be there.

You have e-mailed Robert Zimmerman about getting a special Visa, and he doesn't 
exist.  The Provisional Matirmonial Visa doesn't exist either.

You thought you had received an invitation to visit the United States.  The 
United States does not give Visas to internet scammers.  I have e-mailed the 
United States Embassy in Benin and told them about you.

You have been to the bank twice to collect a MoneryGram money transfer, but that 
money was never sent to you.

The photos of Steffy which you loved so much were images that I found on the 
internet of a prostitute from Nevada.

I just hope this has taught you a lesson.  The Bible says, "Thou shalt not 
steal."  Internet scamming is stealing.  You are a thief.  There is no other way 
of looking at what you do.  THIEF!!!

Change your ways, get a job.  If you continue scamming, then you will never know 
if I am the next victim you try to steal money from.  I might just make you 
travel to Lagos again, or somewhere else.  But one thing I would surely do, I 
would make a fool of you again.

Samull Ubani, I have tricked you.  You are a fool.  MUGU !!!!!

I am bored with you, little man.  You are nothing.  You are insignificant.  I 
have had my revenge.  And just in case your sister Joy exists, I have sent a 
copy of this e-mail to her.

Steve Trafalgar.

Samull replies, now is this a death threat I see before me?

To: [email protected]
Date: Wed 29 Dec 2004
Subject: good love

mumu like you,
i deed not have any sister writing to you is only me you are stell mumu to me ,
i deed not travel to nigeria becouse of you , am also in nigeria doing all this 
for you as mumu you are, fuck you mother fucker, tell you die,
fuck you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Well one death threat deserves another ....

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004
Subject:  Read this carefully!


So you sent me a threat that I should die?  A pitiful weak threat, a mosquito 
bite of a threat, a figment of your imagination.  But you should never have 
threatened me little man!

I have talked to an elderly Kamatua, a wise man in the local Maori tribe here.  
I took him a print out of your last e-mail message, and he says that it was 
enough for him to put a curse on you.  He is a very powerful Kamatua.  He is 
what some people would call a medicine man or a witch doctor, but more powerful, 
much more powerful and knowledgable in the secrets of the ancient Maori of New 
Zealand and the Pacific Islands.  He is greatly respected and greatly feared by 
the local Maori people.

He called on the spirits of the ancestors of his tribe, he called on the ancient 
Gods of the Maori of New Zealand, and he called on the Tangata Whenua (the 
people of the land).  He cursed you Samull Ubani, he has cast upon you a curse 
of death, he used a powerful curse of death on you which cost me 60 goats.

You will get sick.  Maybe you have noticed that you have been coughing lately.  
You will get sicker and sicker, you will get weaker and weaker, and then you 
will die.  Say goodbye to your family Samull, in a couple of months they will be 
burying you.

Taumata whaka tangi hanga koauau tamatea piki maunga horonuku pokai whenua 
kitana tahu - the Maori curse of death.  Only the Kamatua who placed this curse 
on you can remove it.

Goodbye Samull

Steve Trafalgar

And another e-mail to Samull. another insult.

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004
Subject:  Sorry Samull

Samull, a message in your own language for you.

Amu jie gi, nkita tabiekwa gi amu,and agwo tupiakwa gi amu

Ama nna gi chiekwa.

And are you feeling sick now?

Remember that the Maori words, "Taumata whaka tangi hanga koauau tamatea piki 
maunga horonuku pokai whenua kitana tahu" mean you will die!

Steve Trafalgar

But Samull comes back one last time.

To: [email protected]
Date: Mon 03 Jan 2005
Subject: greed man

greed man my good GOD will see you ture you greed man 

So I send another e-mail to Samull to remind him of the curse I have placed on him. I do so hope that Samull is superstitious.

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue 04 Jan 2005
Subject:  RE: greed man 

Dear Samull,

I hope you are not too uncomfortable.  You will be noticing how often you are 
coughing these days.  This is only the start of your illness.  You will soon 
find that you wake in the night covered with sweat.  Your cough will get worse.  
Your skin will get itchy.

It usually takes about 3 to 4 months for a victim of the Kaumata's curse to die.  
And God cannot help you, this ancient curse is older than the Christian religion.

So it is me who really has to say goodbye to you.

Goodbye Samull. I hope your illness is quick and you die peacefully.

Steve Trafalgar.

And one final e-mail, based on the hope that Samull is superstitious and will indeed be feeling the symptoms of the curse I have laid upon him.

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu 13 Jan 2005
Subject:  20 of the goats are dead

Dear Samull,

I am e-mailing you to tell you that the Kaumata has told me that so far he has 
killed and eaten 20 of the goats that I gave him for putting a death curse on 
you.  It is the belief of the ancient Maori wisemen that once all of the goats 
have been killed and eaten then the curse will become final.

Unluckily for you, the Kaumata has a large family which visited him over 
Christmas and the New Year.  He killed many of the goats to feed his relations.

He tells me that you should already be noticing some of these symptoms:

Dry, sore throat
Night-time sweating
Aching muscles
Stomach upsets
Sore eyes
Itchy skin
Feeling of weakness

Anyway, the Kaumata has invited my workmates around to his Marae, his tribal 
place, for a feast.  He laughed when I asked what we would be eating, he said it 
would be goat cooked in a traditional hangi, heated stones buried with the food 
which steam cooks over two or three hours.

Steve Trafalgar

I receive no further e-mails from Samull. The bait is over.


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